Lasagna Noodles

Tips & Tricks for Cooking Delicious Lasagna Noodles

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Updated on January 12, 2024

Reviewed by Fatma Mohamed

Lasagna is a masterpiece you eat; it goes straight to your heart because it is so delicious. Once you start, you can’t stop, and you might end up finishing the entire thing. It goes without saying that a world without lasagna is a sad one. Unfortunately, it is a sad one if you do not know how to cook lasagna noodles. 

They make preparing lasagna noodles look very easy on television, but if you follow the directions on the package, you are making it even more difficult for yourself. When boiling lasagna noodles, there are a few steps or tips and tricks to ensure that they stay firm, don’t stick (which no one wants), and, most importantly, taste fantastic.

If you’re a genuine lasagna enthusiast, you’ll know that while it’s delicious to eat, it may be difficult to make. That is why we are here to help you give you all of the instructions you need when it comes to making lasagna, as well as answer any other lasagna-related questions you may have and provide you with two extremely tasty recipes you must try.

Lasgana Cooking Basics

Lasagna Noodles

We’ll start with the fundamentals of preparing lasagna noodles, considered the standard for making the lasagna dish. Then, we’ll go through a couple of lasagna recipes that everyone swears by. 

How Long Do Lasagna Noodles Take to Cook/Boil?

Cooking dried lasagna noodles is easier than you think if you use these tips and tricks. Just keep in mind that lasagna noodles continue to cook in the oven, so be mindful of how long you cook them in the water first.

This is the moment we all dread: if you overcook the lasagna, it will be soggy. If the lasagna noodles are undercooked, they absorb all of the liquids in the dish, resulting in a dry lasagna. To establish the right amount of time to cook the lasagna noodles, always follow the manufacturer’s cooking instructions.

Lasagna Noodles

The first cooking lasagna tip is to check the box and reduce the time by around 2 minutes for whatever time they give in the directions. So, if the pasta package says to cook it for ten minutes or until al dente, you will automatically only cook it for eight minutes. The cooking directions for each manufacturer will differ depending on the composition of the pasta. Look for al dente pasta cooking instructions, which indicate that the lasagna noodles will have a bite and shorten the cooking time by roughly 2 minutes.

For most people, this is the most challenging part, but with practice, you will get the hang of it. Because lasagna noodles aren’t fully cooked before being added to the rest of the ingredients, you can’t really judge or taste their stage of cooking. 

Cooking Lasagna Noodles Without Boiling

If you don’t want a lot of steps, you’ll love the non-boiling lasagna noodles. All you have to do is put the noodles directly into the cooking ware, making sure that the sauce or ricotta coats both sides and every inch of the noodle. To ensure that this method of cooking works, always add extra liquid to the sauce, which will be absorbed by the noodles during the cooking process.

For Nonstick Lasagna Noodles, Add Oil to the Pasta Water

This step goes against the Italian norm of never putting oil in the pasta water when cooking pasta. However, applying oil prevents it from sticking, and we don’t mean the full bottle, just a tiny bit. Before cooking the lasagna noodles, add around one tablespoon of olive oil to the water. It prevents the noodles from sticking together. But don’t tell your Italian friend about this step! 

Constantly Stirring the Lasagna Noodles

This step either makes or breaks the dish after getting a large pot of water to boil for the lasagna noodles; when the water is ready, you begin dropping in the lasagna noodles. When the noodles touch the water, they tend to stick together. By regularly moving the lasagna noodles, you are separating them and allowing them to cook evenly. Here is a lasagna cooking tip you’ll thank us for later: it’s best to use a toothed pasta spoon for this since it allows you to separate the noodles that have become stuck together.

Placing the Cooked Lasagna Noodles on a Kitchen Towel and Setting Aside

Another important step in avoiding chewy lasagna, which true lasagna fans despise, is to spread the cooked lasagna noodles on a kitchen towel. Another helpful tip: after draining the noodles, carefully place each long lasagna noodle on a kitchen towel.

Lasagna noodles should be spread out to cool and prevent them from sticking together. The lasagna noodles are removed from the hot boiling water using kitchen tongs since the noodles get quite hot after being drained from the water.

The Art of Layering Your Lasagna


An unspoken rule of the art of layering lasagna is “If there are fewer than three layers, it’s probably not a lasagna.” The more layers, the better, which is why a 9 X 13-inch pan that is at least 3 inches deep is essential to have on hand.

