
Honey: 10 Astounding Facts and Tasty Recipes

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Updated on January 29, 2024

Reviewed by Israa Saeed

A sweet substance that bees extract from their stomachs from the nectar they collect from flowers, and it is an important food that contains sugars, mostly mono, yeasts, amino acids, various vitamins and minerals. Honey is made from flower nectar collected by worker bees from various flowers that are scattered in the pasture borders around the apiary, and after this nectar is transformed through partial digestion and moisture reduction into a sugary liquid that is stored in the hexagonal eyes and sealed with wax caps. 

The storage of honey helps it to develop as food for the hive and brood and to withstand the winter and the honey produced by bees that live in open natural surroundings is called wild honey. When flowers are not available in the fields adjacent to the apiary, the bees are forced to collect honeydew honey from the honeydew secretions of some insects of the order of sympathetic wings such as aphids and scale insects.

Honey is an important food item for health and immunity. Modern science has also recognized the cultural heritage about the fact that bee honey is a natural antibiotic and tonic for the human body, as it strengthens the immune system that resists all diseases that might attack it, and it also has proven properties in treating burns, wounds and many other diseases.


The composition of honey varies according to the variety of plants in the pasture, as well as the weather and soil conditions. However, basic components of honey include fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose, water, higher sugars, and minerals. 

Honey also contains several yeast types, such as: the Amylase yeast which turns starch and dextrin into a gel, Phosphatase yeast which generates phosphates, Invertase which degrades disaccharides into monosaccharides, Catalase yeast which decomposes oxides, and Peroxidase yeast which has great concentration power.

Honey contains 7 to 15 amino acids, the most important of which are phenylalanine acid, proline acid, tyrosine acid, thyronine, alanine acid, glutamic acid, Sarin acid, Isoleucine acid, histidine, valine acid, methionine acid, leucine acid, arginine acid, and cysteine. Honey is also rich of several vitamins, such as: vitamin C, B group vitamins, and carotene.

There are also essential oils in honey that give it a special smell and taste, but these essential oils may be lost when honey is heated and pasteurized. Honey contains other substances as well, such as colored materials, wax, and pollen. It contains some minerals, such as iron, copper, and manganese.

Chemical Composition

Honey is mainly composed of coal, hydrogen and oxygen, which are the basic components of organic materials. In addition to other salts in varying proportions. Potassium, Calcium, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, and Cadmium.

History of Consumption 

Thousands of years ago, people used honey in their food and used it as a remedy. The ancient Egyptians used honey not only as food, but also for treatment and beautification, and in mummification to preserve the tissues of mummies. honey was mentioned in all of the holy books, even in Chinese and Indian traditions. It was used as a remedy for baldness and to prevent pregnancy as a clip. The Germans used it to treat wounds, burns, fistulas and heal them with fish oil, and they used it as a soothing ointment by adding egg yolk to it with flour.

Nutritional Value of Honey

Honey provides 46 calories in a serving of one tablespoon (15 ml) equivalent to 1272 kilojoules per 100 grams. Honey contains natural minerals and vitamins that help metabolize unwanted cholesterol and fatty acids, thus preventing obesity and promoting better health. It also contains a high percentage of vitamins B6, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and some amino acids.

Minerals in honey include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Honey is also one of the richest natural materials in phenolic acids and flavonoids, which are a source of natural antioxidants free of fat and cholesterol.

Types of Honey

Honey varies according to the diversity of the nectar sources, whether it is from flowers, plant secretions, or excretions left by insects. Accordingly, honey varies in color, smell, taste, ability to crystallize, density, alkalinity, and even some of its components, even in small proportions. There are other factors also affect the qualities of honey such as soil type and weather factors. Thus, there are hundreds of types of honey, hereunder the most famous amongst them.


New Zealand honey: The best type of honey is New Zealand honey. It is very healthy because bees in this species do not feed on chemicals and additives that are used to control diseases, if any, and the remote geographical location of New Zealand helps provide a clean environment for the formation of honey and increase its quality, and one of the other important reasons that help make honey New Zealand honey the best among many others, is the abundance of a good number of flowers.

Greek Hymettus honey: It is a species found in Mount Hymettus in Greece, specifically in the southeast of Athens, and dates back to about 3000 years ago.

Manuka honey: It is produced in Australia and New Zealand only, from tea trees, and contains methylglyoxal, which has strong germ-killing properties. This type of honey is named after the plants that produce small leaves and flowers. It is also called New Zealand tea tree.

