Dust Mite Allergy

Foods to Watch Out for With Dust Mite Allergies

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Updated on January 12, 2024

Are you constantly plagued by persistent sneezing, relentless coughing and persistently irksome, itchy skin due to those pesky dust mite allergies? Trust us, we completely empathise with your plight.

As quite the food aficionado myself, finding out that certain edible delights could escalate my allergy symptoms came as quite a shocker. With that in mind, I’ve taken it upon myself to explore this topic extensively, hoping along the way to assist fellow allergy sufferers in navigating their daily nosh without exacerbating any allergies.

You’ll be absolutely gobsmacked at how a simple meal modification could transport you towards a considerably more comfortable existence, so are we ready then? Let’s embark on our journey towards an itch-free life together!

Understanding Dust Mite Allergy

Dust mite allergies are one of the most common indoor allergies, affecting a significant portion of the population, particularly those who have other allergic tendencies or asthma. 

Understanding this type of allergy is crucial for keeping your symptoms under control and improving the quality of life for those affected. Here’s a comprehensive look at dust mite allergies.

What Is a Dust Mite Allergy?

Dust mites are microscopic, spider-like creatures that thrive in warm, humid environments. These bugs are too small for our eyes to see. They are primarily found in household dust where human skin cells are plentiful, as these cells are their primary food source

A huge misconception about dust mites is that they are parasites; however, they are not parasites; they do not bite or burrow beneath the skin, but their excrement and decaying bodies can cause allergic reactions. People with dust mite allergy may get symptoms like sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and stuffy nose. If you have asthma, such an allergy can make it worse. 

You could also get skin problems if you already have eczema.

Dust Mite Allergies

Common Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy

Dust mite allergies can provoke a range of symptoms, which may vary depending on individual sensitivity and exposure levels. Here are some common symptoms that people with a dust mite allergy may experience:

Respiratory Symptoms:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose (rhinitis)
  • Postnasal drip
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness, particularly in asthmatic individuals

Ocular Symptoms:

  • Red, itchy, or watery eyes
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Dark circles under the eyes, often referred to as “allergic shiners”

Skin Symptoms:

  • Itchy skin or eczema (atopic dermatitis)
  • Rashes or hives (urticaria)

Sleep Disturbance:

  • Difficulty falling asleep due to nasal congestion or respiratory distress
  • Frequent awakening from sleep
  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea in severe cases

Sinus and Ear Problems:

  • Sinus congestion or pressure
  • Ear pressure or fullness
  • Recurrent ear infections in children

General Symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Headaches

It is important to know that dust mite allergy symptoms often mimic those of other respiratory conditions, such as the common cold, which can sometimes lead to confusion in diagnosis. If symptoms persist year-round (perennial), this could be an indication that dust mites or other perennial allergens are the cause, as opposed to seasonal allergies, which are typically related to pollen and occur during specific times of the year.

Foods to Avoid with Dust Mite Allergy

A variety of seafood and grains arranged on a table.
Food to Avoid with Dust Mite Allergies

Dust mite allergies are primarily associated with respiratory symptoms, as they are caused by an allergic reaction to the proteins found in the waste and decaying bodies of dust mites. 

Unlike pollen or specific animal allergies, dust mite allergies are generally not directly related to food allergies. However, there is a phenomenon known as cross-reactivity, where proteins in certain foods are similar to dust mite proteins, which can lead to an allergic reaction in some individuals.

The cross-reactivity between dust mites and certain foods is uncommon but can occur. The main foods that may cause issues due to cross-reactivity with dust mites include:


Dust Mite Allergies
Dust Mite Allergies – Shrimp

Shrimp are tasty but can be a big problem for some. People with dust mite allergies should steer clear of them. Why, you ask? Well, there’s this thing called tropomyosin in both dust mites and shrimp.

It causes the body to react badly when encountering it. We call this reaction cross-reactivity due to proteins between these two things. Shrimp are famous for being very allergenic food items.

This means they can cause severe reactions like anaphylaxis, which is not good at all! So let’s just play safe; if dust gets your nose running and eyes itching, avoid eating shrimp altogether!


