Herbs and Spices

Herbs and Spices: Surprising Benefits and Remedies

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Updated on April 22, 2024

Herbs are certain types of plants or the leafy parts of plants, they are usually used because of their distinctive flavor or smell, or in order to obtain their therapeutic properties. They can be used fresh or dried, whether for cooking and drinks purposes, in rituals,  for medical and cosmetic purposes,  or for external applications as remedies. They are also widely involved in several other industries. 

Herbs are one of the most widely used and widely used natural materials, specifically for medical and health purposes, and many people prefer to use them. As it is rich in nutrients that provide the body with many benefits, and on the other hand, if it does not provide benefit, it will not harm, especially if a person uses it after consulting a doctor. 

Therefore, we will discuss here the most prominent and most commonly used types of herbs. There are several types of herbs, such as leaf herbs, root herbs, tree herbs, petal herbs, and seeds herbs:

leaf Herbs

Coriander: a herbaceous plant used in the form of leaves or seeds, often used in Indian, Arabic and Mexican dishes and recipes, with fish, soups and salads. Coriander has been used throughout Asia, North Africa and Europe more than 2000 years ago. Coriander fruits were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, as well as in other ancient Egyptian tombs.

Coriander infusion is used as a gentle remedy for flatulence and colic, and it calms spasms in the intestines and counteracts the effects of nervous tension. It has been proven that coriander oil has a stimulating effect on the secretion of digestive juices, and it is anti-flatulence and colic as well. It has also been shown to have an antibacterial and antifungal effect. 

The Chinese use coriander to treat loss of appetite and in the treatment of angina, measles, colon problems and rheumatism. In Indian medicine, coriander is used to treat nosebleeds, coughing, bladder problems, vomiting, tautness, amoebic dysentery, and dizziness. 

A British pharmaceutical company was able to conduct research on coriander and was able to extract a medicine from green coriander that has therapeutic benefits in cases of asthma and whooping cough. There are no risks from using coriander, especially if it is used according to the specified doses, as the daily dose does not exceed 3 grams in the form of three doses per day. 

Celery: a plant whose stem and leaves are eaten raw or cooked, and is generally considered a major component of salads. Celery is a different kind from parsley, which is similar in shape and is used as a substitute in salads and stews. It is native to the Levant, Turkey, Cyprus and most regions of Europe. 

Celery is a useful herb for weight loss. Thanks to celery juice, which retains its vitamins and diuretic properties, it is used in diets to combat obesity. It contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins A, B, C and minerals, including iron, iodine, copper, and phosphorous.

Celery is recommended for people who suffer from obesity, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, and kidney inflammation. However, it is not recommended for people with weak intestines and people with indigestion. It also helps in stopping menstrual bleeding, expelling gases, and it helps in preventing urinary incontinence. 

Cumin: is a spice and appetizer, that is used in preparing of some types of bread and pies. It is a treatment for indigestion and anti-sepsis, a treatment of colic, as a gas repellent. It helps nursing mothers to produce milk as well as its role  as a diuretic and disinfectant for the urinary and kidneys.

Cumin functions as an anti-congestion and intestinal spasms, it helps in expelling tapeworms and intestinal worms, breaking up kidney and ureter stones, treating shortness of breath, asthma and coughing, preparing soup and curry. It also helps in stopping nosebleeds, improving skin tone, treating involuntary urination, as compresses for breast and testicular congestion, calming toothache, dissolving cholesterol, and treating rheumatism.

For the treatment of colic in children, a small bag of cloth is filled with fruits, heated and placed over the abdomen, and the abdominal wall is massaged with oil to relieve intestinal colic and to expel gas and to relieve lower abdominal pain. To treat nosebleeds, cumin is boiled with vinegar and a piece of cloth or cotton saturated with this mixture is placed inside the nostril to stop the bleeding.

Taking cumin emulsion improves generating milk in nursing mothers, stomach aches and bloating. Also cumin functions as a mixture, mix a teaspoon of cumin, vinegar and rapeseed, add a cup of hot water to it, sweeten with honey, and drink a large cup three times a day. 

