How to make Treacle Soda Bread

How to make Treacle Soda Bread

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Updated on February 14, 2024

Reviewed by Laura

In this video, we join Tracey Jeffery from Tracey’s Farmhouse Kitchen as she shows us how she makes Treacle Soda Bread Farls with her popular soda bread recipe.

Traditional Irish Food is heartwarming and nutritious. For many generations, homemade bread was a staple of Irish households, baked freshly each day and enjoyed with a cup of tea. Maybe you want to try and replicate the soda bread you grew up with, or you might want to try the farl for the first time; either way we are sure that you will enjoy this cooking class!

This is the perfect recipe to truly experience fantastic traditional Irish soda bread with a sweet twist.

You can find the list of ingredients and process listed in the video, feel free to pause the video to note it down.

Treacle Soda Bread | Tracey’s Farmhouse Kitchen | Treacle Soda Bread Recipe | Irish Soda Bread

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