learning to cook

Benefits of Learning to Cook That Will Transform Your Life

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Updated on February 21, 2024

Remember that warm feeling of comfort and satisfaction after a delicious, home-cooked meal? It’s not just about the taste. That is why learning to cook is important; that meal represents a specific journey in your journey. 

From selecting fresh ingredients to mastering techniques, you’ve poured your heart and soul into creating something truly special. But the magic of cooking extends far beyond personal satisfaction. It holds the key to unlocking a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

In this article, we’ll delve into the profound reasons why learning to cook isn’t just a hobby but a crucial life skill. We’ll explore its transformative benefits, from nourishing your body and mind to strengthening your relationships and igniting your creativity. 

Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned chef looking for inspiration, join us as we embark on this culinary adventure.

The Benefits of Learning to Cook

Learning to Cook
Benefits of learning to cook

Imagine the warm glow of accomplishment after mastering a challenging recipe, the joy of sharing a laughter-filled dinner with loved ones, or the therapeutic escape into a world of vibrant spices and exotic flavours. 

Learning to cook offers a treasure trove of benefits beyond simply nourishing your body. Let’s explore how it can enrich your life on multiple levels.


Learning to cook at home has numerous health benefits; let’s learn more about them. 


Home cooking gives you complete control over ingredients, allowing you to choose fresh, healthy options and avoid hidden sugars, unhealthy fats, and excess sodium often found in processed foods and restaurant meals.

Dietary control 

Whether you have specific dietary needs or allergies or simply want to eat healthier, cooking enables you to customise your meals to suit your individual requirements perfectly.

Portion control

Cooking at home empowers you to manage portion sizes, preventing overeating and promoting healthy weight management.

Improved gut health

Utilising diverse ingredients, especially fibre-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, fosters a healthy gut microbiome, essential for overall well-being.


Ordering takeaway every day is expensive, but learning to cook at home will save you a lot of money. Let’s learn more about it through the following points. 

Budget-friendly meals

Dining out and relying on takeout can significantly strain your budget. Cooking at home enables you to create delicious meals at a fraction of the cost by utilising pantry staples, planning meals, and minimising food waste.

Stretching food resources

Techniques like freezing, pickling, and repurposing leftovers help you maximise the value of your groceries, reducing waste and saving money.

Financial literacy

Learning to budget for groceries, plan meals, and compare prices empowers you to make informed financial decisions.

Personal Growth & Satisfaction

Learning how to cook at home offers numerous benefits for your growth that you would not expect, so let’s learn more about it. 

Sense of accomplishment

Mastering new recipes, techniques, and cuisines fosters a sense of accomplishment and boosts confidence in your abilities.

Creative outlet

Cooking allows you to experiment with flavours, ingredients, and presentations, providing a unique platform for self-expression.

Stress relief

The repetitive nature of cooking, combined with the focus on the present moment, can be incredibly calming and relieve stress.

Mindfulness and appreciation

Cooking cultivates awareness of food’s sights, smells, and tastes, promoting mindfulness and a deeper appreciation for the meal and the effort involved.

Relationships & Social Connection

We all know that the best stories are told while you’re all gathered in the kitchen cooking with your loved ones, and here are some intriguing points to think about when learning to cook. 

Family bonding

Cooking together can be a fun and engaging activity for families, creating lasting memories, fostering communication, and strengthening bonds.

Impressing guests

Sharing a delicious, home-cooked meal is a thoughtful way to show appreciation and create memorable connections with friends and family.

Cultural exchange

Exploring different cuisines through cooking allows you to learn about other cultures, broaden your horizons, and connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

Environmental Impact

You don’t often realise how much waste you create when you order takeaway, but cooking at home actually helps to reduce waste. Here are a few things to consider. 

Reduced food waste

The ability to control portion sizes and repurpose leftovers minimises food waste that ends up in landfills.

Support for sustainable practices

 Choosing locally sourced, seasonal ingredients reduces your carbon footprint and supports local farmers who implement sustainable practices.

Mindful consumption

Cooking fosters a deeper understanding of where our food comes from and the resources involved in its production, encouraging mindful consumption habits.

Cooking as a Life Skill

learning to cook
Learning to cook

Cooking as a life skill encompasses more than just whipping up a meal from time to time. It’s an essential tool that touches various aspects of life, making it a truly valuable skill to have.

Let’s delve into the details of why cooking is such a powerful life skill.

Fostering Independence and Responsibility

Learning to cook teaches you crucial life skills like planning, organisation, time management, and decision-making. 

You learn to plan meals, manage your grocery budget, and make choices about ingredients and techniques. This sense of independence and responsibility spills over into other areas of life.

It develops basic kitchen safety and hygiene practices, promoting self-reliance and awareness of healthy habits.

Sparking Creativity and Personal Growth

Cooking is a creative outlet, allowing you to experiment with flavours, cuisines, and ingredients. 

This encourages imagination, resourcefulness, and problem-solving skills. Each dish becomes a canvas for your culinary exploration.

Mastering recipes and techniques builds confidence and a sense of accomplishment, boosting self-esteem and motivation.

Promoting Sustainability and Mindfulness

When you cook at home, you can choose locally sourced, seasonal ingredients to minimise your carbon footprint and support local farmers. This fosters a mindful approach to food consumption.