So here’s the tried-and-true method for layering lasagna. Start with a layer of saucy sauce, followed by noodles that overlap by about an inch to keep the lasagna from sticking or burning. Then, add a layer of meat, followed by the ricotta. Continue in the same way until you reach the last layer, when you will add noodles, remaining sauce, and any cheese of your choice to melt and make a wonderful golden crust.

How Long Should Lasagna Bake for Tasty Results?

This is the question that everyone has while preparing this delectable delicacy, “How long does it take to bake a lasagna?” In short, 30 minutes at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) in an oven. If you need to speed up the cooking process, which we do not recommend, raise the temperature to 375°F, but be careful not to overbake the lasagna. 

Should You Bake Your Lasagna in a Glass or Metal Dish?

Lasagna Noodles

Is it better to bake your lasagna in a glass or metal dish?—an often-asked question. The answer is that glass baking dishes are always the best option because they are less prone to sticking and cook more evenly than metal pans. You have the option to precook the meat and noodles in whatever pan you want.

If you’re using a metal baking dish, wrap it in foil for 5 minutes. Because metal heats up faster than glass, keep a constant eye on the top to avoid burning it and obtain a wonderful golden colour.

What Is the Best Method for Reheating Lasagna?

When it comes to reheating leftover lasagna, avoid using the microwave because it does not do the dish justice. For the greatest reheated lasagna, preheat your oven to 350°F and cover your dish with tin foil. Cook for 20 minutes, or until the sauce bubbles around the edges and the cheese has remelted.

Frozen Lasagna 

Frozen lasagna has its own set of rules; it will be ready in about an hour. Bake it at 375°F to 400°F, and enjoy the delicious juiciness and meltiness of the cheese lasagna.

So, we all know that when you have something frozen, you normally defrost it before cooking it, so how can you cook frozen lasagna without defrosting it? It is possible to cook a lasagna straight from the freezer to the oven, but it takes about 1.5 hours to bake all the way at temperatures ranging from 375 to 400 degrees F.

Lasagna Cutting Techniques

We all know that when the lasagna comes out of the oven, we want to dive straight in, but just as there is an art to making the lasagna, there is an art to cutting it. Another trick is to let the lasagna sit for at least 10 minutes before cutting it, which helps everything sit together and keeps it from falling apart. After waiting patiently, you can safely cut and enjoy your delightful masterpiece.

You Don’t Want to Miss These Two Lasagna Recipes

After we have given you all the tips and tricks you need to cook the perfect lasagna noodles, now on the next interesting thing: two different recipes of lasagna that you have to try two of them at least, and you will undoubtedly become addicted to them due to their deliciousness. 

Lasagna Roll-Ups

Lasagna Noodles

Prep Time: 35 mins

Cook Time: 1 hr 35 mins

Servings: 10

We think that if you love lasagna, you will enjoy it in any form it takes. These lasagna roll-ups have the same cheesy, savoury journey that takes you places as the original baked dish, but they’re a lot more fun to eat. These delicious lasagna roll-ups deserve a place in your heart, as well as your daily food preparation routine, because once you try them, you’ll be making them on a regular basis.


  • 10 uncooked lasagna noodles
  • 1 cup finely chopped sweet onion
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced and divided
  • 1 (24-oz.) jar tomato-and-basil pasta sauce
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper
  • 1 cup low-fat ricotta cheese
  • 2 ounces 1/3-less-fat cream cheese, softened
  • 1 (14-oz.) can baby artichoke hearts, drained and quartered
  • 1 large egg white, lightly beaten
  • 1/4 cup torn fresh basil
  • 1/4 cup (1 oz.) freshly shredded Parmesan cheese

Step 1: Preparing the Lasagna Noodles

  • Begin by preheating the oven to 350°.
  • Boil the noodles according to the package guidelines until they are al dente. 
  • Place the noodles on a piece of lightly greased aluminium foil or wax paper in a single layer.

Step 2: Making the Saucy Sauce

  • In a 3-quart saucepan, sauté onion in hot oil for 7-8 minutes over medium heat or until caramelised.  
  • Cook for one minute, stirring constantly, after adding two-thirds of the minced garlic.
  • Mix in the tomato sauce and the following two ingredients. 
  • Bring the flavorful mixture to a boil while constantly stirring.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, stirring often, over low heat. 
  • Take the pan off the heat.

Step 3: Making the Ooey-Gooey Filling

  • Get your ricotta and cream cheese and mix until smooth.
  • Add the artichoke hearts, remaining minced garlic, and the following three ingredients and mix well.
  • One noodle should have 1/4 cup of the cheese mixture spread on it. 
  • Roll the lasagna noodles tightly and put them sideways in a lightly oiled 11 x 7-inch baking tray.
  • Repeat with the rest of the noodles and cheese.  
  • Spread tomato sauce on top of the lasagna rolls.

