Allergy-free foods

Allergy-Free Foods List: Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet

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Updated on March 7, 2024

Navigating your way through food allergies can be quite the challenge, wouldn’t you agree? We empathise wholeheartedly with your trials and tribulations. Astonishingly, about 2 million folks in our lovely UK are dealing with a diagnosed food allergy (rather mind-boggling, isn’t it?).

This article’s got you covered! We’ll serve up an elaborate list of allergy-free foods to bring some ease and flavour back into your life. Ready for a fear-free gastronomic adventure? Let’s tuck in, then!

Key Takeaways

  • Allergy-free foods are those that do not contain allergen proteins that can trigger allergic reactions.
  • Common food allergens include nuts, eggs, milk, soy products, shellfish, and wheat.
  • There are top allergy-free food brands such as Annie May’s Sweet Cafe, Dirty Cow Cre*m Liqueur, The Healthy Cake Co., and Allergy Smart Cookies.
  • Nut-free options include roasted pumpkin seeds, popcorn, ice cream from allergy-friendly shops, and nut-free chocolate spreads.
  • Peanut-free options include SunButter, made from sunflower seeds and WowButter, made from soybeans.
  • Dairy-free alternatives include lactose-free milk, almond milk, oat milk, coconut milk, cashew milk

What Does “Allergy-Free” Mean?

“Allergy-free” refers to foods that do not contain any allergen proteins, which can trigger allergic reactions in individuals with food sensitivities.

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Definition of Allergen-Free

Allergen-free is a term you may see on food labels. This means the food does not have any stuff that usually causes allergies. These allergy-causing things are also called allergens.

Some people get sick when they eat certain foods. They may cough, get itchy, or even feel very ill. The list of what might cause this is not the same for everyone though. What makes one person sick might not bother another person at all! That’s why some foods that claim to be allergen-free might still make some people react wrongly if they eat them.

Common Food Allergens

Food allergies are no joke. They can make you feel really bad and even put your life at risk. There are a lot of foods that cause allergies. Here are some common ones:

  1. Nuts: Many people are allergic to peanuts and tree nuts.
  2. Eggs: Some have a hard time with eggs, both the white part and the yolk.
  3. Milk: This is often found in children, but adults can also have issues with it.
  4. Soy products: Things like tofu or soy sauce might cause problems.
  5. Shellfish: Foods like lobsters or prawns often lead to allergic reactions.
  6. Wheat: Gluten in wheat might be tricky for some people’s bodies.

Top Allergy-Free Food Brands

Annie May’s Sweet Cafe, known for their delicious and allergen-free treats. Dirty Cow Cre*m Liqueur, the perfect option for those with dairy allergies. The Healthy Cake Co., offering a wide range of allergy-friendly cakes and desserts. Allergy Smart Cookies, providing tasty snacks without any common allergens.

allergy-free foods

Annie May’s Sweet Cafe

Annie May’s Sweet Cafe is a cosy spot in Louisville, Kentucky. They make foods that are safe for people with food allergies. You’ll find yummy bread, tasty pastries and sweet desserts there.

Everything is made without the stuff that can cause allergy problems, like gluten or nuts. Even if you’re vegan, Annie May’s has got you covered! The cafe stands out as one of the top places to get allergen-friendly foods.

If you have dietary restrictions or just love good food, this place should be on your list!

Dirty Cow Cre*m Liqueur

Dirty Cow Cre*m Liqueur is a top choice for those with food allergies. It’s not only tasty but also safe for most people to enjoy. This liqueur is plant-based and free of milk, making it great for vegans too! But it does have alcohol, so only adults should drink it.

Dirty Cow Cre*m Liqueur takes care to avoid many common allergens like celery, gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish and molluscs. If you can’t have dairy but love cream liqueurs, then this brand could be your new best friend! Just like Besos de Oro – another famous label in the allergen-free food market.

The Healthy Cake Co.

