Non-diary Milk

Best 10 Nondairy Milk Types for Better Health

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Updated on February 20, 2024

Nondairy milk or plant-based milk is a general term for any milk-like product derived from plant sources. Plant milk has been consumed for centuries in various cultures, either as a regular drink or as a substitute for dairy milk or cow’s milk, for religious reasons or health issues. The world’s most popular non-dairy milk varieties are soy milk, almond milk, rice milk and coconut milk. There is also hemp, cashew, hazelnut, and milk from peas and lupine.

Each kind has its own characteristics, as the protein content varies and is usually sold with added calcium and vitamins. Nondairy milk does not contain lactose or cholesterol. There are many reasons to consume non-dairy milk: ethical reasons, such as animal welfare; environmental reasons, health reasons, including lactose intolerance, milk allergy, vegetarianism, veganism, religious reasons, and a preference for simple taste. 

In the United Kingdom, soy milk was the most popular non-dairy milk; however, during the past 2 decades almond milk began to gain popularity and it surpassed soy milk as the most popular variety. Other popular types in the UK are rice and coconut. Nondairy milk is used in preparing ice cream, plant cream, vegan cheese, and yoghurt. 

There are also some potential health benefits of cutting out dairy products. Most people naturally stop producing lactase, the enzyme needed to break down the lactose sugar in milk, once they stop eating dairy products. Lactose intolerance is widely spread in the world, and it is said that around 75% of the world’s population suffers from lactose intolerance. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include bloating, stomach pain, diarrhoea or loose stools, gas, and stomach gurgling.

Some people eliminate dairy products to avoid the possibility of contaminants in the milk, such as steroids or hormones. It is widely known that even small amounts of hormones and steroids found in milk seem to pass on to the person who drinks them and can cause undesirable effects on the body. 

Vegetarians who do not consume any animal products, including dairy products, have a significantly lower incidence of cancer. This may not be due to a lack of dairy products in their diet, however, vegetarians avoid meat and eggs. Some diets or diet plans may instruct to eliminate all dairy based on ethical reasons.

Healthy Options

Vegetarians or some vegans may avoid dairy products because they have concerns about the dairy industry’s impact on the environment or the impact on the animals involved in dairy processing.

It is important to understand that just because something is vegetarian does not mean it is healthy. There is no doubt, that people should always check the labels of dairy alternatives to look for any added ingredients or other factors that might alter the characteristics of the food.

Things to watch out for when choosing which non-dairy milk to consume may include added sugars, added starch, thickeners, such as carrageenan, added flavours, and preservatives. While many products can mimic the flavour of food or replace dairy products in baking, a person must be sure that they still meet their nutritional needs. While many people still turn to drinking a glass of cow’s milk or adding it to their favourite recipes, others are turning to dairy-free alternatives.

Nondairy Milk Types

Fortunately, there are plenty of store-bought options and plenty of homemade options. A cup of whole milk contains about 149 calories, 8 grams of protein, and 8 grams of fat. Similarly, some types of plant-based dairy are highly nutritious, and many manufacturers offer products fortified with calcium and vitamin D. The following options can also be healthy alternatives to dairy milk:

Almond Milk

Almond milk is a multi-use plant food product, characterised by a creamy texture similar to cow’s milk, and a good flavour similar to the flavour of nuts. Almond milk has become available in food stores and is usually found in the health food section. The content of almond milk, its nutritional value, and its content of additives vary according to the production brand. 

Flavourings vary according to their manufacturer; however, in general, it can be said that almond milk consists of ground almonds and filtered water, and it may also contain starch and thickeners to improve its density and increase its shelf life. It is worth noting that almond milk does not provide the same benefits as eating whole almonds; This is because it contains a small number of almonds, often ranging from 2% to 1% only.

Almond milk is rich in vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body, which replaces many elements lost by all those who are lactose intolerant. It is great to eat alone or over coffee or cornflakes, but it cannot replace natural milk in cooking or baking. Almond milk is a popular alternative to milk because it is easy to make, affordable to buy, and many people find it delicious. A cup of almond milk contains 39 calories, 1 gram of protein and 2.5 grams of fat.

Almond Milk Benefits

Almond milk contains several important compounds and nutrients that give the body several health benefits. Among the health benefits of consuming almond milk as part of a diet, we mention the following: almond milk is low in calories, despite the high content of almonds in fat and calories. However, almond milk available in markets is low in calories. This is due to diluting it with water to make its fat content similar to the content of low-fat milk, which is approximately 1% of fat. 

