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Vegan Allergy Elimination Diet: What You Need to Know Before You Start

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Updated on March 7, 2024

Ever found yourself in a bit of a muddle after eating and pondered whether it might be down to an unexpected food allergy? Believe us, you’re not the first, nor will you be the last. After diving deep into this riddle, it appears that the ‘Vegan Allergy Elimination Diet’ could potentially turn things around for you. Fancy finding out more? Let’s jump right in!

Key Takeaways

  • A vegan allergy elimination diet is a short-term eating plan that removes certain foods from the diet and gradually reintroduces them to identify adverse reactions or food intolerances.
  • Foods to avoid on this diet include animal-based foods, dairy products, wheat, soy, eggs, and nuts.
  • To follow a vegan allergy elimination diet successfully, it’s important to read food labels carefully, plan and prepare meals in advance, seek professional guidance if needed, and gradually reintroduce eliminated foods after the elimination period.

What is a Vegan Allergy Elimination Diet?

A vegan allergy elimination diet is a short-term eating plan where certain foods are removed from the diet and then gradually introduced to identify adverse reactions or food intolerances.

vegan allergy

Purpose of the Elimination Diet

The main aim of the elimination diet is to help people spot foods that cause them problems. It works by taking out specific foods from your meals for a while. This break gives your body time to heal if certain food types have been causing harm.

After some time, you bring back these foods one at a time. This helps figure out which ones spark trouble, such as itching or belly pain. Often, doctors use this diet style to find and manage food intolerances.

With this plan, it’s like doing detective work on what you eat!

Foods To Avoid on the Elimination Diet

Following a vegan allergy elimination diet means you need to be careful about what you eat. Certain foods are well-known to cause allergic reactions and should be avoided. Here is the list:

  1. All animal-based foods: This diet is plant-based, so no meat or fish is allowed.
  2. Dairy products: These come from animals and can cause allergic reactions.
  3. Wheat: It’s common in many foods but can trigger allergies.
  4. Soy: It’s often used as a meat substitute but can cause issues for some people.
  5. Eggs: They’re out of bounds as they can lead to adverse reactions.
  6. Nuts: They’re nutritious but pose potential threats for those of us with allergies.

How To Follow a Vegan Allergy Elimination Diet

To successfully follow a vegan allergy elimination diet, it is essential to carefully check food labels, plan and prepare meals in advance, seek professional guidance if needed, and gradually reintroduce eliminated foods after the elimination period.

vegan allergy

Duration of the Elimination Diet

The length of time you stick to an elimination diet can be different for everyone. It is based on your own body and needs. Most people do it for between two to six weeks. But five or six weeks might work well too.

Do not go over one month, though! Four to six weeks is usually enough time for most people to find out which foods they are allergic to or cannot tolerate very well. If your allergies are severe, though, this period could change.

Stick with what feels right for you and helps you the best.

Foods To Include in the Diet

Many good foods are part of a vegan allergy elimination diet. These foods can be tasty and meet your body’s needs. The foods to include are:

  1. Plant-based foods: Fresh fruits and vegetables add rich colours, textures and flavours to meals.
  2. Non-dairy alternatives: Almond and coconut milk are great substitutes for dairy milk.
  3. Gluten-free grains: These include brown rice, quinoa, millet and buckwheat.
  4. Nuts and seeds: Enjoy almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds and sunflower seeds for snacks.
  5. Alternative protein sources: Tofu, tempeh and seitan work well in dishes that used to have meat.
  6. Whole grains: Things like brown rice and whole grain pasta are filling, nutritious options.
  7. Nutritional supplements: Since animal-based foods aren’t part of this diet, you might need nutritional supplements like vitamin B12 or iron sources.
  8. Plant-based oils: Olive oil or avocado oil is perfect for cooking healthy meals

Importance of Reading Food Labels

Food labels can be your best friend on a vegan allergy-elimination diet. They tell you what’s in the food you’re about to eat. UK and EU laws make sure all packaged foods show allergen information.

This helps people with food allergies stay safe. It’s not just about avoiding meat or dairy for some vegans, they also need free-from foods due to their allergies. Some foods say ‘vegan’ but might still have ingredients that can cause allergic reactions.

So, always check the label before buying anything!


Benefits and Challenges of a Vegan Allergy Elimination Diet

Following a vegan allergy elimination diet can lead to improved digestive health and help identify trigger foods that may be causing adverse reactions.

Improved Digestive Health

Feeling bloated or gassy can be a real pain. A vegan allergy elimination diet might be the answer you’re looking for. We found out these diets can often reduce problems like gas, bloating, and constipation.

They work by taking away foods that can upset your stomach. At the same time, they give your body more of what it needs to fight off bad things like heart disease. You have to plan your meals well, though! Without right planning, you could end up missing some important nutrients from your diet.

So take care when preparing your food!