Zaqqum honey: It is one of the finest types of honey, characterized by its strong taste and healing properties. 

Sidr honey: It is one of the finest types of honey in the world. It is distinguished by its dark brown color, pleasant smell, and delicious and hot taste. It is extracted by bees from the Sidr tree. In southern Yemen, Sidr honey is found, especially in Wadi Doan in Hadhramaut.

Citrus honey: Citrus honey is characterized by its white color and a little density, and orange honey from this layer is distinguished, according to recent research, by filtering the blood, and being soothing to the nerves if you take a spoon half an hour before bedtime, especially for children.

Capers honey: one of the best and most expensive types of honey, as the capers are a wild plant characterized by many medicinal qualities, on top of which is the capers being a sexual tonic, and therefore all these medicinal properties are transmitted to the nectar of the plant and thus the bee transfers it to honey. 

Capers honey stimulates and activates the function of the liver and spleen, improves blood circulation, treats atherosclerosis, aids digestion, and eliminates flatulence. Softens the intestines, and generates urine and menstruation. It also helps to get rid of bronchial pulmonary secretions. 

Eucalyptus honey: Eucalyptus honey has a dark amber color, a distinctive smell, and a good taste. It is taken in the case of phlegm and chest allergies and is a loyal friend to patients with asthma and the urinary system, starting from the kidneys. It is also very useful in the case of infections and molds in the body.

Clover honey: it is characterized by its yellowish color and contains volatile oil that is flavonoids and gums.

Sunflower honey: Sunflower honey contains flavonoids. Its color is golden yellow and turns into a light amber. Its smell is light and its taste is delicious and sour. 

Hijazi Clover honey: Fresh of it has different colors from colorless to amber. It crystallizes quickly and turns into a white mass like cream, and it has a good smell and special taste, and it contains 40% fructose and 37% dextrose, among its benefits: It preserves blood sugar, diuretic and diarrhea.

Sweet Clover honey: delicious taste, pale amber color, smells refreshing like vanilla, and contains 36% of dextrose, and 39.5% of fructose.

Apple honey: its color is pale yellow, its smell is pleasant, and its sweetness is delicate. It contains 42% fructose and 32% dextrose.

Barberry honey: its color is golden yellow, it smells pleasant, and it tastes sweet and pleasant.

Raspberry honey: It is white like water and tastes delicious. 

Black Carob honey: It is a transparent honey, but if it crystallizes, it turns into a white mass like snow. It contains 40% fructose and 36% dextrose.

Al-Quba Honey: Light amber in color with a pleasant aroma and excellent taste, very viscous and slowly freezes. The flowers of this grass are loved by bees, so it has value in honey production.

Buckwheat honey: Its color varies from dark yellow with reddish tinge to dark brown. It has a distinctive smell and taste. It is spicy in the throat. It contains 37% of dextrose and 40% of fructose. It contains a high percentage of iron and proteins. It is recommended to treat cases of anemia.

Burdock honey: It is dark olive in color, has a sharp, spice-like aroma and has a high viscosity. 

Carrot honey: It is dark yellow in color and has a pleasant aroma.

Chestnut honey: It is dark in color, has a light aroma and a calm taste. The bees harvest from the pink flowers of the horse scalp plant of ornamental plants, unlike chestnut honey, which is colorless.

Citrus honey: It has an excellent smell, such as the smell of orange blossom and lemon, and it has an excellent taste and is applied to the face to remove melasma.

Turnip honey: It is greenish-yellow in color, has a light smell, and has an excellent taste, but it is not suitable for long storage. 

Coriander honey: It has a pungent smell and a special taste, and coriander is an aromatic plant. 

Cotton honey: It is light and has a distinctive smell and delicate taste. It freezes quickly and turns white like snow, and it may be yellowish. It contains dextrose 36% and fructose 39%. Cotton leaves give nectar not different from flower nectar.

Dandelion honey: a very thick golden yellow that crystallizes quickly, has a strong aromatic odor and a strong taste, contains 36% dextrose and 41% fructose.

Wheat honey: It is greenish-yellow in color and has an aroma reminiscent of almonds and a special taste with a slight bitterness.

Dragon’s Head Honey: A light honey that has a pleasant smell and taste, and the white flowers of the plant attract bees and contain a large amount of sweet nectar, so it is a valuable plant in the production of honey.