Learning basic food preservation techniques like freezing and pickling reduces food waste, promoting responsible resource management.

Adaptability and Resilience

The ability to cook equips you with valuable skills that adapt to various situations. Whether you’re travelling, living on your own, or facing unexpected circumstances, knowing how to cook empowers you to create nutritious and satisfying meals without relying on readily available processed options.

Steps to Learn How to Cook

Learning to cook is an exciting journey, and the good news is it’s open to everyone! Here are some steps you can take to embark on this delicious adventure:

Start Simple and Set Realistic Goals

Don’t overwhelm yourself with complex recipes initially. Begin with simple dishes that require few ingredients and minimal steps, like rice, scrambled eggs, pasta with tomato sauce, or grilled cheese.

Set achievable goals, like cooking one new recipe per week or mastering a basic technique like chopping vegetables.

Gather Essential Kitchen Tools and Ingredients

Invest in a few basic tools like a chef’s knife, cutting board, pots, pans, mixing bowls, and measuring cups. You don’t need fancy equipment to start.

Stock your pantry with staples like rice, pasta, beans, canned tomatoes, spices, and herbs. This allows for quick and easy meals without needing a full grocery run every time.

Find Reliable Resources and Inspiration

Utilise cookbooks, websites, and online channels like YouTube for recipes and tutorials. Look for reputable sources with clear instructions and visuals.

Follow cooking blogs or social media accounts of chefs or home cooks for inspiration and new ideas.

cooking tips

Embrace Practice and Experimentation

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Cooking is a learning process, and even experienced chefs mess up sometimes. Learn from your mistakes and keep trying.

Experiment with different flavours, ingredients, and cuisines. This keeps cooking exciting and helps you discover your personal preferences.

Make it Fun and Social

Cook with friends and family. It’s a great way to bond, learn from each other, and share the joy of cooking and eating together.

Turn cooking into a relaxing activity. Put on some music, light candles, and enjoy the process.

Additional Tips

Plan your meals; this helps you save time and money by avoiding impulse purchases at the grocery store.

Utilise leftovers, get creative and repurpose leftovers into new dishes to avoid food waste.

Learning basic knife skills and proper knife handling is essential for safety and efficiency in the kitchen.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help; ask a friend, family member, or online community for guidance if you’re unsure about something.

cooking tips to help you get started

Best YouTube channels for beginners to learn how to cook

Choosing the “best” channels depends on individual preferences and learning styles, but here are some fantastic YouTube channels that cater to beginner cooks, each with unique strengths:

Channels with Easy, Straightforward Recipes

These channels are a great place to begin your cooking journey. 

  • Babish Culinary Universe: Andrew Rea creates fun and approachable recreations of movie and TV show dishes, offering clear instructions and helpful tips.
  • Budget Bytes: Beth teaches how to cook delicious meals on a tight budget, focusing on affordable ingredients and simple techniques.
  • Joshua Weissman: Offers a wide range of basic and complex recipes, with detailed explanations and engaging humour.
  • Pro Home Cooks: Mike Greenfield focuses on teaching essential kitchen skills and helpful hacks in an easy-to-follow manner.

Channels with Visual Appeal and Engaging Personalities

You will enjoy these channels if you want to step up your cooking game. 

  • Bon Appétit: Features diverse chefs showcasing exciting recipes and stunning visuals, perfect for visual learners.
  • How To Cook That: Ann Reardon tackles food science and debunks myths in a fun and educational way, sparking curiosity in beginners.
  • JunsKitchen: Junshik Yoon creates beautiful and healthy Korean-inspired dishes with calming visuals and soothing background music.
  • Sorted Food: Ben Ebbrell and Jamie Oliver’s team present interesting recipes with quirky humour and clear instructions.

Channels with Diverse Cuisines and Global Flavors

Who said you have to stick to one cuisine? You can explore many cuisines with these YouTube channels. 

  • Babish Culinary Universe: Explores dishes from various cultures alongside movie/TV inspirations.
  • Cooking with Babita: Babita Pradhan focuses on authentic Indian recipes with detailed explanations and cultural insights.
  • Maangchi: Offers an extensive library of Korean home-style cooking tutorials, perfect for exploring new flavours.
  • Pick Up Limes: Alex Ong creates vibrant Southeast Asian dishes with stunning visuals and helpful tips.

Channels with Focus on Specific Dietary Needs

People with specific dietary preferences should not feel left out because these channels will meet all of their needs. 

  • Minimalist Baker: Dana creates delicious plant-based recipes with minimal ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions.
  • Oh She Glows: Angela Liddon features healthy vegan recipes, creative flavour combinations, and beautiful presentations.
  • The Gluten-Free Foodie: Shauna James offers a vast collection of gluten-free recipes for beginners and seasoned cooks alike.
  • Downshiftology: Lisa Lin shares healthy and flavorful recipes suitable for various dietary restrictions, including gluten-free, dairy-free, and paleo options.


In conclusion, learning to cook is important because it allows you to make better food choices, save money and time, and improve your overall health. It also brings people together and gives you the opportunity to be creative in the kitchen. So pick up those pots and pans and start cooking your way to a healthier and happier life!

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