
Digital Marketing: Promoting Food Business with Influencers on Social Media

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Updated on April 7, 2024

Reviewed by Yasmin Elwan

Digital Marketing has profoundly transformed in a world driven by technology and connectivity. This dynamic discipline encompasses many strategies, each wielding the power to propel brands to new heights, reach global audiences, and foster meaningful interactions.

Social media influencers have gained a significant and dedicated following due to their expertise, credibility, or relatability in a particular niche or area. They can impact their followers’ opinions, behaviours, and purchasing decisions due to the trust and connection they’ve established.

Digital Marketing


Digital marketing uses online channels, platforms, and technologies to advertise or promote products, services, or brands to a target audience. It encompasses various online strategies and tactics that leverage the internet and electronic devices to reach and engage potential customers. Digital marketing connects with audiences in a highly targeted and measurable way, utilising various online tools to drive brand awareness, customer engagement, and business growth. Key components and strategies within digital marketing include:

  1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Optimising a website’s content to improve visibility and increase organic (non-paid) traffic.
  2. Content Marketing: Creating and sharing valuable, relevant, consistent content to attract an audience to drive profitable customer action.
  3. Social Media Marketing: Utilising social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) to engage with customers and promote products or services.
  4. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers with notable online followers to advertise products or services to their audience.
  5. Affiliate Marketing: Partner with affiliates to promote your products or services on their platforms.
  6. Online Public Relations (PR): Managing a brand’s online reputation, building relationships with online media, and distributing press releases through digital channels.
  7. Video Marketing: Creating and sharing video content on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram to engage audiences visually.
  8. Mobile Marketing: Designing campaigns specifically for mobile devices, often through mobile apps, SMS marketing, and mobile-friendly websites.
  9. Analytics and Data Analysis: Monitoring and analysing data from various digital marketing efforts to measure performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions.

Digital marketing offers several advantages, including targeting specific audiences, tracking and measuring results in real time, adjusting strategies quickly based on data, and reaching a global audience without geographical limitations.

Influencers on Social Media

Influencers can be found across social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter. They create and share content with the audience, including anything from lifestyle, fashion, beauty, fitness, travel, technology, gaming, and more. This content often includes posts, videos, stories, and other forms of media that showcase their experiences, recommendations, reviews, and insights related to their chosen niche. The critical characteristics of influencers include the following:

  1. Audience Engagement: Influencers typically have a highly engaged audience that actively interacts with the content through likes, comments, and shares.
  2. Authenticity: Successful influencers often cultivate a sense of authenticity and personal connection with their followers. This genuine approach helps build trust and credibility.
  3. Expertise or Passion: Influencers are often seen as experts or passionate enthusiasts in their chosen field. Their content demonstrates their knowledge and dedication to their niche.
  4. Content Creation: Influencers regularly create and share content which could range from informative to entertaining.
  5. Partnerships and Collaborations: Many influencers collaborate with brands, companies, or other influencers to promote products, services, events, or causes. These collaborations are often a source of income for influencers.
  6. Monetisation: Successful influencers can monetise their influence through various means, such as sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, merchandise sales, and more.
  7. Reach: Influencers often have a significant reach that extends beyond their immediate followers, as their content can be shared, reshared, and discovered by new audiences.
  8. Impact: Their ability to influence decisions, opinions, and trends among their followers and within their niche distinguishes them from regular social media users.

The influencer landscape can vary widely. There are micro-influencers with smaller but highly engaged audiences and macro-influencers with massive followings. The effectiveness of influencer marketing relies on finding the right influencer whose audience aligns with a brand’s target demographic or message.


Why Do People Hire Influencers?

Hiring influencers on social media can be a strategic marketing approach for businesses and brands to reach and engage their target audience effectively. There are several compelling reasons why businesses collaborate with influencers:

  1. Access to Target Audience: Influencers have already cultivated a dedicated and engaged following within a specific niche. Brands can tap into this existing audience, often aligned with the brand’s target demographic.
  2. Trust and Credibility: Influencers have built trust and credibility with their followers. When influencers recommend or endorse a product or service, followers are more likely to consider it authentic and reliable.
  3. Authenticity: Influencers are considered to be personable people rather than impersonal businesses. Audiences looking for real advice and experiences connect with their honest and personal approach to content development.
  4. Increased Engagement: Influencer posts tend to generate higher engagement rates than traditional brand posts; this can lead to increased likes, comments, shares, and overall brand visibility.
  5. Storytelling: Influencers are skilled storytellers who can seamlessly incorporate a brand’s message or product into their content, making it feel more like a natural recommendation than direct advertising.
  6. Expanding Reach: Partnering with influencers allows brands to extend their reach beyond their followers. Influencer content can be shared, reshared, and discovered by new audiences, expanding brand visibility.
  7. Impactful Content Formats: Influencers are adept at creating various content formats, including videos, photos, stories, and more. This versatility allows brands to convey their message in diverse ways.
  8. Humanising the Brand: Collaborating with influencers can humanise a brand by associating it with individuals with similar values and interests.
  9. Cost-Effective: In many cases, working with influencers can be more cost-effective than traditional advertising or celebrity endorsements, especially when targeting specific niche markets.
  10. Quick Results: Influencer marketing campaigns can often yield relatively quick results, as influencers have an established and engaged audience ready to consume their content.
  11. Innovation and Trends: Influencers are often at the forefront of emerging trends and innovations. Collaborating with them can help brands stay relevant and adapt to changing consumer preferences.
  12. SEO and Online Presence: Influencer collaborations can contribute to a brand’s online presence and search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts, as the content they create can lead to increased mentions and backlinks.
  13. Measurable Impact: Many influencer collaborations are trackable and measurable, allowing brands to assess the success of a campaign through metrics like engagement rates, website traffic, and sales conversions.

