bermuda Grass allergy

Bermuda Grass Allergy Foods to Avoid

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Updated on March 7, 2024

A Bermuda grass allergy can throw you for a loop, can’t it? Famed as one of the most allergenic plants around, Bermuda grass triggers symptoms like sneezes that seem to never end and eyes that just won’t stop watering. Happily, though, did you know that we can lessen these pesky symptoms simply by tweaking our eating habits? That’s what this blog is all about – shedding light on how diet adjustments can help manage niggly Bermuda grass allergies and detailing certain potential trigger foods you might wish to sidestep.

Intrigued? Let’s journey through this together!

Key Takeaways

  • Bermuda grass allergies can cause symptoms like sneezing, itching, and watery eyes.
  • Certain foods like peach, citrus fruits, celery, melon, and tomatoes may trigger Bermuda grass allergies.
  • Taking measures to limit exposure to Bermuda grass allergens, such as avoiding direct contact with grass, changing clothes/showering after being outdoors, keeping windows closed during pollen season, and using air purifiers, can help manage allergy symptoms.

Understanding Bermuda Grass Allergies

Bermuda grass allergy occurs when the immune system overreacts to proteins found in Bermuda grass, leading to common symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. Diagnosis involves testing for specific IgE antibodies, and treatment options include medication and natural remedies.

A macro photograph of dew-covered Bermuda grass with vibrant flowers. Bermuda grass allergy.

What Is Bermuda Grass Allergy?

Bermuda grass allergy is a problem that some people have. It happens when your body reacts to Bermuda grass pollen. This kind of allergy can make you cough or sneeze a lot. Sometimes, it can even cause trouble with your breathing, like asthma. Many people in the United States face this issue because Bermuda grass is common there. Other types of grass and trees can also set off this allergy. Some may find their symptoms worse than others’.

Common Symptoms

Bermuda grass allergies can have many signs. They can make you sneeze a lot and give you a runny nose. Sometimes, they might even cause headaches or make parts of your face swell up. This allergy might fool you into thinking that it’s just the common cold.

You may feel as though hay fever is bothering you or that asthma is acting up because Bermuda grass allergies affect both your nose and eyes, too. If things become serious, your throat will start itching, and your sinuses get blocked. Grass pollen allergy doesn’t always show you mild symptoms; sometimes, it can take a severe turn as well! It’s quite tricky to deal with because it feels much like having seasonal allergies.

Testing and Diagnosis

If you visit an allergist for testing, he will use two kinds of tests to see if you have a Bermuda grass allergy. The first one is a skin pricking test. It puts small amounts of allergens on your skin with prick marks. The second one is an IgE blood test, which looks at the level of certain things in your blood that tell us about allergies.

Grass allergy

Treatment and Remedies

Dealing with Bermuda grass allergies can be a tough task, but there are treatments and remedies to soothe the symptoms. You can manage your Bermuda grass allergies with medications, sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops, and professional help. Don’t let allergies hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest! Here’s what you can do:

Medications for Symptom Relief

We have found some medications that can help relieve the symptoms of Bermuda grass allergies. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Nasal saline therapies: Using a nasal saline spray or rinse can help clear out your nasal passages and reduce congestion caused by grass allergies.
  • Oral antihistamines: These medications can be taken orally and help reduce symptoms like sneezing and nasal drainage caused by grass allergies. Look for over-the-counter antihistamines such as cetirizine or loratadine.
  • Anti-inflammatory nasal sprays: Prescription or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory nasal sprays, such as fluticasone or budesonide, can help reduce inflammation in your nasal passages and alleviate symptoms like stuffiness and itching.

Sublingual Immunotherapy Allergy Drops

While they haven’t been FDA-approved yet, they can provide relief from allergy symptoms like sneezing and itchy eyes. However, it’s important to note that there may be side effects associated with these drops. It’s also worth mentioning that insurance coverage might not typically include this type of treatment. Overall, if you’re considering sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops, it’s best to consult with a professional and weigh the potential benefits against any risks or limitations.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re dealing with Bermuda grass allergies, it’s important to seek professional help. Seeing an allergist can assist in diagnosing and managing your allergies effectively. They can evaluate your symptoms, conduct tests for a proper diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatments.

Professional assistance is crucial because they have the expertise to identify the specific cause of your grass allergy and provide guidance on how to manage it. Whether it’s through medications or other forms of treatment like sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops, an allergist can offer the necessary assistance to help you deal with Bermuda grass allergies more effectively.

