High-Allergy Foods

High-Allergy Foods for Babies: A Guide for Parents

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Updated on May 1, 2024

It can be challenging for most parents to navigate the sea of potential allergens when introducing solid foods to their babies. Introducing new foods to your child is an exciting milestone, but proceed with caution, especially when it comes to high-allergy foods.

Allergies develop when the body’s immune system misinterprets a normally harmless substance as dangerous. Food allergies can cause hives, skin rashes, upset stomach, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal reaction.

Here are some common high-allergy foods for babies, tips for how to introduce them safely to your baby and everything else you need to know about.

High Allergy Foods for Baby

When it comes to babies, certain foods have a higher risk of causing allergic reactions. These high-allergy foods, often referred to as “highly allergenic” or “common food allergens,” include:

Cow’s Milk

high-allergy foods
High-Allergy Foods – Milk

You might have noticed that cow’s milk is a big issue for many babies. It’s often the first food allergy to pop up in infants and young ones. Milk protein causes it, so we call it a milk protein allergy (CMPA). That is why it is considered a high-allergy food for babies.

It usually shows up before your child turns one. In fact, dairy foods like cow’s milk are a leading cause of food allergies among babies! Still, don’t stress too much- most children outgrow this allergy once they grow older.


High-Allergy Foods
High-Allergy Foods – Eggs

Eggs often lead to high-allergy food for babies. Kids can react to both the yolk and the white part of an egg. Most times, it’s not safe for kids with an allergy to chicken eggs to eat duck or goose eggs either.

Babies should get their first taste of eggs by 12 months old. Make sure they are well-cooked. This helps ensure your baby doesn’t grow up with this common food allergy.


Peanuts are a common high-allergy food for babies in the United States. Some parents don’t know this, but early feeding of peanuts can lower the chances of nut allergy in later years.

Does your baby show signs of being sensitive to peanuts? Don’t worry! They might still eat walnuts, pecans and other tree nuts without any problem. On the other hand, if your child has a proven peanut allergy, keep away from foods with peanuts or peanut bits inside them.

A fancy name like Arachis oil on a label is just another way to say “peanut oil”. So steer clear from it, too!

High-Allergy Foods
High-Allergy Foods – Peanuts

Tree Nuts

Tree nuts are one of the main high-allergy foods for babies and adults. They include many different types, 18 in fact, like almonds and walnuts. Some people can eat peanuts but have trouble with tree nuts because they’re not the same thing: peanuts are legumes! It’s tricky to avoid them because they are in many dishes.

Food lovers must know what’s inside every meal to avoid this common food allergy.


Wheat is a big worry for many. It’s one of the high-allergy foods for babies. In fact, it’s so bad that our friends at the FDA list wheat as a main allergen! This means it’s more likely to cause an allergic reaction.

These reactions can take different forms. Some kids might get sick after exercising if they’ve eaten wheat first. Others may react just from breathing in wheat dust! You see, what makes wheat risky is gluten.

When we add this to a baby’s food, there are concerns about how their little bodies will react.

High-Allergy Foods
High-Allergy Foods – Wheat


Shellfish is a common high-allergy food for babies and adults. This group includes seafood such as shrimp, crab and lobster. It also covers other water animals like clams, oysters and mussels.

Eating even a tiny amount of shellfish can cause big problems if you are allergic to it.

Some people feel sick right away after eating shellfish. Others may have signs much later. Shellfish allergy can be very dangerous, with severe reactions like anaphylactic shock happening in many cases.

Epinephrine helps stop this, but you must use it quickly! Like milk or nut allergies, most people do not grow out of being allergic to shellfish. It’s something they deal with their whole lives!

High-Allergy Foods
High-Allergy Foods – Shellfish

Guidelines for Introducing High-Allergy Foods to Babies

Weaning your child onto solid foods is a huge milestone filled with many exciting moments as they experience new tastes and textures. However, it also brings the challenge of introducing high-allergy foods, which can be a source of anxiety for many parents. Given the potential severity of allergic reactions, it’s important to approach this stage with careful consideration and informed strategies.