However, it’s important for brands to carefully select influencers whose values align with theirs and who have an authentic connection with their audience. A mismatched collaboration can be inauthentic and may deliver different results. Successful influencer partnerships are built on mutual trust, clear communication, and having the same goals.

Work with Influencers on Social Media


Sascha shared how her experience helps food entrepreneurs and businesses develop their brand through social media strategies and curating marketing. Here are some tips to start working with influencers on social media, which involves a strategic approach to finding the right influencers, establishing partnerships, and executing successful collaborations.

  1. Be a part of social media platforms and explain your brand.
  2. Find an influencer who speaks the same language and has the same morals and values as you, as “you don’t need to work with someone who doesn’t fit your brand”.
  3. Provide the influencer with the needed knowledge to talk well about the brand.

It is always good to find a sponsor for your business and promote it in multiple ways so you can make giveaways or extra tickets for people who will use your brand. Social media is important in expanding your brand’s reach, as many audiences trust influencers. Some statistics show how much people trust social media influencers: 4% of consumers trust Ads, 42% trust the brand, and 72% trust recommendations from others (whether online or from family and friends).

Promote a Food Business Using Digital Marketing


Promoting a food business using digital marketing requires a strategic approach that leverages various online channels and tactics. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively promote your food business in the digital realm:

  1. Define Your Goals and Strategy: Clearly outline your goals for working with influencers. Determine the target audience and the social media platforms where they are most active. Develop a strategy that aligns your brand message with the influencer’s niche and audience.
  2. Research Influencers:  Study the content, style, and tone of the influencers you’re interested in, ensure their content resonates with your brand’s image, and analyse their engagement metrics, audience demographics, and the authenticity of their following.
  3. Negotiate Terms and Compensation: Discuss collaboration terms, such as the type of content, frequency of posts, and the duration of the partnership. Negotiate compensation, including monetary payment, free products, affiliate commissions, or a combination.
  4. Develop a Collaboration Plan: Collaborate with the influencer and brainstorm the content’s ideas that align with your goals and resonate with their audience. Determine the format of the content (e.g., posts, stories, videos), key messaging, and any specific guidelines.
  5. Create Compelling Content: Provide influencers with the information, assets, and resources to create high-quality content. Encourage a balance between promoting your brand’s message and allowing the influencer’s authentic voice to shine.
  6. Review and Approval: Review the content created by the influencer to ensure it aligns with your brand guidelines and messaging. Provide constructive feedback if any adjustments are needed.
  7. Execute the Campaign: Coordinate with the influencer to schedule the content’s release, ensuring it aligns with your marketing calendar and goals.
  8. Monitor and Engage: Monitor the performance of the influencer’s content in terms of engagement, reach, and impact on your goals. Engage with comments and messages from the influencer’s audience to foster a sense of community.
  9. Measure Results: Analyse the campaign’s success using relevant metrics, such as engagement rates, website traffic, conversion rates, and sales attributed to the campaign.
  10. Build Long-Term Relationships: Successful collaborations can lead to long-term partnerships. Continuously nurture relationships with influencers who deliver value to your brand.
  11. Compliance and Disclosure: Ensure influencer partnerships adhere to relevant advertising guidelines and regulations. Influencers should disclose any paid partnerships or sponsored content transparently.
  12. Adapt and Improve: Based on the results and insights gained, refine your influencer marketing strategy for future campaigns. Consider what worked well and areas for improvement.

Building successful influencer partnerships takes time and effort. Authenticity, clear communication, and mutual respect between brands and influencers are key to creating impactful and meaningful collaborations.

The art and science of digital marketing remain at the forefront of successful business strategies. The fusion of creativity and technology has unlocked possibilities, allowing brands to forge connections, tell stories, and drive engagement like never before. By defining your goals, identifying the right influencers, nurturing relationships, and measuring results, you’re well on your way to working with influencers and crafting impactful narratives that shape perceptions, drive engagement, and market for your brand in the digital age.

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