Heather honey: its color is dark yellow or red-brown, it smells light and it tastes nice tart. It is very dense in texture and does not freeze easily. 

Hibiscus honey: The fresh one is pale yellow and turbid and has an unpleasant taste.

Lavender honey: It is golden in color and has a delicate aroma. It is of high value, which bees collect from the aromatic perennial lavender plant.

Syrian Linden honey: it tastes delicious, and it has a strong aromatic smell when it is fresh, it contains dextrose by 36% and fructose by 39%, its uses are many in medicine to treat colds, and it is very sweaty, and linden is a tree called queen of honey-producing plants.

Privet honey: An excellent honey with a pleasant taste and aroma, this kind of honey is usually transparent.

Peppermint honey: Mint is a good source of honey, and it is an aromatic plant, and its honey smells of mint, and has an amber color.

Pumpkin Honey: It is golden yellow in color, has a pleasant smell and freezes quickly.

Strawberry honey: It is white in color, smells refreshing, and tastes delicious. Strawberry flowers are loved by bees and preferred over others, and it is an excellent honey that contains a high percentage of fructose by 41.5%.


Sage honey: It is light amber or dark golden in color, has a pleasant aroma and tastes delicious.

Tobacco honey: its color varies from light to dark, its smell is unpleasant, and its taste is bitter, and it is one of the bad honeys. Used by the tobacco plants to produce the types of scented cigarettes.

White Clover honey: transparent honey that has no color, and it tastes excellent, and if it crystallizes, it becomes a solid white mass, and it is one of the best types of honey, the proportion of fructose in it is 40%.

Willow honey: golden yellow and tastes good, and crystallizes into a smooth mass like cream, and bees prefer willow flowers and visit them frequently.

Rock honey: It is a rare honey made by wild bees in their natural nests between the rocks. Its color is pale yellow, it smells good, it tastes delicious, and its tablets come in the form of a solid crystallized mass that must be broken into pieces. The texture can be kept for many years.

Radioactive honey: It has great therapeutic importance, as it is used in the treatment of malignant cancerous tumors and sarcomas.


Natural honey does not spoil and does not need to be kept in the refrigerator, it only needs to be preserved in a tightly closed container and stored at normal room temperature.

Because natural honey contains fructose, it is 25% sweeter than table sugar.

Honey is formed when the bee mixes flower nectar with its enzymes in the openings of the wax disk and dries it with air from the movement of its wings.

The color, taste and composition of honey depend on the flowers from which bees collect nectar.

One of the most distinguished remarks about honey making is that in order for a bee to produce one kilogram of honey, it travels between flowers a distance equivalent to 11 times the circumference of the Earth around the equator to collect nectar and eventually produce honey.

Honey Benefits

The benefits of honey are actually countless, whether consumed as food, drink, or as an ointment, the most important of which are:

Source of energy for adults and children

Honey is a very rich food substance. Its rich nutritional value provides their bodies with energy without raising blood sugar, unlike other types of sweeteners. However, honey should not be given to children under one year of age as it may lead to food poisoning, a potentially fatal disease.

Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial

Honey is similar to antibiotics as it has the ability to kill many microbes, viruses and fungi, and also interacts with cells in the body to secrete antiseptic substances that reduce infections and poisoning.

Reduces the level of fats in the body

As an alternative to refined and processed sweeteners, honey contributes to the prevention of many problems: obesity, heart disease and arteriosclerosis, as it has been found to have a role in reducing cholesterol and fats in the blood.

Prevents gastrointestinal diseases

Unlike refined and simple sugars such as; Sucrose, honey does not ferment in the stomach as it does not stay long as it is quickly digested, thus does not pose any risk of bacterial invasion, and passes directly from the small intestine into the bloodstream without causing any irritation in our digestive system as sucrose does.

Honey also helps in treating indigestion, intestinal infections as well as the treatment of constipation, it is considered a mild laxative, as it increases the activity of the intestines. Honey helps in digestive disorders, as it works to cancel the excess acidity in the stomach, which often leads to ulcers. It is also used as a treatment for stomach ulcers and duodenum. 

Antioxidant properties

Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals are chemicals that are produced through bodily processes such as food metabolism or from external sources such as pollution. In large amounts, free radicals can damage genetic material and cells, which can increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Honey contains a variety of antioxidants, including: glucose oxidase, ascorbic acid, a form of vitamin C, phenolic acids, and flavonoids.