Identification of Trigger Foods

Finding out your trigger foods is a key step in a vegan allergy elimination diet. This part of the plan helps you learn which foods cause upset or harm to your body. You might be shocked that some of the foods you eat often are causing trouble! These trigger foods can lead to food allergies and intolerances.

With an allergy test, we figure out these problem foods and take them off our plates. Our advice? Trust this process; it will greatly improve how you feel day-to-day.

Potential Nutrient Deficiencies

Following a vegan allergy elimination diet may lead to potential nutrient deficiencies. This is because eliminating all animal products from the diet increases the risk of lacking certain essential nutrients.

For example, vegans often have low levels of iodine, which can cause health problems. Other nutrients like calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12 may also be lacking in a strict plant-based diet.

These deficiencies can have negative effects on our overall health if not properly addressed.


Tips for Success on a Vegan Allergy Elimination Diet

Plan your meals and prepare in advance to ensure you have allergy-friendly options available. Seek professional guidance for personalised advice, find support from online communities and resources, and gradually reintroduce eliminated foods to determine triggers.

Ready to start your vegan allergy elimination journey? Keep reading!

Meal Planning and Preparation

Meal planning and preparation are necessary for success on a vegan allergy elimination diet. It helps you make informed dietary decisions and identify trigger foods. Here are some recommendations for meal planning and preparation on a vegan allergy elimination diet:

  1. Make a weekly meal plan: Plan out all your meals for the week. This will help you stay organised and also ensure that you have all the necessary ingredients.
  2. Cook in batches: Prepare large batches of food that can be reheated throughout the week. This saves time and ensures that you always have something healthy to eat.
  3. Stock up on staples: Keep your pantry stocked with vegan-friendly staples like grains (quinoa, brown rice), legumes (beans, lentils), nuts, seeds, and non-dairy alternatives (almond milk, tofu). These ingredients can be used as the base for many different meals.
  4. Experiment with new recipes: Don’t be afraid to try new recipes with different flavours and ingredients. There are plenty of resources available online for delicious vegan recipes.
  5. Use ingredient substitutions: If you have allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, find suitable substitutions. For example, if you’re allergic to nuts, try using sunflower seed butter instead.
  6. Take advantage of frozen fruits and vegetables: These are almost as nutritious as fresh ones and can be more convenient since they have a longer shelf life.
  7. Pack your own snacks: When you’re on the go, it’s important to have snacks that are safe for your dietary restrictions. Pack things like fresh fruit, homemade granola bars, or veggie sticks with hummus.

Seeking Professional Guidance

If you’re considering a vegan allergy elimination diet, it’s important to seek professional guidance. A registered dietitian or nutritionist will help you achieve a balanced meal plan that meets your nutritional needs.

They can also guide you on how to reintroduce eliminated foods gradually and monitor any symptoms. Additionally, if you experience any difficulties or have questions along the way, a professional can provide the support and resources you need for success.

Remember, they are there to help ensure that your transition to a vegan allergy elimination diet is healthy and effective in improving your overall well-being.

Finding Support and Resources

When following a vegan allergy elimination diet, it’s important to have support and access to resources that can help you along the way. One great way to find support is by joining online communities or local support groups for individuals who are also following a similar diet.

These groups can provide valuable tips, recipe ideas, and a sense of community. Additionally, there are many websites, blogs, and social media accounts dedicated to veganism and allergy-friendly recipes that can be a helpful resource for meal ideas and inspiration.

Gradual Reintroduction of Eliminated Foods

When reintroducing eliminated foods after following a vegan allergy elimination diet, it’s important to do it slowly and carefully. Here are some tips for success:

  1. Start with small portions: Begin by reintroducing a small amount of the eliminated food into your diet. This allows you to track your body’s reaction and see if there are any symptoms or allergic reactions.
  2. Take note of symptoms: Keep a journal and record any changes or symptoms you experience after reintroducing a specific food. This can help you pinpoint trigger foods and guide your decisions regarding what to include in your diet.
  3. Space out reintroductions: It’s recommended to wait at least three days between each reintroduction. This gives your body enough time to fully process and react to the food before introducing another potential allergen.
  4. Pay attention to quantity: When reintroducing a food, start with a small portion and gradually increase the amount over time if there are no adverse reactions. This helps ensure that you don’t overwhelm your system with a large quantity of a potentially problematic food.
  5. Seek professional guidance: If you’re unsure about how to properly reintroduce foods or need support during the process, consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist who specialises in allergies and elimination diets.


In conclusion, following a vegan allergy elimination diet can have its benefits and challenges. It helps improve digestive health and identify trigger foods that may be causing allergies.

However, it’s important to be aware of potential nutrient deficiencies that can arise from avoiding animal-based foods. To succeed on this diet, it’s essential to plan meals, seek professional guidance if needed, find support and resources, and gradually reintroduce eliminated foods.

By being mindful of these tips, you can navigate the vegan allergy elimination diet successfully and enjoy the health benefits it offers.

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