Emily McCorkell - Lo & Slo - Eating To Live

Emily McCorkell – Lo & Slo – Eating To Live

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Updated on January 5, 2024

In this interview, we sat down with Emily McCorkell, owner of Lo & Slo. Lo & Slo is a food business that specialises in American BBQ sauces, seasoning and street food with an ethos of pursuing a healthier and more wholesome way of life through cooking, blogging, and creating ways to cut chemicals and preservatives.

In the interview, Emily shares the story behind the business, challenges they faced as a startup and how the plan to grow in the future including their products now being available in Lidl stores.

For more from Emily, make sure to watch the interview in full and then let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Emily McCorkell – Lo & Slo – Eating To Live

This interview was a part of our Amazing Food and Drink Summit 2021. If you would like to check out the rest of the interviews in the summit, check out our YouTube channel or have a look at more industry expert interviews on our website!

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