Oat Allergy

Foods To Avoid with Oat Allergy

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Updated on April 7, 2024

You might be allergic or sensitive to an oat protein (Avenin) if you notice that your skin turns blotchy or that you experience a runny nose after having a bowl of oatmeal. As a result, our bodies create antibodies to fight avenin and any other foreign substances that the body considers threats. Although oat allergies are uncommon, they can affect infants, kids, and adults.

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After eating oats, a person may feel sick or exhibit symptoms of an oat allergy. Celiac disease is a severe gluten sensitivity that affects one in 100 persons globally. Even though oats don’t contain gluten, processing them with gluten-containing meals can cause cross-contamination. This could lead to a wrong diagnosis. Oat allergies can cause mild to moderate symptoms, impacting the skin, intestines, and lungs.

Immediate Allergic Reaction

These signs of a food allergy may appear very soon after eating. Adults, children, and infants with an oat allergy may experience the following symptoms:

  • A red, itchy rash (around the tongue, lips, or eyes) can also spread to other body parts
  • A flushed face
  • Watery eyes
  • A stuffy and runny nose
  • Mild swelling of the face, lips, or eyes
  • An itchy throat
  • Sneezing
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • Hives

If the person does not receive quick medical attention, severe food allergies can cause anaphylactic shock, which can be deadly. Anaphylactic shock symptoms often occur within one hour. A person with anaphylactic shock could:

  • Wheeze (can resemble an asthma attack)
  • Feel his chest tighten
  • Throat and tongue swelling, which constricts the airways
  • An abrupt drop in blood pressure may make you feel unsteady and dizzy
  • Have loud breathing (when inhaling)
  • Loss of consciousness
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Delayed Allergic Reaction

The delayed food allergy reaction is known as food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES). Infants who are weaning or consuming certain meals that contain oats for the first time are most commonly impacted by FPIES. After ingesting an allergen, this causes severe gastrointestinal symptoms to appear. A reaction might not appear immediately after eating because the symptoms of a food allergy can sometimes be delayed. Reaction sometimes could be delayed for 4-6 hours. It can take much longer on some occasions. The symptoms in babies and children can include:

  • Continual crying
  • Eczema
  • Reflux
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • Bloody diarrhoea
  • Bloating in the small intestine
  • Impeded growth
  • Dehydration (as a result of diarrhoea and vomiting)

What Food to Avoid

Oats can be found in some cookies, muffins, and cakes, so it may be a good idea to check the ingredients list before consuming. Before drinking beer, you should confirm with the supplier that it does not also include oats. A person with an oat allergy must be careful to avoid any foods or beverages containing oats, such as:

  • Beer
  • Granola Bars
  • Flapjacks containing oat flour
  • A hot beverage containing oat milk
  • Oatmeal
  • Oat milk
  • Oat Bread
  • Oatcakes
  • Oat Bran
  • Oat Cereal
  • Oat Cookies

Oat proteins are present in certain creams and moisturisers. Therefore, individuals with oat allergies may need to avoid topical items that contain oats, such as cosmetics (Oat Moisturisers, Oat-Based Creams, Oat-Based Facial Scrubs).

Oat Allergy Diagnosis

Oat allergy testing involves a food challenge to identify your sensitivity precisely. Whether you have an allergy because of gluten cross-contamination or are allergic to the protein avenin is a crucial issue that must be determined by an allergist. To do this, you should do one week of a diet free of oat-based meals or goods. This technique is to decide whether oats are the reason behind your reaction. Also, the symptoms must be monitored to see if they improve.

If you are only gluten allergic, there are gluten-free oats that won’t cause you a problem. You will react to gluten-free oats if you have an actual oat allergy. Your food allergy doctor may recommend an oat allergy patch test if you are at risk for a severe allergic reaction to oats.

Oat Allergy Treatment

Oats and goods made from oats should not be consumed by anyone with an oat allergy. People should look for words like “may include oats” or “produced in a facility that uses oat components” on product labels to check for cross-contamination. It’s necessary to carry an epinephrine auto-injector, just like anyone with any other food allergy. Any moment could bring up a severe reaction; therefore, you must be ready.

Medication, whether over the counter or prescribed, can be used to relieve mild symptoms. The best medicine for treating itchy skin and lips is an antihistamine. Breathing difficulties and other asthma symptoms are treated with inhaled corticosteroids.