It should be noted that the amount of calories in a cup of almond milk is approximately half that of a cup of skimmed milk. Almonds contain a varying amount of calories depending on their content of almond and some products made from them may contain added sugar, which increases the number of calories in it, and therefore it is recommended to read the nutritional value label for it. 

Fortified almond milk contains calcium, which is a necessary element for building and maintaining bones, so consuming it in sufficient quantities helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis associated with weak bones and fractures. One cup of almond milk can contain up to 45-50% of the body’s daily need for calcium, which makes it a rich source of calcium. Regular consumption of almond milk can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis for people who do not consume dairy products, such as vegetarians, people with lactose intolerance, and milk allergies.

Fortified almond milk is rich in vitamin D, there are a large number of people with vitamin D deficiency, so some foods are fortified with this vitamin. This is because it is not naturally available in good quantities in the diet, one of these foods is almond milk. Half a cup of almond milk contains about 15% of the body’s daily needs for vitamin D. 

Almond is low in sugar, as unsweetened almond milk is naturally low in sugar content, which makes it suitable for people who reduce the amount of sugar consumed, such as diabetics. One cup of almond milk contains fewer carbohydrates than regular milk, and it should be noted that many commercial varieties are sweetened with added sugar.

Almond is also rich in vitamin E one cup of almond milk contains about 20- 50% of the body’s daily needs of vitamin E, and some brands support it with an additional amount of this vitamin, which is a powerful antioxidant that fights inflammation, stress, and contributes to reducing the risk of chronic diseases. It also may contribute to maintaining brain health. It is worth noting that dairy milk differs from almond milk by not containing vitamin E at all.

Almond milk is low in phosphorous, while regular milk contains a large amount of phosphorus and potassium that exceeds that of almond milk, which makes it a suitable option for kidney patients. It is recommended to pay attention to the amount of phosphorous in almond milk on the nutritional value label. It can vary from one brand to another.

Almond milk is suitable for people who follow Veganism, as it consists of vegetable ingredients only, which makes it an excellent option to consume as an alternative to dairy milk. It is also suitable for those who suffer from milk allergy, as it does not contain the proteins that cause this allergy. Its protein content is compared to regular milk, but it is never suitable as a substitute for infants and children with milk allergies. These children need to consume milk with specialised formulas according to their needs.

How to Choose Healthy Almond Milk 

The following points show some tips when choosing almond milk that is beneficial for health: 

Choose types free from added sugars: If it is difficult to make almond milk at home, it is recommended to read the food label when buying. This is to ensure that it is free of added sugar and artificial flavours. 

Choose organic almond milk: It is recommended to choose certified organic almond milk, which means that it is not exposed to the use of pesticides and consumes less water during its manufacture. 

Making almond milk at home: You can get natural almond milk free of additives by soaking almonds for up to eight hours, mixing it with some amount of water, and filtering it with a cloth. It is then ready to use, healthy, safe, and does not contain stabilisers and sweeteners added in some brands to make it palatable and similar to cow’s milk, which can reduce its benefits.

How to Make Almond Milk 


  • 2 cups of almonds. 
  • 1 litre of water. 
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon for flavouring. 

How to prepare 

  1. Soak almonds in water for a whole night. 
  2. Put the unpeeled soaked almond in the jug of the electric mixer. 
  3. Add 2 cups of water. 
  4. Mix the ingredients until you get a smooth and homogeneous liquid mixture. 
  5. Strain the mixture into a fine strainer, 
  6. Pour the almond milk into a cup and flavour with cinnamon.

Soy Milk

Soy milk is one of the best alternatives to dairy milk that is completely lactose-free, as its ingredients are closer to milk than any other type of milk. Soy milk doesn’t have the strong flavour that some other plant-based dairy may have, so it may be good transitional milk for many people. Some doctors may recommend soy milk for people who are intolerant to dairy products or are looking to cut calories.

A cup of a good brand of soy milk contains 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat and only 80 calories, which means it provides almost as much protein as whole milk. Soy milk may have a strange flavour for people who are not familiar with it. However, it comes in sweetened and unsweetened varieties so that a person can try different options.

Soy Milk Benefits

its nutritional content Soy milk contains a high amount of isoflavones, which are one of the most important compounds that provide benefits in soy milk. One cup of soy milk contains approximately 20 milligrams of isoflavones. 