When introducing high-allergy foods to babies, it is important to follow these tips for a successful and safe experience.

Here are some good ways to start offering high-allergy foods to babies:

  • Wait until your baby is at least four months old before trying solid foods. This rule applies even more strictly for babies who may have a higher risk of allergies and are only fed on breast milk.
  • Start with a tiny amount. When you first give your baby a new type of food, it’s best not to offer much. This can help stop a bad allergic reaction from happening.
  • The best age for most babies to try foods known for causing allergies is between four and six months. Experts say this can help lower the chance that your baby will develop an allergy.
  • But, if your baby isn’t thought to be at high risk of allergies, wait until they’re around six months old before giving them other types of food apart from milk.
  • It’s important to remember signs that tell you your little one is ready for more than just milk in their diet.
  • Make sure to introduce foods known as common allergens like peanuts and eggs between six and twelve months old, keeping them regular parts of meals once they’re added to the menu.

Introducing high-allergy foods to your baby is an important step, and it’s best to do it at the right time. Here are some key things to know:

Start When Introducing Solids

 High-allergy foods should be introduced when you begin giving your baby solid foods, usually around 6 months of age.

Wait Until 4 Months

It’s important not to introduce high-allergy foods before the age of 4 months, as babies’ immune systems may not be ready yet.

High-Allergy Foods
High-Allergy Foods

Consider Family History

If you have a family history of allergic diseases, like asthma or eczema, your baby may have a higher risk of developing allergies. In this case, you should introduce allergenic foods with caution.

Offer Non-choking Forms

When introducing high-allergy foods like peanuts or eggs, make sure they’re in non-choking forms appropriate for your baby’s age and development.

Introduce allergies in the morning: 

Because most allergy reactions occur within two hours after consumption, allergenic foods should be offered earlier in the day.

Gradual Introduction and Monitoring for Allergies

When introducing high-allergy foods to babies, it’s important to do it gradually and monitor for any signs of allergies. Start with less allergenic foods and slowly introduce more common food allergens over time.

Use single-ingredient foods and avoid multiple-ingredient combinations to minimise the risk of an allergic reaction. Giving only a small amount of potential allergens to babies is also recommended.

Following these steps can help decrease the chance of food allergies in infants and ensure their safety as they explore new flavours and textures.

Food Allergies in Babies: Signs and Symptoms

Food allergies in babies may show up in multiple ways, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. As a parent or caregiver, it’s crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms of food allergies to act promptly. Here’s a rundown of potential allergic reactions to look out for when your baby eats a new food:


Common Signs of Food Allergies

Food allergies can cause various symptoms in babies. Here are some common signs to watch out for:

  • Sneezing, a runny or blocked nose
  • Red, itchy, watery eyes
  • Wheezing and coughing
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Cramps and stomach pain
  • Hives or a rash on the skin
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, or mouth
  • Eczema or other skin issues

Immediate and Delayed Reactions

When a baby has a food allergy, the body may react quickly, or it may take some time. In most cases, immediate reactions occur within minutes to hours of ingesting the triggering item.

These reactions include hives, vomiting, diarrhoea, and even difficulty breathing. It’s important to seek medical attention if your baby experiences these symptoms.

On the other hand, delayed reactions usually happen several hours after eating the allergenic food. This is commonly seen in children who develop eczema as a food allergy symptom.

In rare cases, individuals with red meat allergies may also experience delayed reactions. It’s important to note that delaying the introduction of allergenic foods does not prevent allergies in infants.

Immediate and delayed reactions are signs of a food allergy and should not be ignored. Suppose you observe any strange symptoms or feel that your child is allergic to a particular food. In that case, it is critical to get in touch with a healthcare professional for correct diagnosis and guidance.