Dust Mite Allergies
Dust Mite Allergies – Lobster

If you have a dust mite allergy, say no to lobster. Lobsters are of the shellfish family and can cause problems for some people. This sea creature is grouped with foods that might upset those who react badly to dust mites.

Even if you’re fine munching on other crustaceans, molluscs, or fish, don’t think lobsters are safe. Each person is different, and some of us can eat one type of seafood but get an allergic reaction from another.

For me, eating a lot less lobster did help curb my itching and sneezing fits due to my dust mite allergy! It’s so strange what links tiny bugs in our homes and tasty treats from the ocean. The answer lies in something called cross-reactivity between Immunoglobulin E IgE proteins present both in lobsters and dust mites.


Crabs are not your friend, not if you have a dust mite allergy. They are shellfish and packed with tropomyosin, a protein that kicks off allergic reactions in us dust mite allergy sufferers.

It’s the same allergen found in house dust mites, so eating crabs can lead to some nasty symptoms.

Other crustaceans, like lobsters, also carry this trouble-maker protein. Even cockroaches share it! So, staying away from crabs and other similar sea bugs is a smart move for keeping those sniffles at bay.


In many people with dust mite allergies, eating fish can set off a bad reaction. This is due to tropomyosin, a protein found in both house dust mites and crustaceans, which includes fish.

Fish might seem harmless, but it’s a common cause of allergic reactions like shellfish allergies. For this reason, It is best to be careful and avoid fish if you do not want any trouble with your allergy.

Flour-Based Products

Dust Mite Allergies
Dust Mite Allergies – Flour

Flour-based products can be bad for you if you have a dust mite allergy. Foods like sponge cakes, pizzas and beignets might cause allergic reactions. This is because dust mites can get into the wheat or corn flour used in these foods.

Sometimes, this leads to very serious food anaphylaxis. Even grain flour can have mites in it! There’s also something called pancake syndrome, caused by dust mites seen in flour products.

So, keeping away from these types of foods is good for those with a dust mite allergy. Care should be taken to keep the flour stored well so that it does not get infested with dust mites.


Dust Mite Allergies
Dust Mite Allergies – Oats

Oats can be a problem for people with a dust mite allergy. Avenin, a protein found in oats, can induce allergic reactions in those who are allergic to dust mites. It is recommended to completely avoid consuming oats if you have a dust mite allergy.

Consuming oats can lead to symptoms like rashes or eczema. Some people may even be allergic to oat milk but not oats themselves. So, it’s important for food lovers with a dust mite allergy to stay away from oats and oat-based products.


Dust Mite Allergies
Dust Mite Allergies – Wheat

When it comes to dust mite allergies, you have to be careful about the foods you eat. Wheat is one of the foods that is best avoided because it can be contaminated with dust mite allergens. Eating foods made with wheat flour that has mites in it can cause serious allergic reactions.

It’s not just a simple sneeze or itchiness; some individuals can experience anaphylaxis, which is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction. Even if you don’t have any known food sensitivities, ingesting wheat flour contaminated with dust mite allergens can lead to severe allergic reactions.

So, when it comes to choosing what to eat, make sure to stay away from anything that contains wheat or products made with wheat flour.

Cornmeal Products

As someone with a dust mite allergy, You should know how important it is to be aware of the foods that can trigger allergic reactions. One such group of foods to avoid are cornmeal products.

While cornmeal can be part of a healthy diet for many people, individuals with a corn allergy need to steer clear of cornmeal and other corn-containing products simply because consuming these items can lead to unpleasant symptoms and allergic reactions.

So, if you have a dust mite allergy and also happen to be allergic to corn, it’s best to stay away from cornmeal products in order to keep your allergies under control and prevent any discomfort or health issues.

Tips for Preventing Dust Mite Allergies

Preventing dust mite allergies involves a combination of reducing your exposure to dust mites and taking steps to limit their population in your home. Here are several tips to help prevent dust mite allergies:

Dust Mite Allergies

Maintain Lower Humidity Levels

To prevent dust mite allergies, it’s important to maintain lower humidity levels in your home. Dust mites love warm and humid environments, so by controlling the humidity, you can reduce their numbers.

Most dust mites die in low humidity levels or extreme temperatures, so keeping the humidity below 50% is recommended to minimise allergens. Using a dehumidifier can help you achieve this and make your home less suitable for dust mites to thrive.

