
Nuts: Luxurious Snacks and Treats

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Updated on January 31, 2024

Nuts are dry fruits or seeds that are usually high in fat. The term “nuts” is applied to many seeds other than plant nuts. Any large oily kernels found inside the shell and used in food are called nuts. Nuts are an important source of nutrients for humans. 

In general, nuts are high in oil, they are a valuable source of nutrition and energy. Nuts are used in cooking, eaten raw, roasted as snacks, or pressed for cooking oil and cosmetics. However, raw mixed nuts, sold as snacks. Nuts, used in food, may cause food allergies. 

Nuts are full of benefits, eating different types of nuts is an excellent way to maintain health. Some nuts such as almonds, walnuts and macadamia nuts have been linked to good cardiovascular health and help boost your immune system. Today, the world is witnessing an unusual consumption of nuts, due to the free exchange that exists between countries.  

Spicy Pakistani nuts are one of the best types of nuts that contain a good percentage of important nutrients and necessary vitamins that the body needs, and the most important types are: pistachio, cashew, almond, hazelnut, walnut, peanut, and pine. Here are some interesting details about them:

Pistachio: nuts rich in important elements, with a distinct flavour and can be included in the diet in many ways. It is high in protein and fibres, both of which increase the feeling of satiety and help you eat less. You can put a handful on top of your salad or yogurt to add a little crunch to your food.

Pistachio contains healthy fats, a good source of protein, fibres, and antioxidants, and contain a high amount of vitamin B6, an important nutrient required for blood sugar regulation and haemoglobin formation. The content of monounsaturated fatty acids in pistachios can lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation in the body.

Pistachio has the lowest number of calories among nuts, which means you can enjoy them more without worrying about your calories. One pistachio contains only 3 calories, while one almond contains approximately 10 calories. Pistachio is also high in lutein, minerals, and B vitamins, and have the most protein. 

Unsalted pistachio is best for weight loss. Eat these nuts as an afternoon snack. A handful of pistachio is enough to curb your midday hunger. It strengthens memory and benefits heart patients. The oil extracted from it has several medicinal benefits.

Cashew: The cashew tree is a large, evergreen tree of Brazilian origin that grows widely in northeastern Brazil and is called in Portuguese Caju. The cashew fruit grows on a small tree, its leaves are broad and long, and the fruit grows once a year. 

It is believed that the original inhabitants called it the fruit of the year. It is orange in color and sweet in flavour. This fruit is no longer confined to Brazil, but rather Vietnam occupies the first place in production, followed by Nigeria, then India, followed by Brazil. Together, these countries produce more than 90% of global production.

Brazilians use these fruits for sweets and juices. At the bottom of the fruit is the cashew nut, which goes through the drying and roasting period and is consumed in nuts or in food. To our surprise, cashew is basically poisonous and is only consumed after careful treatment through some precise techniques of peeling and roasting machines, and sieves. 

Cashew has several benefits for the body, for instance it absorbs acid from the stomach, and treats stomach and intestinal ulcers. Gentle reducer of blood sugar level in people with diabetes mellitus. Applying the oil topically treats warts, skin fungi, cancerous ulcers; however, the oil should be used with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

The iron present in cashew combats the weakness of the blood caused by iron deficiency, as it is necessary for the activity of enzymes inside the body. Magnesium gives energy and helps bone growth, as it is necessary for nerve and brain activity. Phosphorous is necessary for the growth of bones and teeth, and the activity of the brain and nerves.

Zinc is necessary for digestion and metabolism. Selenium has an antioxidant effect that prevents cancer and prevents strokes, heart disease and strokes. Cashew is a source of protein. It is considered an appetizer, a good tonic for the nerves, a general tonic, builds muscles and the body, and has a wonderful flavour.

Almond: Some almond trees bear sweet fruits, while others bear bitter fruits. The oil is extracted from both types. Sweet almonds are considered a distinct food, and they are eaten after removing the hard woody shell that envelops them. They are also eaten fresh in the spring with their green peel at the beginning of their maturity and before their peel becomes woody, which is at that time rich in cellulose.

As for the bitter almonds, they are poisonous and should be avoided, and the benefit from them is limited to extracting the oil they contain. Almond oil contains toxic Prussian hydrocyanic acid. After extracting this acid, the oil is used to flavor different extracts.

