Dairy Free Keto Yoghurt

Deliciously Dairy-Free Keto Yoghurt Alternatives

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Updated on January 23, 2024

As our dietary preferences and health-conscious lifestyles continue to evolve, the demand for innovative and delicious alternatives has led to the rise of dairy-free options that cater to specific nutritional needs. For those embracing the ketogenic lifestyle, the quest for a satisfying yoghurt experience without compromising on carb restrictions can seem like a challenge, but it is actually not.

Thanks to the Internet and all the keto enthusiasts out there, there actually are many dairy-free yoghurt alternatives that not only adhere to the principles of a low-carb, high-fat diet but also tantalise the taste buds with their creamy goodness; ones that seamlessly merge health-conscious choices with culinary delight.

Consider this article as your comprehensive guide to all there is to know about dairy-free keto yoghurt, from how different it is from regular dairy yoghurt, its types, health benefits, and recipes to the top-notch brands you can buy.

So, let’s jump straight into it.

Dairy-Free Keto Yoghurt


As we just mentioned, dairy-free keto yoghurt is a type of yoghurt that aligns with the ketogenic dietary principles, which dramatically reduces carbohydrate intake and increases protein and fat. More specifically, anyone following a keto diet must lower their daily carb intake somewhere between 20 and 50 grams. Since dairy products are usually quite rich in carbs, they are not keto-friendly.

This type of yoghurt is also suitable for lactose-intolerant people, those allergic to dairy, vegetarians, or vegans.

To make dairy-free keto yoghurt, traditional dairy ingredients such as milk are substituted with non-dairy low-carb alternatives. These can be, but are not limited to, coconut milk, almond milk, cashew milk, or other nut and seed-based milk. Such plant-based milk alternatives provide a creamy texture and can be flavoured or sweetened using keto-friendly sweeteners like stevia or erythritol.

It is worth noting that commercially available dairy-free keto yoghurt options may vary in terms of ingredients and nutritional content, such as carbohydrates, sweeteners, and other additives. So here is a comparison between some dairy-free yoghurt brands for those on a keto diet:

BrandTypeCarb countNotes
Kite HillAlmond yoghurt4g per 100gThis is one of the top dairy-free yoghurt brands. It is low in carbs, making it great for keto.
ChobaniCoconut-based yoghurt7g per 100gThis brand is slightly higher in carbs but offers a delicious, creamy texture that is hard to beat.
So DeliciousCoconut milk yoghurt9g per 100gWhile higher in carbs, this brand offers a wide variety of flavours and is widely available.
YosoCashew yoghurt3g per 100gYoso is a promising brand with the lowest carb count. However, it may not be readily available everywhere.

While choosing a yoghurt for your keto diet, it is important to check the nutritional information. Always opt for sugar-free versions and consume in moderation. A few spoonfuls of yoghurt can be a wonderful addition to your dairy-free keto diet.

Keto Coconut Yoghurt Recipe

Many people are more into homemade food than store-bought options, and when it comes to dairy-free keto yoghurt, the recipe cannot be any easier. All that is needed is a few simple ingredients and some patience. So here is how to make keto coconut yoghurt:

  1. Pour some coconut milk into a pot.
  2. Add gelatin powder slowly and stir well.
  3. Heat gently on low flame until warm, not hot.
  4. Let it cool down to room temperature.
  5. Sprinkle some probiotic powder into the mix.
  6. Stir well one more time.
  7. Pour the yoghurt into clean jars or bowls and cover either with a plastic wrap or lid.
  8. Put the jars in a warm place overnight or longer until set.
  9. Once fermented, refrigerate the yoghurt to thicken.

All right, we hear you asking, “Which type of coconut milk should I use?” Well, while this depends on your own preference, there are a few things you need to know to help you choose the best option.

For example, full-fat canned coconut milk is rich and creamy with low carb content, so it works best when making dairy-free keto yoghurt. Unsweetened coconut milk has a lower carb count, and light coconut milk has less fat, yet both still work well. Some like to use the famously thick coconut cream, which makes super creamy keto yoghurt but contains more carbs.

So, decide first what you want your homemade dairy-free keto yoghurt to be like, and then choose the coconut milk type accordingly.

Dairy-Free Keto Yoghurt Brands


If you are looking to buy dairy-free keto yoghurt, there are a few options available. One recommended brand is Culina’s Plain, which makes Simple Plant-Based Yoghurt. It is a great choice for those following a keto diet and a super delicious one too.

Other keto-friendly brands that make delicious dairy-free yoghurt include:

  • CoYo: CoYo makes coconut milk-based yoghurts that are rich and creamy. They offer unsweetened varieties that are low in carbohydrates.
  • Kite Hill: Kite Hill specialises in almond milk-based products, including yoghurts. They offer unsweetened and plain varieties that are lower in carbohydrates.
  • Forager Project: The Forager Project produces organic, plant-based products, including cashew milk-based yoghurts. They have unsweetened and plain options that can be lower in carbs.
  • Almond Breeze: Almond Breeze offers almond milk-based yoghurts in various flavours. Check for unsweetened or low-carb options.
  • Silk: Silk, known for its plant-based products, also offers almond milk-based yoghurts with various flavours. Look for options with lower sugar content.