Soy is the only plant that contains complete proteins. It contains all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities to meet the body’s needs for growth, as well as to protect and repair living tissues. Soy milk contains less calcium compared to cow’s milk. Although soy milk contains higher amounts of iron, it is not easily absorbed, and it should be noted that many soy milk products are fortified with calcium, and soy milk is a rich source of copper, zinc, and magnesium, as another study indicated. 

Soy milk is characterised by its ease of digestion and high protein and vitamin content, in addition to being low in calories, carbohydrates, and fats and completely free of cholesterol. Studies on the benefits of soy milk indicate that it does not contain lactose sugar. This makes it a good alternative to milk for people who suffer from lactose intolerance and many individuals tend to drink soy milk because of its taste or because they follow a vegetarian diet.

The benefits of soy milk are variant and rich, as drinking two cups of soy milk on a daily basis, which contains approximately 76 milligrams of isoflavones, may contribute to maintaining bone health by preventing the loss of bone mass in the lumbar vertebrae of the spine in women in menopause.

Drinking soy milk may help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, drinking soy milk continuously may contribute to reducing the risk of some types of cancer and drinking soy milk regularly may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Soy milk helps in reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.

It is also proved the consumption of soy milk may contribute to lowering diastolic blood pressure levels in particular, especially in women who suffer from high blood pressure and significantly reduce fasting blood sugar levels. Soy milk may also help in improving the health of the tooth enamel layer, by increasing the proportion of minerals concentrated in it and thus increasing its hardness. 

Benefits of Soy Milk for Children 

The use of soy milk for children may be useful in several cases, such as choosing it as a substitute for cow’s milk for children who are one year old and more allergic to cow’s milk. Children allergic to cow’s milk need to refrain from consuming this milk or its other dairy products, such as cheese, yoghurt, ice cream, and any other food containing dairy milk. 

Children, in this case, need an alternative to dairy milk, and soy milk is one of the good alternatives to dairy milk for children who are over one year old, but it is advised to avoid giving it to children under the age of one year. Rather, the paediatrician gives them a special soy milk formula for children at this age; on the other hand, some children may develop an allergy to soy products, so the doctor should be consulted if there are concerns about the child’s allergic reactions. 

Soy milk is used as an alternative to dairy milk for children with lactase deficiency in dairy milk. Fortified soy milk is a good alternative to dairy milk for children with lactose intolerance, and milk alternatives that are lactose-free or contain small amounts of it can be used.

Soy milk formulas for children improve bowel movement in children, as it helps in reducing bowel movement and the severity of their diarrhoea, which may be due to the fact that soy milk contains dietary fibres and it may also help in reducing constipation in children due to its ability to soften stool. 

Benefits of Soy Milk for The Skin 

Many studies have been conducted to evaluate the effect of consuming isoflavones in soybeans on improving skin health and reducing wrinkles. It also may contribute to improving facial wrinkles, skin pigmentation, and general appearance.

Soy milk is made from soybeans, and it is rich in protein, so many people rely on it in their vegetarian diets, which are free of animal materials, to replace the protein found in meat, milk, and eggs. Yoghurt and even ice cream can be prepared from soybeans, and it is widespread in Far Eastern countries such as Korea, China, and Japan. 

How to Make Soybean Milk 


  • 1 cup of dried soybeans.
  • 11 cups of water. 
  • ¼ cup of sugar.

How to prepare 

  1. Put the dried soybeans in a large bowl, 
  2. Add 2 cups of water and leave the soybeans to soak for at least eight hours, or you can leave them to soak a night before you start preparing.
  3. Then the grains will double in size, so make sure that the bowl is the right size. 
  4. Put the bowl of soybeans and water in an electric mixer, and add three cups of water.
  5. Mix for several minutes until combined, crumbling and kneading the soybeans together and with the water completely. 
  6. Strain the mixture through a sieve with a strainer with very small holes.
  7. Pour the mixture into the sieve. The sieve will act as a filter, and it will drain the liquid out of it and keep the soybean crumbs inside. 
  8. Keep the water that came out of the jug aside, then put the leftover soybean crumbs back into the blender, add three cups of water, and blend again for a few minutes until smooth again. 
  9. Strain the mixture again, and keep the liquid in the same jug in which you put the liquid previously. 
  10. Put the leftover soybeans in the electric mixer, but this time with two cups of water, and mix the mixture until it is homogeneous, then filter it one last time. 
  11. Pour all the liquid you collected in the jug into a large saucepan, and place over high heat until it begins to boil, stirring constantly.
  12. Using a large spoon, try to scrape or remove the froth formed on the surface of the milk, then let it boil for three minutes with constant stirring. 
  13. Add sugar, and you can add any other flavour you like, such as vanilla, chocolate, or honey, and stir well to make sure it melts for a minute or more. 
  14. Remove the large pot from the fire and leave it to cool a little.
  15. Pour it into cups and serve it hot or cold as desired. 

