snack business

Growing a Snack Business: All You Need to Know

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Updated on April 7, 2024

Reviewed by Yasmin Elwan

The snack business has emerged as a compelling realm of opportunity in a world where convenience and flavour converge. From wholesome trail mixes to innovative gourmet treats, the snack business captivates entrepreneurs and consumers. But how does one navigate this dynamic landscape to establish a snack business and nurture its growth?

This article delves into the strategies, insights, and essential steps to cultivate a flourishing snack business, ensuring that your culinary creations find their way into the hearts and hands of snack enthusiasts around the globe.

How Can You Start and Grow a Snack Business? With Wolf & Woodsman

In this video, we sit down with Jonathan and Andy Laverty, two of the Directors of Wolf & Woodsman.

During the interview, we learned how they grew their business through their experience in the fitness industry, the challenges they faced creating the best sweet potato crisps, and how they continue to scale their snack business in Northern Ireland and further afield.

The twins Jonathan and Andy talked about how sweet potato chips are healthy as they contain vitamins and minerals, plus they bake, not fry them, as frying can add extra calories to chips. They intend to grow their business into healthy and tasty snacks but not only healthy with a “cardboard” taste. They encourage anyone with an idea for a business to work on it and give it a try, travel, learn, and have fun, as they have a slogan: “Live. Explore. Thrive”.

Jonathan and Andy talked about the challenges they faced to make this business, which is importing their sweet potato from Carolina, as sweet potato is difficult to grow in the UK. Another challenge is the package they ordered, as there are minimum order quantities. They had a bad experience with the packaging as they ordered 32,000 bags and filled them with incorrect ingredients.

In terms of support, they are part of the Lisburn Enterprise Centre, so they can easily get mentors and advisor programmes. Finally, they talked about the business’s future: to scale up the production, make it fully automatic, and produce many other flavours besides the two they have now, and maybe shortly, they will grow snack products and healthy drinks that are equally healthy and tasty.

What Are the Steps to Start a Snack Business?

starting a business illustration

Starting a snack business can be exciting but requires careful planning and execution. Here are the steps to help you get started:

Idea and Research

  • Define your niche: Decide on the snacks you want to offer. Are you focusing on healthy snacks, gourmet options, international flavours, or something else?
  • Market research: Analyse your target audience, their preferences, and competitors in the snack industry. Understand trends and gaps in the market.

Business Plan

  • Create a detailed business plan: Outline your business goals, target market, competitive analysis, marketing strategies, pricing, distribution channels, and financial projections.
  • Funding: Determine how much cash flow you need to start and operate your business. Explore funding options such as personal savings, loans, investors, or crowdfunding.

Legal and Regulatory Steps

  • Business structure: Choose a legal system for your business, like sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation.
  • Permits and licenses: Do your best to get the necessary permissions and licenses to function legally, including health department permits, food handling licenses, and local business permits.

Branding and Product Development

  • Brand identity: Create a memorable and appealing brand name, logo, and design that reflect your snacks and target audience.
  • Product development: Develop a snack menu that aligns with your chosen niche. Focus on quality, taste, and uniqueness.

Suppliers and Ingredients

  • Source suppliers: Find reliable suppliers for your ingredients. Consider factors like cost, quality, and consistency.
  • Ingredients: Ensure your snacks are made from fresh, high-quality ingredients. Explore local or organic options.

Production and Quality Control

  • Kitchen space: Depending on the scale of your business, you might need a commercial kitchen or production facility.
  • Standard operating procedures: Develop clear and consistent recipes and processes to ensure quality and texture in the snacks.

Packaging and Design

  • Packaging: Design attractive, functional packaging that keeps your snacks fresh and aligns with your brand.
  • Labels: Include nutrition information, allergen warnings, and other required labelling.

Marketing and Promotion

  • Digital presence: Create a professional website and utilise social media platforms to showcase your snacks and engage with customers.
  • Marketing strategies: A marketing plan that includes social media marketing, influencer partnerships, email marketing, and possibly advertising will be helpful for any business these days.


  • Sales channels: Decide on your distribution channels, such as selling through your website, local farmers’ markets, retail stores, or online platforms.
  • Logistics: Set up efficient delivery and shipping processes to ensure timely and safe delivery of the snacks.

Launch and Growth

  • Launch event: Organise a launch event or promotional campaign to generate buzz around your snack business.
  • Customer feedback: Listen to customer feedback and continuously improve your products and services.
  • Expansion: As the business grows, consider expanding your product line and distribution and opening a physical location.

So, starting a business requires dedication, hard work, and adaptability. Stay open to learning from your experiences and making necessary adjustments.

Is Snack a Good Business?