That being said, one should always check the nutrition labels for the specific product they are considering, as ingredients and nutritional content can vary among flavours and types within a brand. New products are also always introduced to the market, so it is a good idea to explore the latest offerings in local grocery stores or online.

Tips for Enjoying Dairy-Free Keto Yoghurt

Deliciously Dairy-Free Keto Yoghurt Alternatives
Dairy-Free Keto Yoghurt Bowl with Fruit

Enjoying dairy-free keto yoghurt can be a delicious and satisfying addition to your ketogenic diet. While you should keep an eye on your overall daily carb intake to stay within your dietary targets, you also need to listen to your body and adjust your portion sizes based on your individual nutritional needs and goals. 

So here are some tips to enhance your overall dairy-free keto yoghurt experience:

  • Experiment with Flavours: Dairy-free yoghurts come in various flavours, such as vanilla, berry, or plain. Experiment with different flavours to find your favourites. If you are watching your carb intake, choose unsweetened or lightly sweetened varieties.
  • Add Keto-Friendly Toppings: Enhance the flavour and texture of your dairy-free keto yoghurt by adding keto-friendly toppings. Consider options like sliced almonds, chia seeds, shredded coconut, or crushed nuts for added crunch and nutrition.
  • Mix in Berries: Berries, such as strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries, are generally lower in carbs compared to some other fruits. Adding a handful of berries to your yoghurt can provide natural sweetness and antioxidants.
  • Include Healthy Fats: Since the keto diet is high in healthy fats, consider adding sources of good fats to your yoghurt. This could include a drizzle of MCT oil, a dollop of almond butter, or a sprinkling of chia seeds.
  • Make a Parfait: Layer your dairy-free keto yoghurt with keto-friendly granola, nuts, or seeds to create a delicious parfait. This adds texture and variety to your snack or breakfast.
  • Blend into Smoothies: Use dairy-free keto yoghurt as a base for your low-carb smoothies. Combine it with low-carb fruits, vegetables, and a source of protein for a satisfying and nutritious drink.
  • Create Dessert Recipes: Get creative with your dairy-free yoghurt by using it in keto-friendly dessert recipes. You can make keto-friendly yoghurt popsicles, yoghurt bowls, or even yoghurt-based keto desserts.
  • Pair with Keto-Friendly Foods: Enjoy your dairy-free yoghurt alongside other keto-friendly foods. For example, pair it with sliced avocado, olives, or a handful of nuts for a balanced and satisfying snack.
  • Use It for Salad Dressings: Mix dairy-free yoghurt with herbs, lemon juice, and olive oil to create a tangy, creamy dressing for salads.
  • Make Creamy Sauces: Use dairy-free keto yoghurt as a base for creamy sauces instead of heavy cream. It works great in curry sauces, pasta sauces, and dips.
  • Bake With It: Use dairy-free yoghurt in baking recipes that contain sour cream or buttermilk. It will add moisture and keep your baked goods tender and moist.

How to Store Dairy-Free Keto Yoghurt

dairy-free keto yoghurt
Dairy-free keto yoghurt must be stored at a temperature below 4°C to delay bacterial growth.

Storing dairy-free keto yoghurt properly is important to maintain its freshness and prevent spoilage. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Use Sealable Containers: Transfer your homemade yoghurt into clean, airtight containers to keep it safe from contamination.
  • Refrigerate Promptly: Once you purchase or make your dairy-free keto yoghurt, refrigerate it promptly. Store it at a temperature below 4°C to delay bacterial growth and maintain its freshness.
  • Keep Away from Strong Odours: Yogurt can absorb odours from strong-smelling foods in the refrigerator. Store it away from foods with strong odours to maintain the yoghurt’s original flavour.
  • Use Fresher Milk: Using fresh milk when making yoghurt will result in a better-tasting end product that lasts longer.
  • Consider Glass Containers: If you transfer your dairy-free keto yoghurt to a different container, consider using glass rather than plastic. Glass is less porous and less likely to retain odours or leach harmful chemicals into the yoghurt.
  • Avoid Cross-Contamination: Always use a clean spoon or utensil when scooping out yoghurt to prevent introducing bacteria and contaminants.
  • Do Not Mix Old With New: When making a new batch of homemade yoghurt, avoid mixing it with any leftovers from the previous batch, as this can cause spoilage.

In conclusion, dairy-free keto yoghurt can be a delicious and healthy option for those following a keto diet or looking to avoid lactose. With various non-dairy brands available and the possibility of making your own keto-friendly yoghurt at home, there are plenty of choices to suit different tastes and dietary needs.


1. What is dairy-free yoghurt called?

Dairy-free yoghurt is often referred to by various names to indicate that it does not contain dairy, such as non-dairy yoghurt, plant-based yoghurt, vegan yoghurt, or yoghurt alternative.

2. Where can I buy dairy-free keto yoghurt?

Dairy-free keto yoghurts can be found at health food stores, speciality grocery stores, or online retailers that specialise in ketogenic products.

3. Are there any flavour options available for dairy-free keto yoghurts?

Yes, there are various flavour options available, such as vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, and mixed berry flavours.

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