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Yeast Allergy Foods to Avoid

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Updated on February 13, 2024

Are you engaged in yeast allergy represented in an ongoing tussle with digestive unease after indulging in certain foods? We can relate to your struggle, as some of us have dealt with the same predicament until we unearthed that a yeast allergy was at the heart of it all.

This blog seeks to guide you through the labyrinth of yeast allergies and intolerances, highlighting symptoms you need to watch for and, crucially, pinpointing what foods are best steered clear of. So, let’s embark on this journey together and discover how tweaking your diet can work wonders in enhancing your overall well-being!

Key Takeaways

  • Yeast allergy and yeast intolerance are two different conditions that can cause similar symptoms, such as digestive issues and skin problems.
  • Foods to avoid if you have a yeast allergy or intolerance include leavened baked goods, aged cheese, processed meats, dried fruits, gravy and stock cubes, processed fruit juices, condiments containing yeast, and high-sugar fruits.
  • Some yeast-free foods that you can include in your diet are soda bread, low-sugar fruits like tomatoes and avocados, unprocessed meat and fish, skim milk, green vegetables, and beans/legumes.

Understanding Yeast Allergy and Intolerance

A close-up of various foods and ingredients related to yeast.

Yeast allergy and yeast intolerance are two different conditions that can cause similar symptoms. It’s important to distinguish between the two to be yeast-free and effectively manage your dietary restrictions.

Yeast allergy symptoms may include digestive issues, skin rashes, and respiratory problems, while yeast intolerance may manifest as bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. Testing can be done to determine if you have a specific allergy or intolerance to yeast.

What is Yeast?

Yeast is a tiny living thing. It’s a type of fungus. Many kinds of foods and drinks have yeast in them. Yeast helps bread to rise and gives beer its froth. People use this fungus all over the world when they cook or make drinks.

But, some people can’t handle yeast well in their bodies; it makes them feel bad or sick. This feeling is called ‘yeast intolerance’ or ‘yeast sensitivity’. Other people might get an allergy from yeast because their body thinks it’s harmful and fights back against it.

Some folks who already have weak health or diabetes could also get these problems with yeast more often.

Difference between Yeast Allergy and Yeast Intolerance

A yeast allergy and a yeast intolerance are not the same things. A yeast allergy acts on your whole body. It makes your skin act up, changes your feelings, and causes pain. Conversely, a yeast intolerance just means your body can’t break down or handle yeast well. This usually leads to stomach problems like gas and loose stools. An allergy can be risky if not treated in time, making breathing difficult due to swelling tissues.


However, people with an intolerance might relieve symptoms by cutting out foods that have any yeast in them from their diet. For people who show signs of either one, tests are available to check if you have a yeast allergy or intolerance.

Symptoms of Yeast Allergy

If you have a yeast allergy, it affects you in many ways. One clear sign is digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea. It also brings about mood disorders like anxiety and depression, which are not easy to handle. Skin conditions like hives and psoriasis crop up out of nowhere, too.

Moreover, it even impacts sexual health, causing impotence or fertility problems. To top it all off, irregular periods are another symptom of yeast allergy. These symptoms make life challenging, but being aware helps manage better.

Yeast allergy can show up in many ways. As a lover of food, it’s key to know the signs. They can cause upset in your belly and make you feel bad. Here are some things to watch out for:

  1. Bloating: Your belly may swell and feel full.
  2. Pain in the joints: Your knees, arms or other parts may hurt.
  3. Hard time breathing: You may find it hard to catch your breath.
  4. Spots on the skin: Red areas or bumps might show up on your body.
  5. Feeling tired all the time: You may not have any energy.

Testing for Yeast Allergy or Intolerance

A skin prick test is one way to check for yeast allergy. This easy test can show if your body has an allergic reaction to yeast. Another sign of a yeast problem is trouble with food digestion.

This means your body can’t break down foods with yeast. If you get sick after eating these foods, you might be intolerant to yeast. The test helps guide what foods you should avoid so that you don’t feel bad or get sick.

Foods to Avoid with Yeast Allergy or Intolerance

Assorted baked goods displayed on a wooden table with various food items.

