Rice Allergy

Rice Allergy: 8 Foods to Avoid and The Substitutes

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Updated on May 1, 2024

Navigating the dietary restrictions that come with a rice allergy can be a challenging journey, especially when rice is a global dietary staple hidden in various forms within numerous cuisines and products.

 For those diagnosed with this particular food allergy, awareness and education about potential sources of rice in their diet become crucial to avoid allergic reactions. Rice, often hailed for its versatility and hypoallergenic qualities, can indeed be the antagonist for individuals with this specific sensitivity.

This article is aimed at helping you get your head around rice allergies and identifying those pesky triggers potentially lurking in your meals. Intriguing, isn’t it? Well then, let’s crack on!

Grains of Caution: Understanding Rice Allergy and Recognising Its Symptoms

A rice allergy occurs when the body’s immune system erroneously identifies proteins found in rice as harmful, leading to an overreaction that causes symptoms ranging from mild to severe. This can happen with all types of rice, including white, brown, and wild varieties. Recognising the symptoms of a rice allergy is crucial for timely intervention and management.


Immune System Reaction to Rice

An immune system reaction to rice involves an abnormal response by the body’s natural defence system to proteins found in rice. In those with a rice allergy, the immune system mistakenly identifies specific rice proteins as harmful invaders, much like it would bacteria or viruses, and mounts an attack. This response can cause a variety of symptoms, varying from moderate to severe, and it can occur immediately or several hours after consuming rice or rice-containing goods.

Common Symptoms of Rice Allergy

If you love food but feel sick after eating rice, you might have a rice allergy. Let’s talk about some of the common signs:

  • Itchy skin: This is one of the most frequent signs. Your skin might feel like it’s on fire!
  • A rash or hives: If you see red spots popping up on your skin, this could be caused by rice.
  • Stomach problems: Bloating and pain in your tummy can be linked to a rice allergy.
  • Feeling tired all the time: Fatigue symptoms are another telltale sign.
  • Trouble breathing: Rice allergies can lead to asthma or other breathing issues.
  • Anaphylaxis: This is a rare but dangerous reaction. If it happens to you, get help right away!

Foods to Avoid If You Have a Rice Allergy

If you have been diagnosed with a rice allergy, it’s imperative to avoid rice in all its forms. This can be a daunting task, given how prevalent rice is in various cuisines and products. Here’s a comprehensive list of foods and items that typically contain rice, which should be avoided:


Cereals and Granola Bars Containing Rice

Cereals and granola bars often have rice in them. For people with a rice allergy, this can be a problem. Eating these foods could make them feel sick because of the rice proteins. Even brown rice can cause an upset stomach.

If you don’t feel well after eating these things, it may be due to a rice sensitivity. To avoid feeling ill, try not to eat cereals or granola bars made with any type of rice.

Rice Cakes

Rice Allergy
Rice Allergy – Rice Cake

Don’t eat rice cakes if you have a rice allergy. They are made from puffed-up grains of rice. You might discover that they can start an allergic reaction because they still have bits of the protein that people with a rice allergy react to.

Even though they are considered a healthy choice due to being low in calories and salt, for someone with a rice allergy, these round snacks may not be safe.

Cookies Made with Rice Flour

Rice flour is a key part of many foods, including cookies. Yes, cookies made with rice flour are loved by many people for their light and crisp taste. But if you have a rice allergy, these lovely treats can cause problems.

The proteins in rice tend to trigger your immune system response if you’re allergic. So, those yummy gluten-free cookies that use rice flour might not be safe for you! It’s best to say no to them until your doctor says it’s okay.

Eating such foods could lead to harmful reactions if you have a grain allergy or protein intolerance due to cross-reactivity with other grains like wheat and corn. Staying away from these sweet treats can help keep bad health at bay!

Rice Pudding

Rice pudding is off-limits for those with a rice allergy. It’s a common dish that pops up in many places. You could find it at the store, at a friend’s house or even at school! This treat can cause an allergic reaction to rice because it has rice as its main part.

There was once a very bad case after someone ate some of this sweet dish and got sick really fast. Indian sweets like kheer are also tricky because they look different but have the same problem: too much rice! Stay safe by saying no to dishes like these if you have trouble with rice.

Rice Allergy
Rice Allergy – Rice Pudding

Rice Milk

Rice milk is often used instead of common allergenic ingredients like cow’s milk. This makes it hard to have most dairy-free foods and drinks.

Rice milk is also linked with Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES), mostly seen in babies and young children. So, care must be taken not to feed them rice milk if they show signs of rice intolerance or other food sensitivities.

Just as for adults, it can cause allergic reactions, too! Even though some might find it challenging, you must avoid this nondairy milk alternative if you are allergic to rice-based products.

Certain Baby Foods

It’s important to know that certain baby foods can trigger rice allergies. This includes baby rice cereal and other products that contain rice. If you or your child is allergic to rice, it’s best to avoid these foods to prevent any adverse reactions.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends introducing allergy-causing foods like rice when babies are ready. Still, if there is a known allergy, it’s better to wait and seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

Also, some baby foods may contain inorganic arsenic, which can act as an immunotoxin. So always be cautious and read labels carefully before feeding your little one anything with rice in it.