Almond contains a high nutritional value and have many benefits. The oil extracted from sweet almond is used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It softens and strengthens dry skin, calms itching, accelerates the healing of skin diseases and superficial burns, soothes middle ear pain, and restores the tympanic membrane, in addition to its use in aromatic pastes, scents, sweets, and candies. To be eaten fresh, green and ripe

Eating almonds contributes to lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, and its sweet seeds have analgesic, sedative, and laxative effects. Almond purifies the chest, opens up blockages and asthma, stops chronic coughing, eliminates burning urine, preserves the essence of the brain, and removes stomach distress.

Hazelnut: a type of small round nuts that have a crunchy texture when eaten. The nutritional value of hazelnuts is shown to be higher in calories than many edible nuts. This may be due to the fact that 10 hazelnuts contain 8.5 grams of fat. Similar to other healthy nuts, hazelnut is rich in vitamin E.

These fruits are eaten and pressed, and an oil of acceptable taste is extracted from them. The nutrients in hazelnuts are friendly to the heart and arteries, being a source of omega-3, which prevents blood clotting and clogging of the arteries, lowers blood pressure and reduces potential heart disease for diabetic people.

Hazelnut is a food rich in vitamin E. It is an anti-oxidant and prevents premature aging, and is useful when blood sugar levels drop during menstruation, stressing that the vitamin E it contains prevents the development of diabetes, regulates the activities of the heart, arteries, brain and nerves, is useful in healing wounds. It also protects against prostate cancer.

Hazelnut also contains vitamin B5 and vitamin B6, which strengthens the immune system and is useful when blood sugar is low. It contains vitamin B9, which is necessary during pregnancy, because it reduces the substance that causes blockages in the arteries, and reduces the risk of heart attack and paralysis. and dementia.

Hazelnut preserves the skin and reduce its exposure to serious cancer. Moreover, it works to remarkably build the bones of the body and contribute to their strengthening and preservation. Maintaining the digestive system and preventing its exposure to various diseases. In addition, it works to remove harmful cholesterol in the body, which impedes the transfer of oxygen to the blood.

Hazelnut may be one of the healthiest nuts for the heart, a study found that eating enough hazelnut can help in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and reducing inflammation. The study involved people getting 20% ​​of their daily energy needs from hazelnut for 4 weeks. Moreover, one of the positive effects of consuming hazelnut in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.

Walnut: one of several nuts rich in nutrients. There are two main different types of walnut grown from their seeds, the English walnut and the black walnut. English walnut, originating in Iran, and black walnut in eastern North America. While English walnut is the most widely distributed fruit in the commercial market thanks to its ease of processing, it differs greatly from black walnut in terms of nutritional information and its richness in nutrients.

Walnut has several benefits, such as treating the problem of forgetting and giving memory a noticeable activity. Moreover, it treats most of the various liver diseases to which humans are exposed. It increases attention and focus. The United States is the largest exporter of walnut in the world.

Walnut is a rich source of nutrients, especially proteins and essential fatty acids. 50 grams of walnuts contain 32.6 grams of fat, 7.6 grams of protein, and 3.35 grams of dietary fibres. The protein in walnut provides many of the essential amino acids. Walnut, like other nuts, must be properly processed and stored. As poor storage may cause it to rotten which may create aflatoxin, that can cause liver damage and cancer. 

Walnut, like other types of nuts, are considered to treat the problem of forgetfulness and give memory a remarkable activity, as it increases attention and focus. It helps in the face of most of the various liver diseases that humans are exposed to. Intensifies the metabolic process. 

Walnut is a rich source of calcium, so it provides the body with an adequate amount of it, which maintains the bones and gets rid of their fragility. It is a distinct natural diet, as it burns fat significantly, which helps in weight loss. Prevents the body from being exposed to various and dangerous heart diseases.

Peanut: botanically, not a true type of nut, in fact it is a type of legume similar to peas and beans. However, most people include peanuts in their list of common nuts that are good for you.

Peanut is one of the best types of nuts that protect and improve the nervous system. Moreover, it reduces the problem of serious heart diseases that lead to other diseases. In addition, it activates fat cells and makes the person always active and focused.

Although it is a legume, many people rate it as their favorite nut. It comes in many forms such as raw peanut, salted peanuts, dry roasted peanut, or peanut butter. If you choose it as a snack, try to stay away from the salted or oil-roasted beans. Eating peanuts daily can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent magnesium deficiency.