Lowers cholesterol

Another benefit of honey is that it may reduce cholesterol levels, specifically levels of LDL, the (bad) type of cholesterol. High levels of LDL can increase a person’s risk of several diseases.

Cough treatment

According to many researches, honey is an effective and safe remedy for children’s cough from over-the-counter medicines, as it helps remove phlegm, throat infections and relieve cough, thus, is included in the manufacture of many cough medicines. 

Beneficial for the Colon

Some studies indicate that honey may be beneficial for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, including a study published in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research in 2008 and used a type of honey called Manuka honey, but this study was conducted on animals, and there is still a need to confirm its results on humans.

Preserves teeth and protects gums

 Honey plays a key role in maintaining and protecting the teeth from decay and their proper growth, and it also plays a role in strengthening and protecting the gums.

Enhances and increases hemoglobin in the blood

Several studies have found that honey has an effective role in regulating blood pressure and increasing hemoglobin.

Good choice for athletes

Honey is used as a source of carbohydrates during exercise and helps to significantly improve performance, especially during endurance races and cycling.

Treats wounds and burns

Honey contains the enzyme responsible for the production of hydrogen peroxide, which makes it useful in treating wounds and relieving pain, disinfecting them, and preventing germs and bacteria from growing by creating an acidic environment and thus preventing their infection.

Several studies have proven that the topical use of honey on superficial burns helps in healing 

Promotes wound and burns healing

Honey has antibacterial properties that can help prevent infections and stimulate the immune system to heal wounds and burnt skin. The topical application of honey is known to treat such cases.

Treats cold and coughs

Honey is an effective antibiotic in treating coughs and colds.

Contraindications Precautions of Honey 

The consumption of honey is associated with certain caveats when consumed by some groups, among which we mention the following: 

Diabetics: As mentioned above, the consumption of a large amount of honey by patients with type 2 diabetes may raise their blood sugar levels. 

Pollen allergy patients: Consuming honey made from pollen causes an allergic reaction for people who are allergic to pollen, so it is advised to avoid consuming it.


Working bees produce beeswax through the wax glands located in the abdomen lines, and during the growth phase of the bee colony at the end of spring, large quantities of beeswax are secreted to be used in the manufacture of honeycombs, and beeswax is made from beeswax, which has a crystalline structure suitable for building beehives. 

Beeswax has been widely used for centuries in the manufacture of cosmetics, skin creams, candles, and medical products, and it has also been added to many food products, including: chewing gum, coffee, and tea, and to cover fresh vegetables from the outside.

Beeswax is one of the natural products that bees produce to store honey and pollen. It consists of hexagonal cells that usually contain raw, unpasteurized or purified honey, and beeswax is rich in some nutrients, it is mainly formed of sugar and water, and contains small amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Beeswax is characterized by containing some enzymes that have anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, because it was not exposed to processing operations, and it should be noted that some of these enzymes are destroyed when exposed to heat or purification during the manufacturing process. commercial honey.

Beeswax is often considered safe for most people when consumed in moderate quantities in food, or in medicinal doses. As for pregnancy and lactation, there is not enough information to prove the safety of using beeswax during these two periods, so it is advised not to use it during this period.

Warnings Before Using Beeswax 

The use of beeswax can cause some health problems, there are some cases that should be careful when using beeswax, or avoid using it, and these cases include the following: 

Allergy: It is recommended for people who are allergic to bee venom, pills, or pollen to pay attention when eating beeswax, as it may cause an allergic reaction to them. 

Intestinal obstruction: Beeswax is non-toxic, but eating a large amount of it may cause a blockage in the intestine, and swallowing any medical ointments that contain beeswax may cause some side effects, or it may cause poisoning, due to some of the existing medicinal ingredients. 

High blood pressure: The use of beeswax may cause a rise in blood pressure, and it is recommended for patients with high blood pressure, or people who use medications or nutritional supplements that cause high blood pressure; Be careful when using beeswax. 

Honey and Body Weight 

As a matter of fact, studies vary in their results about whether honey affects body weight or not, however, it is not proven that a single food can increase or decrease weight. To avoid weight gain, calorie consumption can be reduced, with physical activity, by reducing calories. It should be noted that honey is one of the foods that contain a high amount of carbohydrates and calories, and in general, the amount of food that must be eaten depends on the desired goals to be achieved. 