To prepare the emulsion, you need to add a cup of hot water to a teaspoon of the fruits after crushing them, sweetening them with sugar or honey, covering and then drinking warm half an hour before eating. Mix equal amounts of cumin seeds, pepper, frankincense and honey to fill 1-2 teaspoons, then add a cup of hot water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Inhalation with cumin powder and vinegar stops nosebleeds.  Cumin is used in the form of a paste with onion juice to treat scorpion stings.

To prepare a soup, cook a quantity of cumin with a little roasted flour in water, then filter through a sieve and serve hot. Cumin is also added to some pies and desserts. The cumin oil is used in massage therapy for rheumatism. Sweet cumin is used for slimming to control appetite and control food cravings. Cumin and lemon drink is a great drink, prepared by boiled either fine or coarse and served after adding lemon juice and salt

Green thyme: is an aromatic herb that is used fresh or dried and has a pungent taste. It is used in Arab, Italian and American cuisine, and is used in the preparation of meat dishes, some pastries, soups and stews. Thyme is best grown in hot, sunny locations and in well-drained soil. It also tolerates drought conditions well. It tolerates severe freezing places and wild species grow from it in the mountainous heights. It is preferable to cut the stems of thyme before it begins to flower, and it can be harvested to it during the season.

Ancient Egyptians used thyme in embalming. It is believed that the spread of thyme across Europe can be traced back to the Romans, who used it to purify their rooms. Thyme was also used as incense and was placed in coffins during funerals, as it was believed to ensure safe passage to the afterlife.

Thyme contains vitamin A, important for maintaining the mucous membranes, eyesight, skin and hair. Thyme contains vitamin B, which supports the nervous and digestive systems, vitamin C, which helps heal wounds. It is a source of several minerals as well. It improves mood, and can help increase appetite. Beneficial for the liver, it strengthens immunity.

Thyme contains iron and calcium, so it helps in building and protecting bones and teeth. Treatment for sore throat and tonsils, ear and skin infections, diarrhea and abdominal pain. It is considered a treatment for the problem of difficulty urinating. Thyme helps in expelling gases from the intestines and helps digestion. Thyme syrup is a respiratory antiseptic, cough reliever and antispasmodic, and acne treatment. 

Thyme can then be dried by leaving it in a dark, warm and well-ventilated place until the leaves are dry, at which point it is picked from the stem and stored in tightly closed containers. Dried thyme can keep for up to two years, while fresh thyme will keep for about a week in the refrigerator, if it gets old, it will start turning black.

Mint: is an aromatic herb that has a pungent taste that gives a feeling of coolness with a pleasant pungent smell. It is spread almost globally around Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and North and South America. The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, their shape ranges from square to spear, and they are often smooth to the touch, with serrated edges. 

Leaves vary in color from dark green and grayish green to violet, blue and sometimes light yellow. And its flowers are white to purple. The species of the mint genus is widely spread, and can be found in many environments, most of which grow better in moist environments and soils, it can spread in the place indefinitely, and because of its ability to spread freely, it can Consider some types of mint as an invasive plant.

It grows on the outskirts of streams and water bodies. It can also be grown in the same way as parsley. Mint can be used in fresh or dried salads. It is used medically by extracting volatile oils from it. Mint leaves are used in cooking, fresh or dried, and fresh leaves are preferred over dried ones when storage is not a problem. The leaves have a warm, refreshing, aromatic and sweet taste, with a cool aftertaste. Mint is used in the preparation of tea, drinks, jelly sweets, syrups, cakes, and ice cream. 

Mint is used in Middle Eastern cuisine on lamb dishes, while it is used in British and American cuisine in preparing mint sauce and mint jelly. . It is used in the preparation of juices and some meat dishes such as venison, potato dishes and chocolate. Mint is an essential ingredient in preparing Aatay, a tea popular in North Africa and the Arab countries. Mint is sometimes used as a flavoring in alcoholic beverages.

Peppermint oil and menthol are widely used to flavor breath fresheners, beverages, mouthwash disinfectants, toothpastes, chewing gum, and sweets. The substances that give mint its flavor and taste are menthol.

Sage: is an aromatic herb that is used fresh or dried. One of the most famous and most widely used natural herbs, grows specifically in the mountains, and is drunk in water or by adding it to tea. It treats many problems related to the mouth and teeth, such as gingivitis. It also reduces sweating, especially at night. It helps regulate menstruation and relieve menstrual pain. 