Some foods to avoid if you have a yeast allergy or intolerance include leavened baked goods like bread and muffins, aged cheese, processed and cured meats, dried fruits, gravy and stock cubes, processed fruit juices, condiments containing yeast, and high-sugar fruits.

Leavened Baked Goods (Bread, Muffins, Croissants)

Avoid foods like bread, muffins, and croissants. They have yeast in them. Yeast makes the dough rise when baking. It’s found in many bakery items, too. Think of doughnuts, bagels, pastries or pizza dough.

Even pretzels and English muffins can be a problem! Also, steer clear of certain candies and malt drinks because they might contain yeast as well. If you want to keep your diet free of yeast, choose grains made from things like corn or rice instead. That’s why you shouldn’t eat biscuits with cinnamon rolls, even though they taste good!

Aged Cheese

Cheese is a food we love, but we’ve learned to be careful with it. You see, aged cheese can cause problems if you have yeast allergies. This type of cheese often has yeast added in the making process. It makes them high-risk foods for us with this kind of allergy.

Not all cheeses are made equal, though. Some types of cheese show up more on lists to avoid when dealing with yeast and mould allergies. So yes, as someone who loves food, missing out on certain cheeses can feel like a big loss! But health comes first – immune system disorders or diabetes could get worse by eating the wrong items like these aged treats.

Processed and Cured Meats

If you have a yeast allergy, watch out for processed and cured meats. Foods such as bacon, hot dogs, and sausages may be tasty but could cause problems. Even deli meats like ham or salami can trigger symptoms.

This is because these foods often contain sugar, yeast, or MSG. They might also have food additives that include yeast in some way. So next time you reach for the pepperoni pizza or corned beef sandwich, think twice! You should read the label first to ensure no hidden yeast lurks within your meal.

Dried Fruits

Don’t eat dried fruits if you have yeast allergy or intolerance. These foods, like grapes, blueberries, and strawberries, can worsen the problem. They are very sweet, and yeast feeds on sugar. Even bananas and milk can cause issues for some people. So, it’s best to take care of what you eat when you have a sensitivity to yeast.

Gravy and Stock Cubes

We have to be careful with gravy and stock cubes because they can cause problems for people with yeast allergies or intolerance. These culinary products often contain yeast, which can trigger allergic reactions or sensitivity in individuals with yeast-related issues.

It’s important to read the labels carefully when buying pre-made stocks, stock cubes, and gravies to avoid any ingredients that might include yeast. Instead of using these store-bought options, we prefer making homemade stocks or gravies without any added yeast. This way, we can enjoy flavourful meals without worrying about yeast allergies acting up.

Processed Fruit Juices

Processed fruit juices should be avoided if you have a yeast allergy or intolerance. These juices can contain small amounts of yeast that can trigger allergic reactions. Even though they may seem refreshing, processed fruit juices are not the best choice for individuals with yeast sensitivity.

Instead, opt for fresh fruits and vegetables, which are generally safe options for those with yeast intolerance. By choosing natural fruit juices over processed ones, you can avoid potential adverse food reactions caused by additives commonly found in processed drinks. Stick to fresh produce and enjoy the benefits of a healthier diet!

Condiments Containing Yeast

Condiments can sometimes contain yeast, which can be a problem for people with yeast allergy or intolerance. It’s important to check the labels of condiments carefully to see if they include any yeast-based ingredients.

Some examples of condiments that may contain yeast are soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and certain salad dressings. These condiments should be avoided if you have a yeast allergy or intolerance. Instead, look for yeast-free alternatives or try making your own homemade condiments using safe ingredients.

High-Sugar Fruits

If you have a yeast allergy or intolerance, avoiding high-sugar fruits is important. These fruits, like bananas, mangoes, and figs, contain natural sugars that can worsen your symptoms. Yeast naturally grows on berries and grapes in small amounts, too, so it’s also best to exclude those from your diet. By avoiding high-sugar fruits, you can help manage your yeast allergy or intolerance more effectively.