Originating in South America, peanut is rarely eaten raw, but are most often consumed in the form of roasted, salted peanut or peanut butter. Other peanut products include peanut oil, peanut flour, peanut protein, and other peanut products. Peanut is in a variety of foods, desserts, cakes, snacks and sauces.

Peanut is rich in fat. In fact, it is classified as an oilseed. A large proportion of the world’s peanut crop is used to make peanut oil (Euphrates oil). Peanut is a good source of protein. The protein content ranges from 22-30% of calories, making peanut a rich source of vegetable protein. The abundant proteins in peanut can be hypersensitive to some people, causing life-threatening reactions.

Peanut is rich in vitamins and minerals in particularly high amounts as biotin. Peanut is one of the richest dietary sources of biotin, which is especially important during pregnancy. Copper is a diet trace mineral that is often low in the Western diet. Copper deficiency may have adverse effects on heart health.

 Moreover, peanut also includes niacin, also known as vitamin B3, niacin has various important functions in the body. Niacin has been linked with a reduced risk of heart disease. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, this vitamin has many essential functions and is especially important in pregnancy. 

Peanut is rich with vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, it is often found in large amounts in fatty foods. Thiamine which is one of the B vitamins, also known as vitamin B1. Manganese is a trace element in drinking water and most foods.

Peanut is a good source of phosphorous, a mineral that plays an essential role in the growth and maintenance of body tissues. Magnesium which is an essential dietary mineral with various important functions. It is believed that magnesium intake protects against heart disease.

Peanut contains various biologically active plant compounds and antioxidants, in fact peanut is rich in antioxidants like many fruits, and there are many antioxidants in their outer skin, which is rarely eaten except with raw peanut. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant in peanut that may reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

In addition to phytic acid which is found in plant seeds, including nuts, phytic acid may negatively affect iron and zinc absorption from peanuts and other foods eaten at the same time. Phytosterols, peanut oil contains large amounts of phytosterols, the most common of which is beta-sitosterol, and phytosterols impair cholesterol absorption from the digestive system.

Chestnut: one of the largest nuts you can eat and the least in fat and calories. They are a dark brown type of nut that you peel to reveal a smooth, white flesh. Compared to all other nuts that are good to eat, they contain a lot of carbohydrates. There are 88 grams of carbohydrates in 20 roasted chestnuts.

One of the reasons why eating chestnuts is good for your health is that they are low in calories and rich in fibres. It is usually roasted before eating. 10 roasted chestnuts contain good amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid and vitamin B6. Chestnuts are also good sources of manganese, copper, potassium, as well as magnesium.

Its benefits are many for the body due to its nutritional values. Know in the following article the most important benefits of the various chestnuts. It is one of the most famous types of nuts beneficial to the human body, and there are many types according to their cultivation areas, as they are grown in mountainous forests in China, Japan, and Europe, and North America.

Losing weight is one of the benefits of chestnut, as chestnut is characterized by its low calories and richness in fibres that help increase the feeling of satiety for a longer period, which reduces meal intake, and thus weight loss.

Chestnuts are a good choice for maintaining the health of the heart and arteries, as they contribute to lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, as it promotes cardiovascular health. Chestnut is high in fibres, as fibres help lower cholesterol levels by reducing its absorption in the intestines.

The presence of monounsaturated fatty acids in chestnuts, such as: oleic acid, which contribute to lowering levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.

The availability of potassium in chestnuts contributes to the fluid balance in the body and helps control blood pressure levels. Chestnut is very suitable for diabetics, as they do not pose any risk to blood sugar levels, as they have a low value for the glycemic index (glycemic index), in addition to their richness in fibre that contributes to slowing the absorption of starches from the stomach, which prevents a rise in sugar in the blood.

Chestnut is a very convenient snack for pregnant women, as it strengthens the health of the pregnant woman and fetus. It is a source of many important minerals and vitamins that both the mother and the fetus need, most notably folic acid, as folic acid is important in the formation of red blood cells, and is very important in the first period of pregnancy, as its adequate intake helps protect the fetus from neural tube defects.

Dietary fibres, help prevent constipation, as constipation increases in some pregnant women. Chestnut strengthens immunity and protects cells from damage. Chestnut is distinguished from other nuts as a source of vitamin C, and vitamin C is very important in fighting free radicals as it increases the body’s immune capacity.

The antioxidants in chestnuts also have a good role in protecting liver tissue and cells from damage, if they are eaten in balanced quantities. The nutritional values ​​of chestnuts are very beneficial, due to their high nutritional values ​​in them, but these values ​​differ slightly according to the type of chestnut, there are European chestnuts, Chinese chestnuts, and others.