Managing Bermuda Grass Allergies Through Diet

Avoiding certain foods can help manage Bermuda grass allergies. Discover the foods to avoid and tips for a more allergy-friendly diet. Read on to find out more!

A vibrant display of fresh fruits and vegetables in a garden.

Foods to Avoid

You have to be careful about what you eat because of Bermuda grass allergy. Certain foods tend to set off symptoms. If you also struggle with this type of allergy, here are some foods you, too, might need to steer clear of:

  1. Melon and watermelon: These fruits are known to trigger oral allergy symptoms in people with Bermuda grass allergies.
  2. Citrus fruits: Fruits like oranges can cross-react with Bermuda grass pollen, setting off an allergic reaction.
  3. Banana and pineapple: Both of these fruits have been linked to allergic reactions in individuals with Bermuda grass allergies.
  4. Persimmon: This unique fruit is also a common allergen for people with a Bermuda grass allergy.
  5. Zucchini and tomato: Two more plant-based foods that can cause problems for those allergic to Bermuda grass.
  6. Hazelnut: Even certain nuts can stir up trouble! Hazelnuts may lead to an allergic reaction if you suffer from a Bermuda grass allergy.

Tips for Limiting Exposure to Bermuda Grass Allergens

Avoid direct contact with grass by wearing long sleeves, pants, and gloves when working outdoors.

Grass allergy

Avoiding Direct Contact With Grass

To minimise exposure to Bermuda grass allergens, it’s important to avoid direct contact with the grass. This means avoiding sitting or lying down on the grass and refraining from walking barefoot on it as well.

When spending time outdoors, try to use a blanket or towel as a barrier between yourself and the grass. If you have a lawn, ask someone else to mow it for you or wear protective clothing like long sleeves and pants if you must do it yourself. By maintaining distance from the grass, you can reduce your chances of experiencing allergy symptoms.

Changing Clothes and Showering After Being Outdoors

Changing clothes and showering after being outdoors is important for limiting exposure to Bermuda grass allergens. Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Dry all clothes in a dryer instead of line-drying them outdoors.
  2. Take a bath or shower every day before bedtime to wash off any pollen on your skin.
  3. Make sure to wash your hair as well, as pollen can stick to it.
  4. Use hypoallergenic soap and shampoo to prevent any further irritation.
  5. Avoid wearing the same clothes you wore outside inside your home.
  6. Keep a separate set of indoor clothing that you change into once you come indoors.
  7. Wash your outdoor clothes separately from your indoor clothes to avoid spreading allergens.
  8. If possible, consider leaving your shoes outside or wiping them thoroughly before entering your home.

Keeping Windows Closed

During the Bermuda grass pollen season, it is important to keep your windows closed. This helps to limit your exposure to allergens and prevent them from entering your living spaces. Instead of opening windows, use air conditioning to keep the indoor air clean and free from pollen. By keeping doors and windows closed, you create a barrier that stops those pesky allergens from getting inside. So, during peak pollen times or when it’s allergy season, make sure to keep your windows closed tight!

Using Air Purifiers

Air purifiers can be really helpful for people with Bermuda grass allergies. They work by filtering out pollen and other allergens from the air, which can improve indoor air quality and reduce symptoms. It’s especially important during allergy seasons when the pollen count is high. Air purifiers are a great way to create a healthier indoor environment for those of us who suffer from grass allergies.


In conclusion, if you have a Bermuda grass allergy, it’s important to be mindful of the foods you consume. Avoid melon and watermelon, in particular, as they can worsen your symptoms. Be aware of cross-reactive foods like citrus fruits, bananas, pineapple, persimmons, and zucchini that may also trigger allergies. By managing your diet and taking measures to limit exposure to Bermuda grass allergens, you can better cope with your allergies and enjoy a healthier life.


1. Can cooking or processing foods help reduce the allergenic effects of Bermuda grass?

Cooking or processing foods may help reduce the allergenic effects of Bermuda grass to some extent. However, it’s best to consult with an allergist for dietary recommendations based on your individual allergies.

2. Are there any alternative grains or flours that are safe to consume with a Bermuda grass allergy?

Yes! If you have a Bermuda grass allergy but still want to enjoy grains and flour in your diet, alternatives like rice flour or gluten-free options made from cornstarch or potato starch can be safe options for consumption.

3. Can I outgrow my Bermuda grass allergy over time?

There is a possibility that someone might outgrow their Bermuda Grass Allergy over time; however, this varies from person to person. It’s important to consult with an allergist for proper diagnosis and management of allergies.

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