At The Healthy Cake Co., they whip up yummy treats for all. Isn’t it amazing how your sweet tooth can be satisfied without having to worry about allergies? That’s what this company does best.

They understand food allergies and dietary restrictions well, hence offer a rich variety of allergen-free products. You will find everything from gluten-free breads to dairy-free or nut-free cakes here.

The Healthy Cake Co. is not just an ordinary brand in the market; it tops the list when we talk about allergy-free food brands. Their focus on free-from foods has made life much easier for those dealing with specific allergies or intolerances like gluten sensitivity or lactose intolerance.

Not only do they cater to varied needs, but also ensure you don’t miss out on taste!

Allergy Smart Cookies

Allergy Smart Cookies are a real treat for food lovers with allergies. The cookies are made in a place free of the top 10 allergens. So you can eat them without worry. They offer a Cookie Lovers Sampler pack that is very popular.

You get to try all their yummy flavours, like Oatmeal Raisin and Chocolate Chip! Allergy Smart is on the list of top allergy-free food brands because they take care in making safe food options for people with allergies.

The taste of these gluten-free cookies will make you forget about being on an allergen-free diet!

Allergy-Friendly Snacks and Substitutes

Discover a variety of nut-free, peanut-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free snack options that are not only allergy-friendly but also delicious. Whether you have dietary restrictions or simply want to try something new, these snacks and substitutes are sure to satisfy your cravings.

Read on to explore the wide range of allergy-free foods available.


Nut-Free Options

We are here to talk about the best nut-free options for those who have allergies. First, roasted pumpkin seeds or pepitas are a great swap for nuts. They can be added to your meals or snacks.

Peanut-Free Options

Avoiding peanuts is important for individuals with peanut allergies. Here are some delicious and safe peanut-free options:

  1. SunButter: Made from sunflower seeds, this spread is a great alternative to peanut butter.
  2. WowButter: A soy-based spread that tastes similar to peanut butter.
  3. Almond Butter: If you don’t have a nut allergy, almond butter can be a tasty substitute.
  4. Cashew Butter: Creamy and smooth, cashew butter is another great option.
  5. Seed Butter: Look for spreads made from pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds for a nut-free alternative.
  6. Rice Cakes: These crunchy snacks come in various flavours and make a great base for toppings like hummus or jam.
  7. Veggie Sticks: Carrot sticks, celery sticks, and cucumber slices are healthy and satisfying alternatives to peanut-containing snacks.
  8. Granola Bars: Many brands offer peanut-free options made with oats, dried fruits, and seeds as the main ingredients.

Dairy-Free Options

If you have a dairy allergy or choose to follow a dairy-free diet, there are plenty of delicious options available. Here are some dairy-free alternatives and snacks to enjoy:

  1. Lactose-free milk: This is a great option for those who have difficulty digesting lactose but still want to enjoy the taste of milk.
  2. Almond milk: Made from ground almonds, almond milk is a popular dairy-free alternative that is rich in calcium and vitamin E.
  3. Oat milk: Made from oats, oat milk has a creamy texture and is usually fortified with vitamins and minerals.
  4. Coconut milk: This creamy and tropical-tasting milk alternative can be used in countless sweet and savoury dishes.
  5. Cashew milk: Made from cashews, this creamy nut-based milk can be enjoyed on its own or used in recipes.
  6. Hemp milk: This plant-based milk, which is made from hemp seeds, is high in omega-3 fatty acids and provides a unique nutty flavour.

Gluten-Free Options

Being on a gluten-free diet doesn’t mean missing out on tasty snacks and substitutes. Here are some great options to try:

  • Amaranth: A nutritious grain that’s naturally gluten-free.
  • Arrowroot: A starchy flour made from tropical plants, great for thickening sauces and baking.
  • Beans: Packed with protein and fibre, beans are a filling and gluten-free option.
  • Buckwheat groats: Despite the name, buckwheat is not related to wheat and is gluten-free.
  • Cassava: Also known as yuca, cassava is a versatile root vegetable commonly used in gluten-free cooking.
  • Chia: These tiny seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. It can be used in baking or as a topping.
  • Corn: One of the most common gluten-free grains, corn can be enjoyed in various forms, like tortillas or popcorn.
  • Flax: Rich in fibre and omega-3s, flaxseed can be used as an egg substitute or added to smoothies.