Mango Smoothie with Soy Milk 


  • 2 medium-sized mangoes. 
  • 1 yoghurt, preferably with cream flavour. 
  • 2 cups of soy milk. 
  • 1 cup of crushed ice. 
  • Sugar, as desired. 

How to prepare 

  1. Peel the two mangoes and cut them in half, then carefully remove the core, and cut them into slices. 
  2. Crush the mango slices in the mixer, then pour them with soy milk, yoghurt, and crushed ice, and continue to mix until you get a smooth mixture. 
  3. Add sugar to taste the smoothie, and mix well. 
  4. Pour the mango smoothie into the serving glasses.
  5. Decorate the tip of the glass with a slice of mango. 
  6. Put some ice cubes inside.

Coconut Milk


Coconut milk is known as a white milky substance extracted from the pulp of the ripe coconut. By retaining a greater amount of fat compared to low-density milk, coconut water is the liquid inside the fruit. Coconut milk can be purchased canned. It is available as whole or skimmed milk. When buying, it must be ensured that it is free of added ingredients, and it should be noted that coconut milk in its ideal form contains coconut and water only.

Coconut milk is naturally very fatty, which helps it provide the same consistency as dairy milk. There are many people who use coconut milk in their coffee because of its creamy texture. Adding cocoa powder to hot coconut milk makes hot cocoa rich and creamy. The use of coconut milk is widespread in several countries, the most important of which are India, Brazil, Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. It is used in many food recipes, especially Indian dishes and various types of sweets. 

Coconut Milk Benefits 

It strengthens and softens hair follicles, prevents hair from breaking and falling, and gives the scalp the necessary hydration to prevent hair from drying out, it also removes dandruff from hair, especially if it is mixed with olive oil. 

Coconut milk gives the skin smoothness and freshness, protects it from wrinkles, and cleans it of impurities, dust and dirt stuck in it. It helps in losing body weight because it gives a sense of satiety for a long time, and it also contains a large number of fibres. 

It prevents high blood sugar levels and maintains its balance because it contains a high percentage of manganese. It prevents osteoporosis and develops and strengthens it, as it contains a high percentage of phosphorous and calcium. It gives the body energy, vitality and recovery and eliminates the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. 

Strengthens the immune system and prevents infections and inflammatory diseases. It contains a high percentage of iron, strengthening the blood and preventing anaemia. It contains a high percentage of copper and vitamin C, which improves skin health, prevents eczema and psoriasis, treats wounds and infections, and is considered a useful treatment for acne. Coconut milk prevents cancer and eliminates free radicals from cells. It prevents constipation, activates the liver and kidneys and enhances their functions. 

Coconut milk also strengthens the heart muscle, removes feelings of anxiety, depression and tension, and calms nerves. It is high in selenium, which makes it an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It lowers blood pressure and helps relax and dilate blood vessels.

How to Make Coconut Milk


  • 5 cups of freshly grated white coconut pulp. 
  • 4 cups of water. 


  1. Put the water in a saucepan and put it on the fire until it boils. 
  2. Add the grated coconut pulp and let it boil with water for five minutes. 
  3. Remove it from the heat. 
  4. Leave the coconut pulp soaked in boiling water for 24 hours. 
  5. Use a fine wire strainer to filter the coconut milk produced from the coconut pieces. 
  6. Filter the mixture twice. 
  7. Dry the coconut pulp by putting it on kitchen paper to dry completely.

Rice Milk


Rice milk tastes sweeter than other dairy alternatives. It is also more watery than other options, but it comes in many varieties and can be a great alternative to milk when used in cereals, such as wheat, oats, and corn. A cup of rice milk contains about 113 calories, less than 1 gram of protein, and just over 2 grams of fat.