On the other hand, there are not a large number of studies showing whether honey contributes to the process of losing weight or not, as we mentioned earlier, and although honey contains more calories than table sugar, its thick texture makes many people tend to consume less of it. It should be noted that a teaspoon of honey provides 21 calories, while a teaspoon of table sugar contains 16 calories, yet honey contains nutrients beneficial to health, according to studies.

Another preliminary study indicates that honey can reduce weight gain and fat accumulation in addition to reducing the level of triglycerides in the blood, and this effect may be due to the possibility of its effect in reducing the amount of food intake. However, a third study indicates that the consumption of honey with added substances such as cinnamon and other substances by people with type 2 diabetes is associated with reduced weight, improved glucose metabolism and lipid indicators, but more studies are needed on this.

Honey production 

China, Turkey, Argentina, Iran, Ukraine, USA, Mexico, India and Russia among the top producers of honey.

Honey in Cooking

Among the main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, and as an addition to many drinks such as tea, as a substitute for sugar in some commercial drinks. Honey consists of pure substances that do not allow the addition of any other substance, this includes water or other sweeteners, and honey and mustard sauce are among the flavors most used in the barbecue process.


Among the wonders of honey is that it is used in cooking main dishes, salads as well as desserts and drinks. Here are some of the delicious recipes:

Main Dishes

Grilled Chicken with Honey


Chicken: cut into 8 pieces

Butter: half a cup

Honey: half a cup

Mustard: a quarter of a cup

Salt: 1 tsp.

Curry powder: 1 tsp.

How to prepare

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius.

Start by mixing butter, honey, mustard, salt and curry in a bowl until ingredients are combined.

Pour the mixture over the shredded chicken.

Put the dish in the worm oven for an hour and a half, until the chicken is cooked.

Chicken wings with BBQ sauce and honey

Chicken wings are one of the favorite meals of many, especially if they are seasoned with delicious flavors that give it a distinctive and delicious taste.  


Chicken wings: 16 pieces 

Salt: half a tsp.

Black pepper: half a tsp.

Honey: a cup

Soy sauce: a cup

Barbecue sauce: half a cup

Vegetable oil: a quarter cup

Garlic: 6 crushed cloves 

How to prepare

Season chicken wings with salt and pepper.

Grill the eggs in the oven on a tray greased with a little oil over a medium heat until browned.

Mix soy, honey, barbecue sauce, garlic and oil with some and pour the mixture over the wings and put the tray in the oven for 30-40 minutes until done and serve.

Hot Chili Chicken with Honey 

It is one of the most delicious recipes that everyone loves, such as cheese bites, and it can be eaten alongside pasta or grape leaves, and because it is spicy, it is always preferable to eat it next to various salads to reduce the feeling of heartburn, such as pasta salad or cabbage salad.


Chicken: 500gm skinless chicken breasts

Olive oil: 2 tsps.

Honey:  0.5 cup 

Apple cider vinegar: 1 tsp.


Garlic powder: 1 tsp.

Chili powder: 2 tsps.

Onion powder: 0.5 tsp. 

Dried parsley: 0.5 tsp.

Salt: 1 tsp.

Cumin: 1 tsp.

How to prepare

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Pour it over the chicken and rub it in well.

Put honey in a water bath until it softens a little, remove it from the heat and add apple cider vinegar to it.

Put oil on the grill, grill the chicken for 6 minutes on each side, brushing it with the honey and vinegar mixture. Progress.

 Fish with Honey and Soy


Sliced fillet fish: 500 grams 

Olive oil: 3 tsps.

Soy sauce: 3 tsps.

Honey: 2 tsps.

Crushed garlic: 4 cloves 

Crushed ginger: half a tsp.

Black pepper: half a tsp.

How to prepare

Heat the oven to 450 degrees.

Mix honey, soy, garlic, ginger and black pepper in a bowl.

Add olive oil and stir until well combined.

Add the fish pieces, cover the dish and leave it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Put the fish with the marinaded sauce in the oven for 25 minutes, then flip the fish and leave it in the oven for an additional 10 minutes until it is cooked.

Serve hot with rice or as desired.


Avocado mango salad with Honey


Sliced Mango: 1 piece 

Sliced Avocado: 1 piece 

Watercress: a bunch

Parsley: 2 tsps.

Lemon juice: 1 tsp.

Olive oil: 2 tsps.