Step 4: Time to Bake

  • Bake for 45-50 minutes, or until thoroughly cooked and bubbling, at 350°.
  • Allow to sit for 5 minutes. 
  • Top with chosen garnishes.
  • It’s time to serve and eat till the last piece is gone. 

Tip & Tricks for Transforming Your Roll-up Lasagna Into a Delicious Dish

  • If you don’t like artichokes, try sautéed mushrooms or spinach instead.
  • A trio of cheeses ensures plenty of melting warmth in every bite of this meal, but you can easily add more or less on top if you want. 
  • To avoid mushy noodles that unroll before plating, cook your lasagna noodles until they are al dente.

Lasagna Soup

Lasagna Noodles

Prep Time: 25 mins

Cook Time: 25 mins

Servings: 4

If we were to describe lasagna soup, we’d have to say it’s a warm and soothing bowl of soup with juicy beef and luscious noodles. With this recipe, you can eat your lasagna while sipping your soup—a match made in heaven.


  • 1 medium-sized yellow onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
  • 1-pound ground chuck
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • 1 ¼ teaspoons kosher salt, divided
  • 1 ½ tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 2 (15-oz.) cans of diced tomatoes
  • 2 ounces (about 1¼ cups) finely grated Parmesan cheese 
  • 3 (about 1 Tbsp) medium garlic cloves, finely chopped.
  • 4 ounces (about 1 cup) low-moisture mozzarella cheese, shredded 
  • 6 cups chicken stock
  • 8 ounces uncooked lasagna noodles, cut into 1½- to 2-inch pieces
  • 8 ounces (about 1 cup) whole-milk ricotta cheese 
  • ¼ cup small basil leaves
  • ⅛ teaspoon ground nutmeg

Step 1: The Topping 

  • In a medium mixing basin, mix the ricotta, Parmesan, nutmeg, and ¼ tsp salt. 
  • Refrigerate until ready to serve, covered with plastic wrap.

Step 2: Cooking the Ground Beef

  • In a large pot, heat the oil on medium-high heat.
  • Pour in the ground chuck.
  • Cook for 3 minutes, breaking up the ground meat into bits, or until browned and slightly cooked through.
  • Transfer the cooked meat to a small bowl covered with paper towels with a slotted spoon; set aside.

Step 3: One-Pot Lasagna Soup Coming Together

  • Do not clean the Dutch oven.
  • Place the onion in the Dutch oven. 
  • Cook, stirring frequently, for 4 minutes over medium-high heat or until softened and beginning to caramelise. 
  • Add the garlic. 
  • Cook for 1 minute, stirring regularly, or until aromatic.
  • Over high heat, bring the diced tomatoes and stock to a boil. 
  • Combine the remaining 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar in a mixing bowl. 
  • Mix in the lasagna pieces. 
  • Cook for 8 minutes, or until the noodles are just cooked through and almost al dente; stir often to prevent sticking.
  • Mix in the browned meat. 
  • Take the pot off the heat and add the vinegar. 
  • Serve the soup in four bowls, topped with the remaining ricotta and mozzarella mixture.
  • Sprinkle with basil leaves before serving, and enjoy the delicious flavour.

Tips & Tricks for Making One-Pot Lasagna Soup as You See on TV

  • Let the beef drain on paper towels to absorb some of the oil and avoid a coating of fat from forming on the surface of the soup.
  • If you use no-boil pasta, it will overcook and get mushy in this soup. Regular lasagna noodles with wavy edges will give the dish additional texture. 
  • Cook the stock until the pasta is almost al dente; once removed from the heat, it will continue to cook and absorb liquid.
  • When making the finished dish, don’t skip the dollops of chilled, nutmeg-spiked ricotta that melt slowly into the heated soup. Shredded mozzarella accomplishes the same thing, creating creamy bursts that melt in your mouth. 
  • The use of nutmeg mimics the bechamel present in classic lasagna, elevating the dish without dominating the soup’s tastes. 
  • Serve this lasagna soup with garlic bread, and thank us later for the exquisite flavour.

Making a fantastic lasagna is an art form that takes a lot of practice. It takes trial and error to master it. We hope you won’t be hesitant to create homemade lasagna. You can even gather your friends and bake lasagna together, resulting in less labour for you and more helpful hands. Later, you can relax with a movie and some drinks along with the delicious lasagna.

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