It is a type of cereal milk made from rice. It is often made with unsweetened brown rice. Most varieties of rice milk are sweetened through the natural enzymatic process, splitting carbohydrates into sugars, especially glucose, as in Japanese Amazaki syrup. Some types of rice milk are also sweetened with cane sugar syrup or other sugar products.

Compared to dairy milk, rice milk has more carbohydrates, but it doesn’t contain significant amounts of calcium or protein, and it doesn’t contain cholesterol or lactose. It has a glycemic index of 86 compared to 37 for skimmed milk and 39 for whole milk.

Rice milk is the least allergenic of plant milk and can be consumed by people who are lactose intolerant and are allergic to soy or milk. It is also used as a substitute for dairy products by vegetarians. Rice milk is available in different flavours, such as vanilla, as well as unflavoured, and can be used in many recipes as an alternative to traditional dairy milk.

Rice Milk Benefits

Maintain heart health: rice milk is one of the most important factors in promoting the heart, as it contains vitamin E and magnesium that helps in maintaining heart health. Recent medical studies have confirmed that moderate consumption of rice milk can protect you from heart attacks and arterial diseases.

Enhance immunity: In addition to all the ways you know to boost your immunity against diseases and infections, you can add rice milk, as it contains all the minerals your body needs to prepare your organs to deal with any viral attack.

Exfoliate the skin: if you are looking for a natural exfoliator for your skin, you can prepare a mixture with it at home and then get skin that resembles children’s skin. We advise you to mix a little rice milk with chickpea flour or peas for ten minutes. Do not forget to follow the steps with a moisturiser so that, despite the radiance of your skin, you do not suffer from dryness.

Enhance weight loss: there is no doubt that you are waiting for this point in particular, in search of the relationship between rice milk and weight, and from here, we are interested in assuring you that it is the appropriate option to maintain your fitness, not even to lose some centimetres that are disobeying you. Being poor in calories while it contains all the minerals and vitamins stimulates the metabolism and burning of fats in your body. 

Maintain low cholesterol levels: rice milk contains high levels of carbohydrates and vitamins but does not contain the lactose found in other types of milk, which makes it an ideal choice for those at risk of developing cholesterol.

Commercial rice milk is made by pressing rice through a mill, followed by filtering and mixing it into water. It can be made at home using rice flour and brown rice protein or by boiling brown rice in a large amount of water, mixing and filtering the mixture.

Rice fields require significant water resources, and it may enable fertilisers and pesticides to migrate into waterways. Bacteria that live in rice fields release methane into the atmosphere, emitting more greenhouse gases than other plant-based dairy. Rice milk uses less water than dairy milk and almond milk, but it uses a lot more than soy milk or oat milk.

Hemp Milk

Hemp milk has great nutritional value because it contains a lot of vitamins and amino acids. The milk itself is of a homogeneous composition, smooth and white in colour. The flavour is great but slightly bitter, sweetened with honey. It is a great alternative for people who are lactose intolerant and for vegetarians.

Hemp Milk Benefits

Hemp milk is excellent for anyone who wants to increase their daily consumption of protein and vitamins. It is high in Essential Fatty Acids. The body produces and needs these fatty acids through food or supplementation. Hemp milk contains a large amount of omega-3 and omega6 fatty acids and gamma-linolenic acid.

Hemp milk is high in plant protein, as it contains all the essential fatty acids in proportions equal to those of animal protein sources such as milk or eggs. It is also rich in fiber which is very good for digestive health. It contains a large amount of vitamin E, a natural and powerful antioxidant. Conversely, Hemp milk is low in carbohydrates, with a good percentage of vitamins A, B and C, Calcium, and manganese. It also contains essential minerals.

As mentioned earlier, hemp milk is rich in essential nutrients that the body needs. This includes phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. These minerals are important for muscle contraction, bone formation, and certain biochemical processes in the nervous system.

Additionally, vitamin E is an important antioxidant for cardiovascular health. Regulates the digestive system and cholesterol level, as the seeds that are used to prepare milk are rich in fibres, it helps regulate bowel movement and prevents constipation. It also regulates cholesterol and blood pressure because fibres prevent the absorption of bad cholesterol.

Warnings for Consuming Hemp Milk

The interaction between hemp milk and other compounds may reduce platelet formation. Thus, hemp milk should not be taken by people who have problems with blood clotting or who are taking certain medications without first consulting a doctor. Additionally, when consumed in excess, it can cause diarrhoea, stomach pain, and abdominal distension due to the high fibre content. 