Rice Bread

Rice bread is a form of bread in which rice is one of the key ingredients. Unfortunately, if you have a rice allergy, it’s important to avoid consuming rice bread. This is because eating rice or foods made with rice can trigger an allergic reaction in your immune system.

Bloating and stomach discomfort after eating rice-containing foods are classic symptoms of a rice allergy. It’s critical to be aware of this and to carefully check product labels to ensure that any bread you eat contains no rice, including rice flour or derivatives.

Foods That Have Been Exposed to or Contaminated with Rice

It’s important for people with rice allergies to be aware of foods that may have come into contact with or been contaminated with rice. This includes grain-based foods like cereals, granola bars, and cereal products, as well as other food items that contain rice flour, rice bran, or rice syrup.

Ingredient contamination is a risk that individuals with rice allergies need to consider when choosing their meals and snacks. Reading food labels carefully is crucial in identifying these ingredients and avoiding any potential reactions.

It’s always best to choose gluten-free alternatives and be mindful of cross-contamination risks when dining out or purchasing pre-packaged products.

Rice Substitutes and Alternatives

For individuals with a rice allergy or those simply looking to diversify their grain consumption, there are numerous rice substitutes and alternatives that can provide variety and nutrition to meals. Here’s a list of some popular rice alternatives:



Quinoa is a great alternative to rice if you have a rice allergy. It’s often used in recipes as a substitute for rice, and it’s packed with protein. Quinoa is also gluten-free, just like brown rice, and it has minerals and fibre that are good for your body.

If you’re allergic to quinoa or can’t tolerate saponins found in it, there are other grains you can try instead. These alternative grains include buckwheat, corn, potatoes, oats, and wheat.

So, even if you can’t eat rice or quinoa, there are still plenty of healthy grain options available for you to enjoy!

Rice Allergy
Rice Allergy


Buckwheat is a good option for people with rice allergies. It can be used as a substitute for foods like rice, oats, barley, and rye if you are allergic to wheat. However, it’s important to note that buckwheat itself is considered a serious food allergen and can cause severe reactions in some individuals.

Cross-reactivity between buckwheat and rice seeds has been reported, meaning that if you are allergic to rice, you may also have an adverse reaction to buckwheat. Additionally, cross-reactivity between buckwheat and natural rubber latex has also been observed.

So, if you have allergies or sensitivities to these substances, it’s best to avoid buckwheat as well.


Corn can be a good substitute for rice if you have a rice allergy. It is considered an alternative grain that you can use instead of rice. However, it’s important to note that some people may also have allergies to corn, although it’s not as common as other food allergies.

If you’re avoiding rice due to an allergy, make sure to stay away from corn-based products like cornflakes, corn flour, and cornmeal. You should also avoid ingredients derived from corn, such as corn syrup and corn sugar.

Remember to read food labels carefully and seek guidance from a healthcare professional if needed when managing a rice allergy.

Rice Allergy
Rice Allergy – Corn


Potatoes can be a great substitute for rice if you have a rice allergy. They are versatile and can be used in various dishes like mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, or potato salads.

You can also make hash browns or french fries using potatoes instead of rice-based products. It’s important to note that individuals with potato allergies should consider alternatives like cauliflower, yuca, or turnips.

However, avoiding potatoes completely might be challenging since they are present in many processed foods. When consuming potatoes, it’s best to avoid unhealthy additives like butter, sour cream, and bacon bits.


Oats can be a great substitute for rice if you have a rice allergy. They are gluten-free, so they’re safe for people with celiac disease or wheat allergies. Oatmeal is also considered a safer option for infants and children with allergies.

If you’re sensitive to oats, though, you might experience symptoms when eating rice as well. You can enjoy oats with dairy or soy milk as an alternative to rice-based products.

Rice Allergy: A Comprehensive Guide to Foods to Avoid
Rice Allergy – Oats


Wheat bread, pasta, and other wheat-based foods can cause allergic reactions in people with this allergy. It’s important to carefully read food labels to check for any hidden wheat sources.

Gluten-free alternatives like corn or rice-based products are generally safe options for those with rice allergies. If you have both a wheat and a rice allergy, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals for appropriate dietary guidance.

Managing Rice Allergy

The task of managing a rice allergy is not just about avoidance but also about education and adaptation. It’s a lifestyle that entails a deep understanding of food content, a dialogue with food manufacturers and restaurants, and an awareness of how this allergy impacts daily living. 

With a growing number of resources and alternatives available, individuals with a rice allergy can maintain a balanced and enjoyable diet while ensuring their health and well-being remain paramount.

Reading Food Labels Carefully

Rice Allergy
Rice Allergy – Food Label

When managing a rice allergy, reading food labels carefully is crucial. By doing so, you can identify any potential allergens such as rice flour, rice bran, or rice syrup in the ingredient list.