High-Allergy Foods
Food Allergy

When To Seek Medical Attention

If your baby experiences serious allergic symptoms like trouble breathing or throat tightness, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial. These are symptoms of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that necessitates immediate medical attention.

If your baby has an allergic reaction to a specific food, stop giving them that food and consult with a healthcare professional. Allergic symptoms can appear within minutes to an hour after consuming the allergenic food, so it’s essential to be vigilant and take action promptly.

The duration of a food allergy reaction can vary, but if the symptoms are severe or persist for a long time, it is important to seek medical help. Remember that even newborns and infants can experience food intolerances, which may require diagnosis and treatment from a healthcare provider.

Dealing With Food Allergies in Babies

When an allergic reaction occurs, seeking medical help promptly and seeing an allergist for advice on managing allergies in babies is critical.

What To Do if an Allergic Reaction Occurs

If your baby has an allergic reaction, acting quickly is important. Here are the steps to take:

  • Use the epinephrine auto-injector immediately if your baby experiences serious allergic symptoms like trouble breathing or throat tightness.
  • Stop giving the triggering food to your baby and seek medical attention if there are signs of a severe allergic response (anaphylaxis). Calling an ambulance may be necessary.
  • If your baby has mild symptoms such as hives or a rash, report them to your paediatrician later.
  • Remember, the primary treatment for food allergies in children is to avoid the foods that cause the symptoms.
  • Consult with a GP or health visitor before introducing potentially allergenic foods to babies, as cows’ milk and eggs can trigger allergic reactions.

Guidance for Managing Allergies in Babies

High-Allergy Foods
Food Allergy

If your baby has a food allergy, it’s important to know how to manage it. First, if an allergic reaction occurs, seek medical attention right away. It’s also helpful to have allergen-free alternatives and recipes on hand for feeding your baby.

Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial in managing allergies in infants. They can provide guidance tailored to your baby’s specific needs and help you navigate the challenges of dealing with food allergies.

Remember that every child is unique, so it’s critical to work jointly with the doctor who treats your child for the greatest guidance and support in efficiently managing your baby’s allergies.

Allergen-Free Alternatives and Recipes for Babies

High-Allergy Foods
High-Allergy Foods

When it comes to feeding babies with food allergies, plenty of allergen-free alternatives and recipes are available. Here are some options to consider:

  • Use non-dairy milk substitutes: Instead of cow’s milk, you can try alternatives like almond milk, rice milk, or oat milk. These options are free from lactose and can be a suitable replacement.
  • Explore gluten-free grains: Grains like quinoa, brown rice, and millet are naturally gluten-free and can be used as alternatives to wheat-based products.
  • Try egg-free substitutes: Applesauce or mashed bananas can be used as egg substitutes in baking recipes. They help add moisture and act as binding agents.
  • Opt for nut-free ingredients: If your baby has a nut allergy, you can substitute nuts with sunflower or pumpkin seeds in recipes like homemade granola bars or energy balls.
  • Experiment with non-allergenic fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables less likely to cause allergies include apples, pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas. These can be pureed or cooked to make baby-friendly meals.

Importance of Consulting a Healthcare Professional

When dealing with food allergies in babies, it is critical to seek the assistance of a healthcare professional. Managing food allergies requires a collaborative approach involving a team of medical experts, including a paediatrician, allergist, and registered dietitian.

These professionals have the knowledge and expertise to diagnose and manage food allergies in infants properly. They can guide parents on introducing and eliminating high-allergy foods, offer allergen-free alternatives and recipes for babies, and help recognise and address allergic reactions.

It’s important not to make any dietary changes without proper guidance from a healthcare professional, as eliminating major foods from a baby’s diet without supervision can lead to potential complications.

Remember, each child is unique, and introducing high-allergy foods may differ based on individual health circumstances and family history. The most up-to-date guidance from health professionals and the latest research should always be considered when determining the best approach for your baby.

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