Sage is also cleanser the digestive system from germs, infections and various intestinal worms. It works as a diuresis and helps in getting rid of gases. It enhances memory and treat Alzheimer’s disease, treats many oral and dental problems, such as gum infections. It is used in many Italian recipes, and is used in preparing some dishes such as turkey, fish, chicken and some vegetable dishes.

Rosemary: is an aromatic, woody perennial shrub, with pine-like leaves. The leaves are used as a flavoring in foods such as stuffing, roast lamb, chicken and turkey. It can be used fresh or dry. 

It grows in warm regions, so the Mediterranean and Asia were its original homeland, but it may be found in a few areas with cold weather and has a high ability to withstand drought and water shortage for long periods. Its evergreen leaves are needle-like, narrow and long. Its leaves are green on top and white on the bottom, covered with short, dense bristles.

The rosemary plant usually blooms in the summer and spring and in a temperate climate. It may bloom in a warm climate. Its flowers are multi-colored, including white, pink, violet, and dark blue. The dried or fresh leaves are used in Italian cuisine. It has a bitter, astringent taste and a distinctive odor as well. The leaves can be used to make tea. And when grilled with meat or vegetables, it smells like mustard.

Rosemary oil can be used as a body perfume or even as a room freshener, and it can burn like incense. It is used in the manufacture of shampoo and cleaning products. In the Middle Ages, rosemary was a symbol of love magic. As its use was associated with wedding ceremonies, the bride would place a crown of rosemary on her head, and the groom and each of the men of the ceremony would put a sprig of rosemary on their chests.

Its use in Europe and Australia has also been linked to commemorating wars and funerals because they believed the plant’s properties to improve memory. In return, mourners threw it as a symbol of remembrance of the dead. Rosemary significantly benefits the hair, as it increases its cohesion, prevents its fall and helps it grow by increasing blood flow to the head.

Rosemary has several benefits as it fights Alzheimer’s disease and improves memory. It contains effective antioxidants and some other compounds that prevent the breakdown of the brain chemical whose breakdown causes Alzheimer’s disease. It also has a great importance in European herbal medicine in improving the ability to focus and memory by stimulating blood circulation.

It is also used to treat vaginal secretions, where rosemary leaves are taken with oak husks in equal parts by a spoonful of them on a cup of previously boiled water and placed in it for ten minutes while covered and used as a vaginal wash while it is warm twice a day.

It is also used when tired and weak nerves, where it is recommended to take a spoonful of rosemary is prepared as tea and taken 3 times a day, drink after meals and before bedtime. Its benefits also include treating heart disorders resisting cough and asthma. It is used as an adjunct to mild depression, and diuretic.

Parsley: a herbal plant that is usually used in its fresh form. It is frequently used in several cuisines, such as the Arab, Asian, Indian, and other cuisines. Many recipes are prepared from it, such as tabbouleh and falafel, in addition to the usage as an essential ingredient with soup and fish. 

The remains of the seeds and leaves of parsley were found in some pharaonic tombs, and it was confirmed that they used it in many medicinal recipes for many diseases. Parsley was used hundreds of years ago, the pharaohs were using fresh parsley as a food that reduces heat and in cases of menstrual or interruption and in the form of sprays to remove infections and tumors, while they used parsley seeds to remove intestinal gas and dysuria.

The ancients used it in the treatment of stomach infections, as a solvent for kidney stones, a good laxative for the abdomen, anti-colic, anti-asthma, shortness of breath and breast tumors. Fresh leaves are used as a remedy against breast swelling, insect bites, lice and skin infections.

Parsley is useful in asthma crises, and respiratory disorders, and parsley juice treats bronchial infections by boiling parsley in water for 10 minutes, then drinking it several times during the day, to purify and cleanse the respiratory system. Remove spots, pimples and pimples from the face, wash the face with parsley juice or soak it twice a day.

In order to get a clear face color, it is washed morning and evening for a week. Boil about three tablespoons in half a liter of water for 15 minutes and use lukewarm. It is important to take it daily with meals. Dried parsley loses all its important nutrients, so it is recommended to eat parsley fresh and from today’s crop to get the full benefit. 