A person should consult their doctor or an allergist if they feel they may have an oat allergy and exhibit any food allergy symptoms. A doctor or allergist might perform tests to determine whether oats are the source of the allergic reaction. A person needs urgent medical care if they develop severe anaphylactic shock or FPIES symptoms.

Oats Alternatives

You can use other cereals and grains instead of oats if you have an oat allergy.

  • Chia Seeds
  • Sorghum
  • Millet
  • Buckwheat
  • corn
  • Polenta
  • Quinoa
  • White rice
  • Brown rice

For instance, people can replace millet or chia seeds with oatmeal for porridge by soaking them in milk or water to give them a thick consistency. Here are some recipes ideas that use oats alternatives:

Almond Milk and Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

Try this if you’re searching for something sweet for breakfast.


  • One cup of almond milk
  • One tsp of honey
  • One tsp vanilla
  • One cup of quinoa (rinsed and drained)
  • Chosen toppings (fresh fruits or almonds)

Preparation Steps:

1. In a medium saucepan, combine the almond milk and vanilla. Simmer for 1 minute. Bring this mixture to a boil after adding the quinoa.

2. After lowering the heat to low and covering the pan, simmer the food for 15 to 20 minutes or until it has the consistency of creamy porridge. With garnishes, it is served hot.

Breakfast Bowl with Buckwheat, Banana and Chia Seeds

This sweet-tart combination makes the ideal oatmeal substitute. 


  • One tbsp of chia seeds
  • One ripe banana 
  • One water cup
  • 1/4 cup groats of buckwheat (kernels, whole, raw, or unroasted)
  • 1/2 tsp of almond or vanilla extract
  • One handful of strawberry

Preparation Steps:

1. In a bowl, combine the ingredients. 

2. Store in the fridge overnight.

3. Put the garnish on the recipe, such as almond butter, rinses, cinnamon, or nuts. You can eat it warm or cold.

Frequently Asked Questions about Oat Allergy

Can I have an oat allergy?

Anyone can have an oat allergy. For a diagnosis of an oat allergy, it’s crucial to see a food allergy specialist.

How is oat allergy diagnosed?

The food challenge is typically used to identify oat allergies. Your allergy specialist may, however, use additional techniques to make the diagnosis.

Are infants susceptible to oat allergy?

Infants can have oat allergies; however, it is uncommon among infants. In case they do, after consuming oats-containing cereal, some of the symptoms of oat allergies appear on them, such as diarrhoea, nasal congestion, nausea, and vomiting.

If you consume too much oatmeal, what happens?

Oatmeal is claimed to aid in weight loss, but too much might cause muscle mass loss. That is because oatmeal is rich in fibre, which makes you feel fuller for longer and prevents your body from telling you that you need to eat more during the day.

How can we treat oat allergies?

Avoidance is the best medicine for oat allergies. Antihistamines can also be used to treat mild oat allergy symptoms.

Can oat allergy be treated? 

Allergy to oats cannot be healed. However, it can be controlled with your allergy specialists’ assistance.

Is there an allergy test for oats?

Yes, there is. The IgE antibody levels in the blood are measured to check for oat allergy.

Is oat allergy uncommon?

There are very few people that have oat allergies. The effects of eating oats do not often appear immediately, and oat intolerance is not deadly.

What’s the difference between an oat allergy and an oat sensitivity?

The immune system is involved in oat allergies. An allergic reaction results when the immune system interprets oats as dangerous. The digestive system is involved in oat sensitivity. It occurs when oats cannot be sufficiently digested.

Are oats a histamine trigger?

No, oats are not a histamine trigger. The body does not release its natural histamine after eating oatmeal since it is likely poor in histamine and other amines.

Why do some people have oat allergies?

Some people have an oat sensitivity without knowing the reason behind it. Due to a cross-reaction with gluten, some people have oat allergies. When processed alongside oats, gluten can cause an allergic sensitivity to oats.

Why do oats make my stomach irritate?

Avenin, a protein found in oats, can make some people react allergically. After eating oats, a person may feel sick or have symptoms of an oat allergy. Nevertheless, they may be intolerant to gluten.


Avenin is a protein found in oats and can cause allergies for some people. Oat allergies can cause mild to moderate symptoms. A person may have a gluten intolerance or allergy if they respond to oat-based items despite testing negative for an oat allergy. Consuming oat goods marked “gluten-free” can help prevent cross-contamination with other foods.

An allergist can perform the necessary tests to determine whether a person has an oat allergy if they believe they do. Any oat-based items must be avoided if the person has an oat allergy. Some people require emergency medical care if they have a severe allergic response to oats.

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