Honey: 1 tsp.

Walnuts: 2 tsps.

Salt, to taste

Black pepper to taste

How to prepare

Mix lemon juice, olive oil, honey and walnuts well.

Season the mixture with salt and black pepper.

Put the mango slices, avocado, arugula and parsley in a suitable bowl.

Pour the dressing over the salad, mix well and serve cold.

Quinoa Salad with Chicken and Honey


Chicken breast: 2 breasts (without skin)

Sesame oil: one and a half tsps.

Quinoa: 1 cup (soaked in water for at least 2 hours)

Avocado: 1 piece

Tomato: 1 piece

Cucumber: 1 piece

Chopped parsley: 2 tsps.

Olive oil: a quarter of a cup

Honey: 1 tsp.

White vinegar: 2 tsps.

Mustard: a tsp.

Salt, to taste

Black pepper: a pinch

How to prepare

Put the quinoa in a saucepan on the fire and pour two cups of water, then leave the quinoa to boil for about 15 minutes until it becomes soft.

Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan over a medium heat, add the chicken breasts and cook them until cooked on both sides. When done, cut the chicken into slices and place on a plate.

Slice the vegetables, then put the ingredients in a bowl.

Mix the olive oil, vinegar and mustard, in another bowl, then add the salt and the black pepper.

Arrange the quinoa and parsley over the chopped vegetables, add the chicken strips, then pour the sauce mixture over them.

Stir the ingredients carefully until smooth, then serve the salad directly on your plate.


Light Honey Cheese Pie

Prepare delicious and sweet desserts with sweet and delicious honey on your trip. Learn about the easy work steps and serve the pie hot.


Powdered milk: a cup

Sugar: half a cup

Water: half a cup

Vegetable oil: half a cup

Flour: a cup and a half

Baking powder: 2 tsps.

Crumbled goat cheese: ⅓ of a cup 

Cream cheese: a cup

Honey: 2 tsps.

How to prepare

Put milk, sugar, vegetable oil and water in a bowl and mix until combined.

Add the flour and baking powder, mix until homogeneous, then pour it into an oven tray greased with vegetable oil.

Mix the goat cheese and the cream cheese in another bowl and spread the mixture over the dough.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and put the tray in the oven for 30 minutes, until the top turns reddish.

Take out the tray from the oven and add honey as a topping.

Banana Pancakes with Honey and Cinnamon


Banana: 2 pieces 

Lemon juice: 4 tsps.

Honey: 2 tsps.

Ground cinnamon: 1 tsp.

How to prepare

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Prepare an oven tray and grease it with butter paper.

Put the sliced bananas in the oven tray.

Pour lemon juice and honey over the banana.

Sprinkle the ground cinnamon on top of the banana.

Put the tray in the oven for 8-10 minutes.

Serve banana pancakes hot or warm.

Crunchy Oat Sticks


Oats: 2 cups

Honey: a cup

Brown sugar: 2 tsps.

Dried fruits: a cup

Nuts: a cup

Prunes: a cup

Raisins: a cup

Coconut: a cup

Butter: half a cup

How to prepare

Mix butter with honey and oats and stir well.

slice the dried fruits and add the small slices to the honey mixture.

Add the raisins and coconut and stir well.

Take a tray lined with parchment paper and pour the mixture into it.

Spread brown sugar on top of the tray and put it in the oven for 20 minutes.

Cut it into plates and put it on a serving plate.


Cinnamon and Ginger Drink


Ground Cinnamon: 1 tsp.

Fresh Ginger: half a tsp.

Honey: 2 tsps.

Water: a cup

How to prepare

Combine the ingredients together, except for the honey, in a saucepan over the heat and give it a boil.

Strain the mixture and pour it into a serving glass.

Sweeten the cinnamon and ginger drink with white honey.

Apple Smoothie with Honey


Apple: 1 piece (peeled and sliced)

Oats: 2 tsps.

Peanut butter: 1 tsp.

Milk: ½ cup 

Honey: a tsp.

How to prepare

Put the chopped apple, milk, oats, honey and peanut butter in the jug of a blender.

Mix it for 5 minutes until smooth.

Pour the mixture and enjoy the taste.

Banana Smoothie with Honey


Banana: 1 piece 

Milk: a cup and a half 

Honey: 1 tsp.

Oats: 1 tsp.

How to prepare

Mash the ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Pour mixture into chilled glasses and serve immediately.

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