How to Make Hemp Milk

This kind of milk is easy to prepare and can be kept for up to three days if kept in a cool, dry place out of sunlight. This recipe is similar to other plant-based drinks, such as soy or almond milk.


  • 150 grams of hemp seeds.
  • 1 litre of water.
  • Sugar, honey, or dates.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

How to Prepare

  1. Soak hemp seeds in a litre of water for two hours.
  2. Then put the mixture in the blender. It is preferable not to apply the whole mixture at once but in parts to make sure that the mixture is homogeneous.
  3. Squeeze the mixture with a sieve or vegetable tissue. The leftover mixture can be used to make cakes, bread, muesli or biscuits.
  4. Add a pinch of salt and add sweetener to taste.
  5. Put the yoghurt in a bottle and enjoy.
  6. Hemp milk, like all other plant-based beverages, is versatile and beneficial and can be used to prepare smoothies, desserts and sauces.
  7. You can also mix it with fruits, low-fat cheese, and whole grains for a balanced and nutritious breakfast or snack.

Oat Milk

One of the most important types of oats, as it is one of the most important foodstuffs that are used to make baby food, which they can start eating from the sixth month, and one of its most important uses, is the manufacture of some types of delicious nuts. In addition, it is one of the most important materials from which baked goods are made, with the need to mix it with flour for oats, a very important nutritional value.

This non-dairy milk is derived from whole oats by extracting the plant matter with water. Oat milk has a creamy texture and flavour similar to oatmeal and is made in different flavours, such as sweetened or unsweetened, vanilla or chocolate.

Oat milk is widely used in several products, such as coffee creamer, yoghurt, and ice cream. Oat milk can be consumed as an alternative to dairy milk in vegetarian diets or for medical conditions where dairy products are incompatible, such as lactose intolerance or an allergy to cow’s milk. Compared to dairy milk and other plant-based dairy products, oat milk has a relatively low environmental impact due to its relatively low land and water requirements for production.

It contains iron, zinc, copper and calcium, minerals, vitamins such as vitamin B, and much more. One of the most important benefits of oats is that they protect the heart and arteries from diseases that can affect them, such as cholesterol. 

Oat milk is also a good friend of the digestive system, as it facilitates the digestion of food and softens the intestines, which protects the body from cases of chronic constipation. In addition, it protects against some types of cancer, treats colds and has many other benefits. It also improves the human psyche and sometimes works as an antidepressant. 

It is desired by many of those interested in diets as a basic meal for breakfast because it enhances the feeling of satiety when eating it. It can also be used to prepare soups or stews. This dish mainly contains milk, oats, and other ingredients such as raisins or dates. In this recipe, we present to you how to prepare nutritious and delicious oat milk. 

Making Oat Milk 


  • ½ cup of skimmed liquid milk. 
  • 2 ½ tablespoons of oats. 
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar. 

How to Prepare

  1. Pour the liquid milk into a small saucepan and put it on the fire until it warms up and begins to boil. 
  2. Add the sugar and oats and stir well until the mixture thickens and becomes smooth. 
  3. Remove the pot from the heat, then pour the milk mixture into a serving dish. 
  4. Now the oat milk is ready and serve it hot. 

Tips: The dish can be decorated with raisins, dates or honey. Sugar can be replaced with honey. Sweets can be prepared with powdered milk and dissolved in hot water. It can be given to children six months of age and older. Oats can be served for breakfast with some fruits such as bananas, apples, and others.

Peanut Milk

Peanut milk is another type of healthy non-dairy, plant-based milk. As for preparing peanut milk, it is made by boiling the milk, then adding peanut butter to it, honey, vanilla, a cup of roasted peanuts, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Hazelnut Milk

There is also the hazelnut milk, which is prepared by soaking the hazelnut kernels in water with a pinch of salt and leaving it in the refrigerator overnight, then rinse the hazelnut and mix it with 3 cups of water in an electric mixer, then filter the mixture to get the milk.

Potato Milk

Potato milk is a new plant-based milk, and it is one of the nutritional trends to look out for in 2022. People might be afraid of potatoes thinking that it is loaded with carbohydrates and high in calories, but the surprise. However, potato milk is just 100 calories for one cup and gives you roughly 35% of your calcium needs in a day.

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