Starting a snack business can be a good business opportunity. Still, its success depends on various factors, including market demand, competition, your unique value proposition, and your ability to execute your business plan effectively. Here are some pros and cons to consider in the snack business:

Pros of Starting a Snack Business

  1. Growing Market: Snacks are a significant part of the food industry, and there’s a growing demand for convenient, on-the-go snack options.
  2. Diverse Audience: Snacks appeal to a wide range of customers, from children to adults, making it possible to target various demographics.
  3. Innovation Potential: The snack industry allows for creativity in terms of flavours, ingredients, and packaging, which can help you stand out from competitors.
  4. Repeat Business: Snacks often lead to repeat purchases, especially if customers enjoy your products, leading to potential customer loyalty.
  5. Low Entry Barrier: Depending on your business model, you might not need a large initial investment, especially if you begin with a smaller scale or focus on online sales.
  6. Online Sales Opportunities: Reaching a wide audience through online platforms and social media can be doubled with the rise of e-commerce.

Cons of Starting a Snack Business

  1. Competition: The snack industry can be highly competitive, with many established brands and new entrants competing for market share.
  2. Taste Preferences: Taste is subjective, and not all snack ideas will resonate equally with consumers. Finding the right flavours can be challenging.
  3. Seasonal Fluctuations: Some snacks might be more popular during certain seasons, leading to potential fluctuations in sales.
  4. Health Concerns: Many consumers become more health-conscious, and there’s a demand for healthier snack options. Balancing taste and health can be a challenge.
  5. Regulations and Compliance: The food industry is heavily regulated for safety and health reasons. Ensuring compliance can be time-consuming and costly.
  6. Margins and Pricing: Depending on the ingredients and production methods, snack businesses face challenges maintaining competitive pricing while ensuring profitability.
  7. Distribution Logistics: Ensuring timely and fresh delivery of snacks can be a logistical challenge, especially if you’re operating on a larger scale.

Ultimately, the success of a snack business depends on your ability to differentiate yourself, provide value to customers, adapt to changing trends, and effectively market and distribute your products. Thorough market research and a well-thought-out business plan are essential to help you navigate the challenges and capitalise on the opportunities in the snack industry.

What Snacks Make Money?

ethnic snacks

Snacks that have the potential to make money are those that align with current consumer trends, offer unique value, and have a strong appeal to a target audience. Remember that a snack business’s success depends on marketing, quality, branding, and distribution. Here are some snack ideas that have shown the potential to be profitable:

  1. Healthy Snacks: As health-conscious consumers look for nutritious options, snacks that are low in sugar, high in protein, gluten-free, vegan, or made with organic ingredients can be popular.
  2. Plant-Based and Vegan Snacks: With the rise of plant-based diets, there’s a growing demand for vegan snacks from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and alternative protein sources.
  3. Gluten-Free Snacks: Gluten-free snacks cater to individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease and can be a lucrative niche.
  4. Ethnic or International Flavors: Introducing unique flavours from different cultures can attract customers looking for exotic and new taste experiences.
  5. Gourmet or Artisanal Snacks: High-quality ingredients, unique combinations, and handcrafted production methods can justify premium pricing for gourmet snacks.
  6. Snacks with Functional Benefits: Snacks infused with added nutrients, vitamins, or functional ingredients (like probiotics or antioxidants) can appeal to health-conscious consumers.
  7. Convenience Snacks: Quick and portable snacks that provide convenience for on-the-go lifestyles are always in demand.
  8. Snacks for Special Dietary Needs: Catering to individuals with specific dietary requirements, such as keto, paleo, or nut-free, can create a loyal customer base.
  9. Innovative Chip and Crisp Varieties: Chips and crisps from alternative ingredients like sweet potatoes, kale, quinoa, or legumes can attract attention.
  10. Unique Packaging and Presentation: Innovative packaging designs that enhance shelf appeal and grab consumers’ attention can contribute to sales.
  11. Subscription Snack Boxes: Offering curated snack subscription boxes can create a recurring revenue stream while providing variety to customers.
  12. Snacks for Kids: Healthy and fun snacks designed specifically for children can appeal to parents looking for nutritious options.
  13. Energy and Protein Bars: With active lifestyles becoming more common, energy and protein bars are popular options for people seeking quick fuel.
  14. Dessert Snacks: Indulgent yet smaller portion dessert-style snacks can satisfy sweet cravings without excessive calories.
  15. Local Snacks: Capitalise on the “support local” movement by offering snacks made with locally sourced ingredients or unique regional flavours.

Success in the snack business requires a combination of factors, including product quality, branding, marketing, distribution, and responsiveness to consumer preferences. So, do market research to understand the target audience, recognise gaps in the market, and then tailor your snack business accordingly.

How Can You Be Successful in Food Business?