After identifying the benefits of chestnut, it is necessary to know its disadvantages to avoid them. It was found that chestnuts are harmless if they are eaten in medium and balanced quantities, and the damage begins if they are eaten more than the normal limit. The disadvantages of chestnuts include stomach and intestinal problems, liver and kidney problems, and it may cause some sorts of allergies in some people.

Pine: one of the smallest nuts on the list of healthy edible nuts. It is a type of white walnut and has an elongated shape. Pine meal contains good amounts of vitamin E and K, as well as magnesium, phosphorous and copper. 

The impressive health benefits of this type of nut are due to its manganese content, ​​one serving contains more than your daily needs. Most of the health benefits of baby pine nuts come from their phenolic content.

It has a nutritional benefit, as the ancients used to extract flour from pine to make bread and squeeze oil from its seeds, and extract many types from it, such as resin, turpentine and vegetable tar. And good for its flavour and taste.

Pakistani nuts are another name for pine, as it is extracted from it. Pakistani nuts are usually used in cooking after roasting a little, and they are not eaten raw, but rather add them to various dishes, whether desserts or main dishes from the chicken dish with rice and meat with almonds and pine nuts, meat kofta with pine or sweet cheese with pine nuts.

As for the types of Pakistani nuts, they differ according to the way pine fruits are grown and harvested, as well as the way they are stored and used. Including raw pine, mountain pine, and sugar pine.

Eating pine nuts daily leads to many health benefits and supplies you with the energy your body needs because of their high nutritional value, in addition to their beautiful shapes and delicious taste.

Macadamia: small white nuts with brown husks rich in fat, and they are among the most delicious nuts. However, compared to other types of edible nuts, macadamia nuts do not have good nutritional content.

Studies have indicated that increasing the consumption of these delicious white nuts is good for your heart. One study found that eating between 40 and 90 grams of macadamia nuts per day reduced the risk of coronary heart disease. 

Rich in healthy fats that may help you lose extra pounds, as one serving of them contains a mixture of dietary fibre, protein, manganese, thiamine and copper, all of which are nutritious and saturated. It is also rich in monounsaturated fats, so it has many health benefits that make it fit into any healthy diet.

Macadamia nuts aid in weight loss

One of the benefits of macadamia is that it is rich in protein and saturated with large amounts of useful fats and fibres, which are nutrients that help you feel full for long periods and thus lose weight, as the digestion process takes extended hours. Protein and fibres also help prevent high blood sugar that can leave you feeling hungry.

Macadamia nuts reduce the risk of heart disease

In general, we know the benefits of nuts on heart health, including macadamia nuts, where a number of studies have found that eating macadamia nuts regularly reduces the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. That is because it contains monounsaturated fats, which raise the level of good cholesterol, and thus reduce the risk factors for coronary artery disease.

Macadamia nuts reduce the risk of cancer

Macadamia nuts contain a type of vitamin E group called tocotrienols, which studies have shown to be effective against cancer. It also contains a large amount of plant compounds called flavonoids, which can fight cancer by destroying harmful free radicals in the body.

Macadamia nuts protect the brain from Alzheimer’s

A recent study found that the tocotrienol component of the vitamin E group that macadamia nuts contain not only helps in fighting cancer, but also fights the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and thus eating it protects the brain from dementia with age. 

Another study revealed that macadamia contains oleic acid. It is one of the unsaturated fats found in macadamia nuts that can protect the brain from certain types of oxidative stress. Despite the health benefits of macadamia, it may also have some disadvantages:

  1. Macadamia Nuts are rich in calories

Macadamia nuts contain a calorie-dense serving. One cup or 130 grams of it contains about 950 calories. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a limited amount of it as a snack per day.

  1. Macadamia nuts cause hypersensitivity

You should avoid eating macadamia nuts if you are allergic to macadamia nuts, as it is sufficient to inhale it to trigger your allergy. Some types of macadamia nuts contain unhealthy ingredients. So to speak, not all macadamia nuts are healthy options, as some types contain added sugar, salt, or oil. Make sure of each type before eating it to protect yourself from weight gain and cholesterol.

Pecan: a brown type of walnut. It is the most delicious type of nut that can be used in desserts or pastries, but of course, it is best to eat it raw to get all its health benefits.