Yeast-Free Foods to Include in Your Diet

Include soda breads, low-sugar fruits like tomatoes and avocados, unprocessed meat and fish, skim milk, green vegetables, and beans and legumes.

Soda Breads (Yeast-free Bread)

If you have a yeast allergy or intolerance, soda bread can be an excellent option to enjoy bread without worrying about yeast. Soda bread is typically made without yeast and uses alternative ingredients like baking powder as a leavening agent.

It’s a simple and easy way to make homemade bread that is free from yeast. You can find recipes for soda bread online or in cookbooks, and it’s often made with basic pantry staples like flour, salt, baking soda, and buttermilk. So, if you’re looking for a delicious and yeast-free option, try soda bread!

Low-Sugar Fruits (Tomatoes, Avocados)

We love incorporating low-sugar fruits like tomatoes and avocados into our yeast-free diet. These fruits are delicious and help prevent yeast from growing in our bodies. They have a lower sugar content than other fruits, meaning they don’t feed the yeast.

On the Candida diet, it’s important to include non-starchy foods like these low-sugar fruits. We also enjoy consuming citrus fruits, olives, and berries in moderation while following this diet. It’s best to avoid high-sugar fruits such as candy, soda, and fruit juices, as they can increase the risk of developing a yeast infection.

We love including unprocessed meat and fish in a yeast-free diet. They are safe and suitable options that provide essential nutrients. Fresh chicken, salmon, eggs, and other types of fatty fish are fantastic sources of healthy proteins and fats.

Unprocessed Meat and Fish

These meats do not contain any added yeast or preservatives that could trigger an allergic reaction. On the other hand, it’s important to avoid processed meats as they may contain hidden traces of yeast. If you’re looking for delicious protein options while managing your yeast allergy, consider incorporating unprocessed poultry and seafood into your meals.

Skim Milk

Skim milk is a yeast-free food and can be included in your diet if you have a yeast allergy. It’s a dairy option that doesn’t contain the yeast that can cause allergic reactions. Skim milk is low in fat, making it a good choice for those who want to limit their fat intake.

If you’re following a dairy-free diet, skim milk can still be an option for you as it doesn’t contain lactose. So, whether you’re looking for a low-fat or dairy-free choice, skim milk is worth considering as part of your yeast-free meal plan.

Green Vegetables

As a food lover with a yeast allergy or intolerance, it’s important to know which foods you can include in your diet. Green vegetables are a great option for you! Leafy greens like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus are recommended for a yeast-free diet.

These veggies not only provide essential vitamins and minerals but also support overall health. Non-starchy vegetables such as cabbage, kale, cucumber, spinach, and tomatoes are also suitable options. Including these green vegetables in your meals can help prevent yeast infections and keep you feeling nourished and satisfied without triggering any allergic reactions.

Beans and Legumes

If you have a yeast allergy or intolerance, it’s important to know that beans and legumes are starchy and can feed Candida, which is a type of yeast. This means that they should be avoided on a candida diet, as they are high in carbohydrates.

However, it’s not all bad news! You can still include protein from non-animal sources like beans and legumes in your diet. Some yeast-free legume options include black-eyed peas, edamame, fava beans, lentils, and soy nuts. Remember to avoid peanuts if you have a yeast allergy or intolerance since they are technically a legume.

Homemade sauces and dressings

I love making homemade sauces and dressings because they allow me to control the ingredients and customize the flavors. However, for individuals with yeast allergies, it’s important to be aware that some homemade sauces and dressings may contain yeast.

Yeast is often used as a flavor enhancer or preservative in condiments like ketchup, barbecue sauce, soy sauce, and salad dressings. So if you have a yeast allergy, it’s crucial to read labels carefully or consider making your own yeast-free alternatives using simple ingredients like herbs, spices, vinegar, and oil.

By avoiding yeast in homemade sauces and dressings, you can still enjoy delicious flavors while managing your yeast intolerance symptoms effectively.

Tips for Managing Yeast Allergy or Intolerance

To effectively manage yeast allergy or intolerance, it is important to read food labels carefully, cook homemade meals to control ingredients, consult a dietitian for guidance, and try elimination diets or the Candida diet under professional supervision. Ready to learn more about how to navigate a yeast-free lifestyle? Keep reading!