It’s important to pay attention not only to the main ingredients but also to any “may contain” advisory panels on both food and non-food products. This will help you avoid foods that may have come into contact with or are contaminated with rice, reducing the risk of an allergic reaction.

So remember, take the time to read those labels and make informed choices about what you eat.

Following a Rice-Free Diet

If you have a rice allergy, it’s important to follow a rice-free diet. Here are some tips to help you manage your allergy:

  • Read food labels carefully: Look out for ingredients like rice flour, rice bran, or any form of rice that may be listed in the product.
  • Avoid rice-containing foods: Stay away from cereals and granola bars that contain rice, as well as rice cakes and cookies made with rice flour.
  • Stay away from certain baby foods: Some baby foods may contain rice or be cross-contaminated with it. Check the labels before feeding them to your little one.
  • Be cautious of foods that may have come into contact with or contaminated with rice: This includes dishes served at restaurants or parties where there is a chance of cross-contamination.
  • Seek guidance from a healthcare professional: If you suspect you have a rice allergy, consult with a doctor or allergist for proper diagnosis and advice on managing your condition.
  • Consider alternatives: There are plenty of other grains and starches you can enjoy instead of rice. Quinoa, buckwheat, corn, potatoes, oats, and wheat are some examples.
  • Reintroduce rice under medical supervision if desired: If you want to reintroduce rice into your diet after avoiding it for some time, do so under the guidance of a healthcare professional who can monitor your reaction.

Seeking Guidance from a Healthcare Professional

If you have a rice allergy, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for guidance. They can help diagnose your allergy and provide valuable information on managing it. They will also be able to advise you on which foods to avoid and how to read food labels carefully. Seeking their guidance is crucial for your overall health and well-being.

Healthcare professionals are knowledgeable about food allergies and can recommend treatment options if needed. They may also suggest reintroducing rice under medical supervision if desired so you can assess whether your body has developed tolerance over time.

Remember, each person’s situation is unique, so consulting a doctor will ensure that you receive personalised advice tailored to your specific needs.

Reintroducing Rice Under Medical Supervision if Desired

If you manage a rice allergy and want to try eating rice again, it’s important to do it with medical supervision. This helps ensure your safety and allows for careful monitoring of any possible allergic reactions.

Reintroducing rice under medical guidance can be considered as part of the management plan for your allergy.

In conclusion, if you have a rice allergy, it’s important to be aware of the foods to avoid. Stay away from cereals and granola bars with rice, rice cakes, cookies made with rice flour, rice pudding, rice milk, certain baby foods, and even foods that may have come into contact with or contaminated with rice. Remember to read food labels carefully and seek guidance from a healthcare professional to manage your allergy effectively.

Rice Allergy
Rice Allergy – Rice products


u003cstrongu003eWhat are the symptoms of a rice allergy?u003c/strongu003e

Symptoms of a rice allergy can include hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and digestive issues such as nausea or diarrhoea.

u003cstrongu003eCan I still eat foods that contain traces of rice if I have a rice allergy?u003c/strongu003e

No, it is important for individuals with a rice allergy to completely avoid all foods that contain even small trace amounts of rice to prevent allergic reactions.

u003cstrongu003eWhat are some common foods to avoid if I have a rice allergy?u003c/strongu003e

Common foods to avoid if you have a rice allergy include: u003cbru003e- Rice (white, brown, or wild), u003cbru003e- Rice cakesu003cbru003e- Crackersu003cbru003e- Pastau003cbru003e- Noodlesu003cbru003e- Milku003cbru003e- Syrupu003cbru003e- Oilu003cbru003e- Vinegar flouru003cbru003e- Starchu003cbru003e- Branu003cbru003e- Wineu003cbru003e- Beeru003cbru003e- Breaded productsu003cbru003e- Rice vinegaru003cbru003e- Fried tempura batteru003cbru003e- Snacksu003cbru003e- Gluten-free products with unknown ingredients

u003cstrongu003eAre there any hidden sources of rice in packaged food products?u003c/strongu003e

Yes, there may be hidden sources of rice in packaged food goods; therefore, read ingredient labels carefully before eating them, such as:u003cbru003eBaby cerealsu003cbru003eFormulas foodsu003cbru003eSnacksu003cbru003ePlant-based milku003cbru003eGluten-free baked goodsu003cbru003eChipsu003cbru003eCrackersu003cbru003eFlavored drinksu003cbru003eSaucesu003cbru003eDressings

u003cstrongu003eIf I suspect I have a rice allergy, what should I do?u003c/strongu003e

Suppose you feel you have a rice allergy and have symptoms after consuming anything containing or potentially containing any type of goods made from rice. In that case, it is important to consult a doctor. Consult an allergist to determine whether you are allergic to rice or simply sensitive to it. If you are intolerant to rice, u003ca href=u0022https://amazingfoodanddrink.com/rice-allergy-food-to-avoid/u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eyou should still avoid itu003c/au003e. 

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