Chopping parsley loses many of its nutritional and medicinal elements, so it is recommended to eat a fresh leaf with the main meal. Green parsley can be used fresh before it wilts. Parsley  should not be used as a treatment for pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant, as well as for children less than two years old, and for people who suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive system, such as gastro-intestinal ulcers, as well as ulcers of the colon. 

Basil: There are more than fifty types of basil, and it can be used fresh or dried and is better dried. It is used in Arab, American, European and East Asian cuisine. It is used in preparing some recipes for potatoes, salads, and soups, and one of the most important recipes made from it is pesto sauce. 

Use in decorating, cooking, and as a remedy. Basil flowers are white or purple in color, and have a distinctive fragrant smell. The color of the leaves can range from green to violet, and the size of the leaves varies from large, such as those resembling lettuce leaves, to small leaves. Basil is an ancient spice commonly used in preparing soups and salads and improving the flavor of tea. While its essential oil extracted from its leaves is used in the manufacture of perfumes and drinks, and basil is also used as a medicine for many diseases in ancient medicine.

Basil is believed to have its origins in India or Africa, and has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years. It is famous for its culinary uses, especially in Italian cuisine, and plays an important role in Southeast Asian cuisines, such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Taiwan.

The taste of basil leaves is somewhat similar to that of anise, depending on its type and variety, but with a fragrant and pungent smell. There are also many types of basil, in addition to related species or hybrids. The type used in Italian cuisine is often called sweet basil or Genoese basil, while in Asian cuisines, it is like Thai basil, lemon basil, and holy basil.

Basil is included in salads and some main dishes with chicken, fish and eggs, or with eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes, in addition to some types of cheese such as ricotta, mozzarella and goat cheese. Basil leaves are one of the good spices by crushing them dry and adding them to food. 

The Chinese also use fresh and dried basil in soups, and other foods. The Taiwanese add fresh basil leaves to thicken the soup, and they also eat grilled chicken by adding deeply grilled basil. The basil, most often Thai basil, is soaked in cream or milk to make it taste better in ice cream or chocolate, such as truffles. 

In addition to the use of basil leaves in medicine, buds of basil flowers may be used instead of leaves as well. As it contains a more appropriate taste and is more edible, as well as making use of the seeds by soaking them in water, to become gelatinous, and used in Asian drinks and sweets such as Blanco. 

Basil is used in the perfume industry, where essential basil oil is extracted from its leaves and flower tops by steam distillation, and essential basil oil is used in the manufacture of perfumes and conditioners, as a flavoring of meat, baked products, sauces, sweets, and others. Its essential oil is also used to perfume clothes and furniture. 

Marjoram: a herbal plant with a sharp taste that tends to bitter. It is native to Turkey and Cyprus and spread from it to the countries of the Mediterranean basin, Iran, North America, Arabia and India. It grows on sunny slopes in meadows, fields and stony grounds in dry climates. It is widely cultivated in the southern regions of Saudi Arabia.

 used in European and American cuisine, and is used in the preparation of soups, salads, poultry seasoning and some types of sauces. It is widely used in the food industry in seasoning several kinds of food. It is advised not to consume it during pregnancy because it is an active uterine stimulant.

Marjoram is an antispasmodic and a good stimulant that is used for the nervous system. Take a small teaspoon of dry marjoram powder to be placed in a cup, then pour boiling water over it, cover and leave for 10 to 15 minutes, then filter and enjoy your drink.

Saffron: is a plant used to give food a yellow color. It is used in the preparation of some types of pies, in seasoning shrimp, and in some recipes for rice and Arabic coffee. It is red-orange in color, has a pungent smell and a distinctive taste, it is kept in tight containers so as not to lose its value as a valuable material.

Saffron smells great, but tastes bitter. It is used in cooking to give food a more desirable flavor. It is also used to color sweets, it is used in Europe and India to season several types of food.

Medieval Europeans used saffron to treat respiratory infections and disorders, such as coughs, colds, scarlet fever, smallpox, and asthma. Saffron also helps in improving some critical health issues, including blood disorders, insomnia, paralysis, heart disease, stomach disorders, and gout.

Saffron is an antispasmodic that brings pleasure to those who drink it, a stomach stimulant, a strong effect on the intestines and nerves, and a menstrual tonic. Saffron is included in some medicines used to stimulate the heart. Saffron has been used since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases such as gastroenteritis, and as a sedative for stomach disorders, as a treatment for whooping cough and colds, and to relieve stomach gas. 