Reading Food Labels Carefully

It’s important to read food labels carefully when you have a yeast allergy. This helps you identify any ingredients that may contain yeast or mould, reducing the risk of accidentally consuming them.

By checking ingredient labels, you can avoid leavened baked goods like bread and muffins, as well as processed foods such as stock cubes and dried fruits that may contain yeast. It’s also crucial to read supplement labels to identify any yeast products they might contain. So remember, always take the time to read food labels if you have a yeast allergy or intolerance.

Cooking Homemade Meals to Control Ingredients

When managing a yeast allergy or intolerance, cooking homemade meals is a great way to have control over the ingredients you use. By preparing your own meals, you can avoid hidden sources of yeast that may be present in processed foods.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are generally safe options for homemade meals, as they do not typically contain yeast. Dairy products like milk can also be included in your homemade meals since they don’t usually contain yeast. Cooking at home allows you to carefully select the ingredients and ensure that your meals are free from yeast allergens, helping you manage your condition effectively.

Consulting a Dietitian for Guidance

If you’re dealing with a yeast allergy or intolerance, it’s helpful to consult a dietitian for guidance. They can provide personalised advice and recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

A dietitian will work with you to create a personalised diet plan that avoids foods containing yeast and helps manage your symptoms. They can also help you understand food labels better, cook homemade meals that control ingredients, and try elimination diets or the Candida diet under professional supervision.

Getting support from a qualified healthcare professional like a dietitian is essential in managing yeast allergies or intolerances for better digestive health and overall wellness.

Trying Elimination Diets or the Candida Diet under Professional Supervision

If you’re dealing with yeast allergy or intolerance, it might be worth considering trying elimination diets or the Candida diet under professional supervision. These dietary approaches can help manage your symptoms and improve your gut health.

Elimination diets involve removing potential allergens from your diet for some time and then gradually reintroducing them to see which ones trigger a reaction. On the other hand, the Candida diet focuses on eliminating foods that may promote yeast overgrowth in the body.

This includes avoiding sugar, gluten, alcohol, and certain dairy products. It’s important to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or dietitian who can provide personalised advice based on your specific needs and medical history. They can help ensure that you are getting proper nutrition while following these restrictive diets and monitor any changes in symptoms.


In conclusion, if you have a yeast allergy or intolerance, it’s important to avoid certain foods. Stay away from leavened baked goods like bread and muffins. Be cautious of aged cheese, processed meats, dried fruits, and yeast condiments.

Instead, focus on including yeast-free options such as soda bread, low-sugar fruits like tomatoes and avocados, unprocessed meat and fish, skim milk, green vegetables, and beans/legumes. Try reading food labels carefully and cooking homemade meals to control ingredient choices. Consulting with a dietitian can also provide helpful guidance in managing your yeast allergy or intolerance effectively.


1. What foods should I avoid if I have a yeast allergy?

If you have a yeast allergy, avoiding foods such as bread, beer, wine, vinegar, cheese with mould, and fermented products is best.

2. Can I eat fruits if I have a yeast allergy?

Yes, you can still enjoy most fruits if you have a yeast allergy. However, avoiding dried or overripe fruits that may contain higher levels of natural yeasts is recommended.

3. Are there any vegetables that should be avoided with a yeast allergy?

No specific vegetables need to be avoided with a yeast allergy. However, some individuals may be sensitive to certain fermented vegetables like sauerkraut or pickles due to their potential for containing yeasts.

4. Can I consume dairy products with a yeast allergy?

Most dairy products are safe to consume for those with a yeast allergy. However, it’s important to check the labels for any added ingredients or mouldy cheeses that may trigger an allergic reaction.

5. Are there any hidden sources of yeasts in food that I should watch out for?

Yes, some processed foods like soy sauce, ketchup, salad dressings, and canned soups may contain hidden sources of yeasts or their byproducts, such as autolysed yeast extract or hydrolysed protein. Check ingredient lists carefully when choosing these items.

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