The Importance of Food Safety Regarding Allergens

Cross-contamination prevention is crucial to ensure the safety of individuals with food allergies.


Cross-Contamination Prevention

When it comes to allergy-free foods, preventing cross-contamination is really important. Cross-contamination happens when an allergen from one food gets accidentally transferred to another food.

To avoid this, it’s best not to share food, napkins, dishes, cups, and utensils with allergens. It’s also a good idea to ask everyone to wash their hands before handling any food. In the kitchen, be careful not to let a food allergen come in contact with other foods or items that should be allergen-free.

Taking these precautions helps keep allergy-free foods safe for everyone to enjoy.

Preventing cross-contamination is crucial for ensuring the safety of allergy-free foods. Cross-contact occurs when an allergen ends up in a food where it shouldn’t be. This can happen if you don’t take care in the kitchen or if you share utensils or dishware with allergens.

To prevent cross-contamination, make sure there is no contact between foods containing allergens and those that are supposed to be free from them. Proper hand hygiene is also essential – ask everyone handling the food to wash their hands thoroughly before touching anything else.

Labelling and Packaging Regulations

When it comes to allergy-free foods, proper labelling and packaging regulations are crucial. Food businesses must follow specific guidelines to provide accurate allergen information on their products.

This helps consumers make informed choices and avoid potential allergic reactions. Incorrect packaging and labelling can lead to product withdrawals or recalls, which could harm people with allergies.

That’s why it’s important for food businesses to ensure that the correct labels are used for allergy-free foods. In fact, Natasha’s Law requires all foods produced and packed for sale to be labelled with a full list of ingredients, including any allergens present.

Allergen Testing and Certification

Allergen testing and certification are really important when it comes to making sure that food is safe for people with allergies. As food lovers, we know how crucial it is to have proper procedures in place.

Businesses need to follow guidelines on providing allergen information and handling allergens correctly. There’s even a Code of Practise on Food Allergen that emphasises the importance of identifying allergenic foods and taking necessary steps to handle them properly.

To comply with regulations, businesses must conduct an allergen risk assessment. In the UK, Natasha’s Law has made it even more important for businesses to provide accurate allergen information.


In conclusion, there are many allergy-free food options available for those with specific dietary needs. From brands like Annie May’s Sweet Cafe to snacks and substitutes that are nut-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, and more, people with allergies can still enjoy delicious meals and treats.

It’s important to prioritise food safety by preventing cross-contamination, following labelling regulations, and choosing certified allergen-free products. With these options and precautions in mind, individuals can find allergen-free alternatives that suit their needs without compromising on taste or quality.


1. What is an allergy-free food?

An allergy-free food is a type of food that doesn’t contain ingredients known to cause allergic reactions in most people.

2. How can I find an allergy-free foods list?

You can find an allergy-free foods list by consulting reputable sources such as allergists, dieticians, or reliable websites specialising in allergies and dietary restrictions.

3. Are there any common allergy-free foods?

Yes, there are common allergy-free foods like fruits, vegetables, rice, quinoa, potatoes, chicken, fish (without breading), and many others that typically do not cause allergic reactions in most individuals.

4. Can I trust pre-packaged foods labelled “allergy-free”?

It’s important to carefully read the labels of pre-packaged foods labelled “allergy-free” as different countries may have different regulations for labelling allergens. It’s best to double-check the ingredients list and look for any potential cross-contamination warnings before consuming them.

5. Can an individual have allergies to all types of food?

While it is possible for someone to have allergies to multiple types of food, it is relatively rare for individuals to be allergic to every single type of food available. Most people with food allergies are usually allergic to specific groups or categories of allergens (e.g., nuts or shellfish).

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