Saffron contains carotenoid pigments, which is used as a dye textiles, in spite of its high cost, especially in China and India. However, it has an unstable color and the vivid orange-yellow fades quickly to a pale yellow. It is also used as natural  food coloring with its golden yellow shades.

The plant is a small shrub up to three meters high, with few branches, its leaves are alternating, compound feathery, and the leaves are oval, serrated with a sharp edge, and the inflorescence is a dense spike, and the flowers are small, green, whitish and not beautiful, and the fruits are small, covered by dense glandular hairs and contain one seed. It blooms at the beginning of summer and fruits ripen in August and September. It is spread on the coastal mountains.

Sumac: its leaves are considered an important source of tannins, as they contain tannins and flavonoids. Tannin is used as an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substance. It is also used in the form of solutions or ointments in burns and ulcers. It is used internally in cases of gastrointestinal inflammation, and its solutions are given in cases of poisoning by alkaloids and salts of heavy metals.

Sumac is added to some well-known Arabic dishes such as kebab and falafel, as well as salads and hummus. It is considered a useful economic plant. It has medicinal, industrial, aromatic and ornamental uses. On the other hand, it has some disadvantages, as it also considered a poisonous plant that is harmful to animals and humans. Thus it should be cautiously used.

Oregano: is a kind of herbal spice that has a strong smell and taste similar to lemon. It is used in the preparation of some Mexican and Italian dishes, such as chicken, salad and sauces. 

Ginseng: is one of the medicinal herbs for slimming that helps to increase the secretion of energy in the body and stamina and thus fight fatigue and exhaustion, and thus may help in the following Increase the rate of physical activity necessary and necessary to lose weight.

Ginseng works on lowering blood sugar levels, thus aiding weight loss. It also contributes to the transfer of fat from the liver, so that the body can use it for energy, increase the metabolic rates in the body, and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Ginseng also has some side effects, as consuming it in large quantities may cause sleep disturbances, some allergies, and insomnia.

Root Herbs

Dill: is a herbal plant used in American and European cuisine.  It is used in many foods, especially soups and seafood. It is used in the preparation of some types of pickles, and some recipes for fish, soup, salad and stew. 

It is planted in Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and some parts of Europe. However, it is found today in many parts of the world, in southwest and central Asia. It is used in seafood. Pregnant women should not use it in successive therapeutic doses so as not to cause them problems, and they can use a small amount of it only when necessary, other than that there are no caveats from using dill.

Fennel: it spreads in most areas of the Mediterranean basin and the Black Sea basin, including the Levant, the Nile Valley and Morocco. It extends eastward to India. Wild fennel is found all over the world, and for medicinal uses, especially the seeds, it is widely cultivated in Syria, southern France, Russia, Iran and India.

Fennel is used for medicinal purposes. Boiled powdered roots are useful to treat stomatitis and to wash the eye or to thicken it. The leaves are useful for treating dissections in the genitals and breasts. 

The boiled leaves are used to expel gases and relieve pain resulting from them in the intestines, and to treat coughs, asthma attacks, whooping cough, laryngitis, dyspepsia, and treat inflammation of the urinary system. Fennel is good for pregnant women, they can drink it boiled, in order to treat nausea and vomiting and digestive disorders such as constipation, intestinal gas.

Leek: a herbaceous vegetable similar to green onions, used in preparing Indian dishes such as curry and lentils. It has a mild onion-like taste, and are less bitter than green onions. The taste may be described as a mixture of mild onions and cucumbers, with an aroma resembling fresh green onions. In its raw state, the plant is crunchy and firm.

The parts of leeks that can be consumed are the light green stem and the white onion base. The dark green parts are usually discarded because they are inedible and have less flavour. One of the most popular uses for the egg parts and light green stems is as a seasoning. Chefs rarely use the darker part of the leek because it is bitter in food. 

Leek is the national emblem of Wales. According to a legend, King Cadwalader of Gwynedd ordered his soldiers to identify themselves by wearing leek greens on their helmets in a battle against the Ancient Saxons that took place in a leek field. This story may have been mentioned by the English poet Michael Drayton, but the leek is known to have been a symbol of Wales for a long time. 