Pecan is incredibly tasty and healthy, full of polyphenols and very low in carbohydrates, so it is the best nut for a keto diet. Eating this oval brown nut may help lower bad cholesterol. One study found that consuming pecans helped increase good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol.

Pecan nuts are considered one of the most beneficial nuts for the body and the heart and blood vessels. Pecan enters many diets as they are rich in monounsaturated fats. Replacing part of the saturated fat in the diet with these healthy fats can help burn fat by eating a handful of these nuts daily. Here is the most important information about the pecan nut and its benefits:

  1. Promotes heart health

Eating pecan nuts helps to promote heart health, because it contains monounsaturated fats, as mentioned earlier, such as: oleic acid, along with antioxidants, and as you know that antioxidants help reduce the risk of heart disease. Pecan nuts also help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood, which in turn also prevents stroke and coronary artery disease.

  1. Improves digestion

Since pecan nuts are rich in dietary fibres, it promotes colon health and facilitates regular bowel movement. It also prevents constipation and reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and colitis by cleaning the digestive system.

  1. Helps lose weight

Eating pecans enhances satiety and increases metabolism because it contains many important vitamins, such as vitamin B, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, and folic acid, which help increase the metabolic rate. As pecans contain a low percentage of sugar, it helps improve blood sugar levels.

  1. Reduces the risk of cancer

Pecan nut protects the human body from cancer due to the anti-reproduction properties of ellagic acid, as it prevents DNA binding to some carcinogenic substances such as: nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

It also contains oleic acid, a fatty acid that has been found to reduce the risk of breast cancer, and the pecan nut helps reduce colon cancer because it cleans the digestive system.

  1. Acts as an anti-inflammatory

Pecans are rich in magnesium, which is known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, and also reduces inflammation in the arteries and the risk of arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other inflammatory diseases. It is also rich in manganese, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects nerve cells and boosts immunity.

  1. Prevents skin problems

Since pecans are also an excellent source of vitamin E, vitamin A, zinc, and phosphorous, pecans have a role in maintaining skin and skin and preventing the development of skin problems. Pecan is rich in dietary fibres, so it helps to get rid of toxins and waste in the body, helps improve the appearance of the skin and also protects against skin infections because it contains zinc and vitamin A.

  1. Acts as an anti-ageing

Pecan contains many antioxidants, vitamin E, and vitamin A, which fight and remove free radicals responsible for ageing, so pecans can prevent the occurrence of fine lines, pigmentation and wrinkles.

  1. Prevents hair loss

Iron deficiency in the body leads to anaemia that causes hair loss, but pecans are a good source of iron and thus reduce hair loss. Besides pecans and their benefits, there are some side effects of eating too many pecans, such as gaining weight, causes nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath.

Nuts Advantages 

Nuts are considered healthy snacks that are necessary for the health of the body, as they contain many benefits, including:

Rich in Antioxidants: Nuts contain antioxidants known as polyphenols, which may protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Increase weight loss: Studies have proven that nuts are good for promoting weight loss, as the body does not absorb all the calories in nuts.

Lower cholesterol and triglycerides: Nuts help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels. The high content of monounsaturated fatty acids is an effective factor in controlling cholesterol levels.

Good for Type 2 Diabetics: Several studies have shown that blood sugar, blood pressure, and other health markers improve when people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome include nuts in their diet.

Reduce inflammation: Research suggests that nuts may reduce inflammation, especially in people with diabetes, kidney disease, and other serious health conditions.

Rich in fibers: Nuts are high-fibers food, which can lower your risk of disease, help keep you full, reduce calorie absorption, and improve gut health.

Nuts play an important role in reducing the risk of heart disease, as they reduce the incidence of heart disease by more than half for people who regularly consume nuts. Adding walnut or peanut to food, lowers the level of harmful cholesterol (LDL) and thus the rate of cholesterol in general, within a month It is eaten daily in moderate proportions. 

Almond fat also contains a good percentage of important vitamins for the body, which are dissolved in these fats, such as vitamin D and vitamin E. These vitamins limit the oxidation of some basic components in the cell. There is no doubt that antioxidants are linked to the prevention of cancer, as They rid the body of oxidizing substances that may harm it and cause the activity of some cancer cells. 

Therefore, consuming appropriate amounts of almonds at the rate of one palm, approximately 50 grams per day, contributes to protecting the human being and lowering rates of heart disease in people who eat peanuts is mainly due to the vitamin (E) available in them. 