Achieving success in the food and snack business requires strategic planning, dedication, creativity, and the ability to adapt to changing market trends. Here are some critical steps to help you succeed in the food industry:

  1. Identify Your Niche: Determine the specific segment of the food industry you want to focus on; this could be a type of cuisine, dietary need, meal type, or unique concept.
  2. Market Research: Understand your target audience, their preferences, behaviours, and needs. Research your competition to identify gaps in the market and opportunities for differentiation.
  3. Business Plan: Create a good business plan that outlines your goals, target market, competitive analysis, pricing strategy, marketing plan, operational details, and financial projections.
  4. Quality and Consistency: Maintain high-quality standards of food, taste, and presentation, as consistency is essential to building a loyal customer base.
  5. Innovative Menu: Create a menu that balances familiar favourites and unique, innovative dishes that set you apart from competitors.
  6. Ingredients and Sourcing: Source fresh, high-quality ingredients from reliable suppliers. Consider local and sustainable sourcing.
  7. Food Safety and Regulations: Stick to food safety regulations and obtain the licenses and permits to operate legally. Prioritise the health and safety of your customers.
  8. Branding and Marketing: Build a strong brand identity that echoes your target audience. Use effective marketing strategies, including social media, content marketing, and partnerships.
  9. Customer Experience: Create a positive eating experience that goes beyond just the food. Excellent customer service and atmosphere can make a lasting impression.
  10. Adapt to Trends: Stay updated with food trends, dietary preferences, and consumer demands. Be willing to adapt your menu and offerings accordingly.
  11. Online Presence: Develop a professional website and establish a strong online presence. Utilise social media platforms to showcase your offerings and engage with customers.
  12. Feedback and Improvement: Use customer feedback to improve your business and services continuously.
  13. Efficient Operations: Optimise your kitchen operations to ensure timely service and minimise wastage. Efficient processes contribute to cost savings.
  14. Financial Management: Keep a close eye on your finances. Monitor expenses, manage cash flow, and maintain a healthy profit margin.
  15. Team Building: Hire and train a skilled and motivated team. A well-trained staff can enhance the overall customer experience.
  16. Community Engagement: Get involved in your local community through events, collaborations, and sponsorships. Building a solid local presence can attract loyal customers.
  17. Flexibility and Resilience: The food industry can be unpredictable. Be prepared to adapt to challenges, whether changing consumer preferences or external factors like economic shifts or health crises.

Remember that success in the food and snack business takes time and effort. Being passionate, open to learning, and willing to evolve is essential as you gather insights from your experiences and customer interactions.

Snack Business Ideas: Which Snacks Are the Healthiest to Eat?

healthy snacks

Healthy snacks provide essential nutrients, energy, and satiety without being excessively high in unhealthy additives, sugars, or fats. Here are some examples of healthy snacks:

  1. Sweet Potato Chips: As we see in the previous video of Jonathan and Andy Laverty, they grew a business of sweet potato chips, and it was a healthy option for many; that’s how they got the marketing idea and developed it.
  2. Fresh Fruits: Apples, bananas, berries, oranges, grapes, and other whole fruits provide natural sugars, fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants.
  3. Vegetables: Carrot sticks, cucumber slices, bell pepper strips, and cherry tomatoes are low-calorie options rich in vitamins and minerals.
  4. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, chia seeds, and flaxseeds offer healthy fats, protein, and fibre. They can be a good source of energy and promote satiety.
  5. Greek Yogurt: Low-fat or plain Greek yoghurt is full of protein and probiotics, which are healthy for the gut.
  6. Hummus and Veggies: Hummus made from chickpeas provides protein and fibre, and it pairs well with raw vegetable sticks like carrots, celery, and bell peppers.
  7. Hard-Boiled Eggs: Eggs are a source of protein. Hard-boiled eggs are portable and convenient.
  8. Whole Grain Crackers: Whole grain crackers contain fibre and complex carbohydrates. Pair them with hummus, nut butter, or low-fat cheese.
  9. Air-Popped Popcorn: Popcorn is a whole-grain snack that’s low in calories when air-popped. Avoid heavy butter or excessive salt.
  10. Nut Butter: Natural nut kinds of butter like almond or peanut butter provide healthy fats and protein. Spread them on whole grain bread or dip fruits in them.
  11. Cheese and Whole Grain Crackers: Choose lower-fat cheese options and pair them with whole-grain crackers for a satisfying and balanced snack.
  12. Smoothies: Blend fruits, vegetables, Greek yoghurt, and a small amount of nut butter or seeds for a nutritious snack.
  13. Homemade Trail Mix: Create your mix of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. This snack can provide a good balance of healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates.
  14. Cottage Cheese: Cottage cheese is high in protein and could be paired with fresh fruits or vegetables.

Remember that portion control is essential even with healthy snacks, as overeating even nutritious foods can lead to consuming excess calories. Choose snacks for your business that align with specific dietary needs and preferences, which can be more profitable.

Snack business growth requires a potent blend of creativity, strategy, adaptability, and unwavering commitment. From crafting an irresistible brand identity to catering to evolving consumer preferences, every step along the way shapes the trajectory of your venture. So, whether you’re a budding entrepreneur embarking on a flavourful adventure or a seasoned snack aficionado seeking new avenues for expansion, remember that the path to growing a snack business is a flavourful blend of innovation, dedication, and a dash of entrepreneurial magic.

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