So remember, keep the humidity low to keep those pesky allergens at bay!

Clean and Reduce Clutter

Keeping a squeaky, clean and clutter-free environment is essential for preventing dust mite allergies. Here are some tips to help you clean and reduce clutter in your home:

  • Regularly dust surfaces using a damp cloth or microfiber cloth.
  • Vacuum your home at least once a week, focusing on areas where dust accumulates, such as carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture.
  • To trap the smallest dust particles and allergies, use a Hoover cleaner with a HEPA filter.
  • Avoid using feather dusters or dry cloths when cleaning, as they can stir up dust and allergens into the air.
  • Keep clothing, linens, and other fabrics stored in closed containers or closets to prevent dust mites from settling on them.
  • Remove unnecessary items from your living space to minimise surfaces where dust can gather.
  • Consider replacing heavy curtains with washable blinds or shades that are easier to keep clean.
  • Keep pets out of bedrooms or limit their access to certain areas of the house since pet dander can attract dust mites.

Reduce Carpeting and Upholstered Furniture

Removing carpeting and upholstered furniture is important for reducing dust mites in your home. Here are some ways you can do this:

  • Choose hard flooring materials like wood or tile instead of carpet.
  • Use washable area rugs that can be cleaned regularly.
  • Opt for furniture made of leather, vinyl, wood, or plastic, as they are easier to clean and don’t collect as much dust.
  • If you already have carpet or upholstered furniture, consider using dust mite covers to protect them.
  • Regularly steam and vacuum clean your carpets and upholstery to remove any trapped allergens.
  • Avoid heavy drapes and curtains as they can gather dust. Instead, opt for blinds or washable curtains.

Invest in an Air Filter

To keep your dust mite allergies under control, make sure to invest in an air filter. Air filters with HEPA filters are great for reducing the amount of dust mite allergens in the air.

These filters can effectively remove dust mites, pet dander, and other particles that could trigger allergies. So now, whenever you are cooking or enjoying a meal at home, know that the air you breathe is cleaner and healthier.

Plus, it’s a relief to have less sneezing and itching due to those pesky dust mites in the air!

Use Dust Mite Covers

It is highly recommended to use dust mite covers to protect your bedding from those pesky allergens. These covers, also known as allergen-proof covers, are made of tightly woven fabric with pores too tiny for dust mites and their waste products to pass through.

By encasing your mattresses, box springs, and pillows with these covers, you can prevent dust mites from colonising or escaping. According to studies, this is a simple yet effective strategy to lower the risk of dust mite allergies and even reduce the need for asthma treatment in children.

Dust mite covers should be part of your overall strategy in managing respiratory allergies and keeping your bedding free from unwanted allergens.

Dust Mite Allergy
Dust Mite Allergy

Eating Smart with Dust Mite Allergies

Understanding dust mite allergies is a step toward better managing them and reducing their impact on daily life. Through environmental controls, medical treatment, and being aware of potential food cross-reactivities, individuals with dust mite allergies can lead comfortable, symptom-free lives. Remember, each individual’s response to allergens can be different, so personalised advice and testing are key to effective allergy management.


u003cstrongu003eAre There Any Foods That Can Worsen a Dust Mite Allergy?u003c/strongu003e

Yes, certain foods can worsen a dust mite allergy. These include shellfish, dried fruits, processed meats, and foods with high histamine levels, such as fermented and aged products.

u003cstrongu003eCan I Still Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables if I Have a Dust Mite Allergy?u003c/strongu003e

Yes, you can still eat fresh fruits and vegetables if you have a dust mite allergy. However, it’s essential to wash them thoroughly before consuming to remove any potential allergens.

u003cstrongu003eIs It Necessary To Avoid Dairy Products With Dust Mite Allergy?u003c/strongu003e

Avoiding dairy products is not always necessary for individuals with a dust mite allergy unless they experience symptoms or have been advised by their doctor or allergist.

u003cstrongu003eWhat Drinks Should Be Avoided With a Dust Mite Allergy?u003c/strongu003e

Alcohol and beverages that contain caffeine, like coffee and tea, are best avoided as they can potentially trigger allergic reactions in individuals with a dust mite allergy.

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