Nuts contain a good proportion of dietary fibres, which may reach more than 3%, as in cashews and hazelnuts, so it has a good effect on health because dietary fibres are associated with reducing colon problems and lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. 

Nuts contain potassium, which is important for muscle activity, especially the heart, which helps in protecting and strengthening it. As well as phosphorous, useful for your brain and your bones. For example, hazelnut is an important food element to activate the functional work of the brain. Almond contributes to reducing high blood pressure because they contain magnesium, which helps in expanding blood vessels, as well as reducing muscle spasms. 

Nuts also contain some essential nutrients, such as iron and calcium, in good degrees. For example, almond contains more than 250 mg of calcium, for example, which is a good percentage for maintaining bone integrity in adults and the elderly and is important for children and pregnant women because it gives them an appropriate amount of these two elements. Which cause problems when they are low in the blood such as short stature, osteoporosis and anaemia.

Therefore, the introduction of appropriate amounts of nuts in the diet of children and pregnant women is required and useful to reduce many problems. Nuts help promote sexual health. Nuts help improve fertility in men. Eating them daily enhances the quality of sperm, including their motility and vitality. 

This is due to the important nutrients contained in it, which include antioxidants, omega-3 and the vitamin B complex. Nuts contribute to getting rid of insomnia. When eating nuts, melatonin is obtained, especially from walnuts, a compound responsible for transmitting messages related to the dark and light cycle to the body. When eating nuts, especially walnuts, their levels of melatonin rise significantly, which contributes to better quality sleep. 

Nuts Disadvantages

Nuts should not be greatly consumed because they contain a large percentage of fat, which increases calories, as every 100 grams of nuts adds between 520-630 calories, and therefore consuming a large amount of them necessarily leads to obesity and weight gain, so it is recommended to eat an average of 50 grams per day only. 

Allergies have become more common among children as a result of eating peanuts and have doubled over the past five years. Their study found that one child out of a hundred children is allergic to peanuts. 

Nuts are also susceptible to mould if stored in poor conditions of high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation. These moulds secrete toxins that are extremely dangerous to human health, so we must eat nuts that are fresh or stored in sound ways and that there is no phenomenon of spoilage and rotting on them. 

Patients with an upset bowel and patients with marrow failure, and low white blood cells, are advised to avoid nuts. Patients with chronic renal failure and patients with kidney stones or those who are willing to form stones should reduce the consumption of nuts. 

Excessive consumption of nuts makes a person feel gassy, ​​narrow or bloated, with the potential of gaining weight when you constantly eat nuts since they contain a very high percentage of calories. Exposure to a food allergy to nuts, a person may develop diarrhoea, due to the excessively high percentage of fats.

Nut Allergy

It is a reaction of the immune system of the person allergic to nuts, and the most prominent types of allergies that cause allergies are hazelnut, walnut, almond, cashew, pistachio, chestnut, and people with allergies to nuts, it is important to stay away from eating them, or eating any of the foods they contain, in order to avoid its complications. 

The most important symptoms of an allergy to nuts may include itching or sneezing as the early symptoms of an allergy, skin rashes, tingling and itching in the mouth and lips, swelling in the face, feeling sick, vomiting, abdominal cramps, stool disorders, and frequent diarrhea. The protrusion of the eyes and a runny nose. 

Nuts allergy may develop severe symptoms, such as severe shortness of breath, swelling around the throat, redness of the skin, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, fainting or physical collapse. 

In order to avoid this allergy, the patient must avoid nuts of all kinds, avoid any products and extracts of nuts, avoid foods that contain nuts, follow up with a specialized doctor periodically, read the food label on ready-made products, and carry medicines designed to treat allergy attacks everywhere.

How to Roast Nuts

If you have ever had your teeth bumped into a hard-to-chew piece of nuts, you have surely known how important toasting the nuts can be. When roasting the nuts in the oven, stove, or microwave and caring for them during this process, they become firm, crisp, and extremely crunchy. 

If you are going to toast the nuts to use in a recipe, just a pinch of butter, to give them a rich flavour. If you want to make it more vegan, you can substitute butter with coconut oil. You can also try various spices. Try roasting nuts with cinnamon, cayenne pepper, or honey for a healthy, flavorful meal.


1 tablespoon (15 g) of butter/ coconut oil/ olive oil.

1 cup (65 g) of pitted nuts.

1 teaspoon (5 g) salt.

2 pinch crushed red pepper (optional).

Enough to make 1 cup (65 g) of nuts halves.

How to Roast

  1. Roasting nuts in the oven

Preheat the oven to 165°C and melt the butter. You can heat a large piece of butter (15 g) in a small saucepan over low heat or in the microwave for 10 seconds until it melts. You can use salted butter, but for flavour you will have to have more fish.

Flip the nuts with the butter and place it on a baking tray. Place 1 cup (65 g) of nuts halves in a bowl and pour the melted butter over them. Next, flip the nuts and arrange them in a single layer so all the kernels are toasted evenly.

Another way with cinnamon: 1 egg white scrambled until foamy and mix in 1 cup (65 g) of halved nuts, then stir in ¼ cup (50 g) of sugar with 1 teaspoon (2 g) of cinnamon. Spread the nuts on the baking sheet and toast for 45 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, until they are evenly cooked.

Roast the nuts in the oven for 25 minutes, and flip them once at a time. Place the baking tray in a preheated oven, cook nuts for 12 minutes, then cover. Using a wooden spoon, flip the nuts, within 12 minutes into oven to toast complete. When the nuts smell amazing, congratulations, they have been roasted.

Remove the baking sheet or tray from the oven and season the nuts with salt and red pepper. Turn off the oven and carefully remove the tray, then sprinkle ¾ teaspoon (4 g) of kosher salt and 2 sprinkles of ground red pepper over the nuts. If you like the spicy flavour of red pepper, you can leave it out or replace it with different spices, such as ground cumin or rosemary.

Let the nuts cool on the baking sheet. Flip the toasted nuts and leave them on the baking tray to cool. If you eat nuts, but they are still crunchy and you find them hard to chew. 

Soak toasted and cooled nuts in an airtight container at room temperature for a maximum of one week.

  1. Roasting nuts on the stove

Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Place a frying pan on the stove and put 1 tablespoon (15 g) of butter in it, then turn the burner on medium and let the butter melt. You can replace the butter with olive oil, canola oil, or coconut oil.

Add the nuts, sprinkle with salt and red pepper, and stir. 1 cup (65 g) nuts halves to skillet with ¾ teaspoon (4 g) of kosher salt. If you want to season the nuts for some flavor, stir in two sprinkles of ground red pepper.

If you want more of this recipe, toast the nuts in batches rather than stacking the pan all at once.

Cook the nuts for 2 to 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Keep the stove on medium heat, turning the nuts every minute to keep them from burning. Roast the nuts until fragrant and darker. If you store nuts in the refrigerator or freezer, it may take an extra minute to roast them.

Move the nuts to a plate and let them cool. Cooking nuts can be done in the pan even after the stove is turned off, put the roasted nuts on a plate, and let them cool before you enjoy eating them. Place the cooled nuts in an airtight container at room temperature and store for up to a week.

Sweet Spicy Nuts Method: roast the nuts in butter for 3 to 4 minutes, then add ⅛ teaspoon (0.3 g) of cayenne pepper and the same amount of cinnamon as well as grated orange peel. 1 tablespoon (12 g) brown sugar and cook the nuts for an additional 1 to 2 minutes.

  1. Roasting nuts in the microwave

Mix the glitter butter, salt, and pepper in a dish. Take a flat, microwave-safe dish, such as a pie plate, and place 1 cup (65 g) of nuts into it. Stir in 1 tablespoon (14 g) of melted butter and ¾ teaspoon (4 g) of salt. If you want to give the nuts a spicy flavour, add a couple of sprinkles of ground red pepper. Consider using seasoned salt instead of kosher salt for added flavour.

Heat the nuts in the microwave for a minute. Put the buttered nuts plate in the microwave and heat it on the highest heat for a minute. The starting point of the nuts will appear at this and turn a slightly darker colour. 

Heat the nuts for 1 to 2 minutes, turning them every 30 seconds. Open the microwave and stir in the pecans, then continue heating it for another 30 seconds and flip it over. 

Then, continue heating the nuts in the microwave for an additional 1-2 minutes or until they smell fragrant. It is important to turn the nuts frequently while roasting to prevent them from burning on one side.

Cool the nuts before using it. Put on oven mitts to remove the nuts from the microwave because the dish will be hot, and transfer the nuts to a tray lined with baking paper or a folded baking sheet and leave to cool completely. Place the cooled nuts in an airtight container and store them for up to a week.

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