Perhaps most evident in the use of the leek, as is the cap insignia of the Welsh Guard, a regiment within a division of the British Army. In Romania, the leek is also widely used as a symbol of Oltina, a historical region in the southwestern part of the country. Al-Qasseem region in Saudi Arabia is famous for the production of shallots. It is related to increasing men’s sexual ability and ridding women of frigidity.

Leek contains a lot of useful nutrients that other plants do not contain, such as vitamins, iron, in addition to sulfur and magnesium that are useful in treating bones, which makes it necessary to take it as a natural laxative, because it contains chlorophyll, it also characterized for being low in calories, which makes it suitable for those who are on a diet, as it gives them a sense of satiety.

It is also an important factor in the stability of blood sugar, and this is in cases with diabetes, which means its importance in the prevention of diabetes, and some research has concluded that because it contains fiber and antioxidants such as phenolic compounds and vitamins A and C, it plays a major role in preventing diabetes. Incidence of cancer diseases, especially colon, prostate, ovary, breast, pancreas and liver cancer are notably limited while using leek. 

Studies have attributed this to the effect of antioxidants on reducing free radicals that attack nucleic acids and thus lead to the departure of healthy cells from their normal course and cause the production of cancer cells. The benefits of leeks have been known since the ancient Egyptians and in ancient Iraq. 

Hippocrates advised to use it as a natural laxative and diuretic, Avicenna mentioned its benefit in improving eyesight, and the Pharaohs used to eat it with onions and coleslaw, believing that it would bring goodness and optimism. 

For meat soup and an amount of pepper, in addition to being useful for treating stomach pain, belching and for treating some skin diseases; freckles and pimples. It also helps in treating asthma, coughing, expelling phlegm, and expanding the airways, and given that it is a low-calorie plant, it is useful with dieters. 

It is also useful in increasing sexual ability in men, treating sexual frigidity in women, strengthening nerves, and treating hemorrhoids and some urinary tract diseases, as some urinary tract medicines are extracted from it. 

It also contains many minerals that benefit the body such as iron, calcium, phosphorous, and potassium. Zinc, magnesium, in addition to a number of vitamins such as vitamin A, B, C, and E, so it is considered one of the vegetables and plants that are recommended to be eaten in the main meals, because of its high nutritional value that helps the person to Enjoy good health.

Tree Herbs

Bay leaf: also known as laurel, is used in its dried form, and is usually placed with soup in its whole form and is removed before serving, or it can be ground and mixed with a range of other spices to season seafood. Studies have proven that it reduces blood sugar and is effective for treating type 2 diabetes, as it works on reducing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, reducing the level of triglycerides, regulating the work of the heart. These great benefits of bay leaf are due to the antioxidants in bay leaf, which enable the body to produce insulin.

Drinking hot bay leaf tea helps in relieving intestinal disorders, fast treatment of constipation, treating flatulence in the stomach and treating its acidity and heartburn. These benefits of laurel are due to the fact that it contains a large proportion of therapeutic enzymes to break down protein, so it is effective for treating intestinal disorders.

Bay leaf increases the health of the work of the heart and blood vessels. It prevents sudden heart attacks, so it is used for prevention. Bay leaves are effective in combating the symptoms of cold, flu and infections in the winter season. It is effective for use and prevention of influenza and combating cold symptoms.

Bay leaf is used as a pain reliever. Massaging the forehead with bay leaf oil helps relieve migraines and migraine headaches because it enhances and activates blood circulation and is effective for relieving headaches, headaches and arthritis.

Bay leaves are useful for pregnant women as they are rich in folic acid, so they are very useful during the three months before pregnancy and after pregnancy, as eating them contributes to enabling a sufficient amount of folic acid to reach the child, in addition to preventing birth defects. In children, eating bay leaf protects the child from any birth defects.

When eaten, bay leaf can maintain a regular and normal menstrual cycle, in addition to its effective properties in treating vaginal secretions. If you want an easy and effective treatment in order to get white and white teeth, you should use bay leaf, where you can use the brush and put dried bay leaf on it and rub the teeth with it, and then repeat this once every three days to get white and white teeth.

Bay leaf helps to tighten your skin, thus preventing the occurrence of wrinkles in the skin. It is a good and effective natural remedy to get tight, wrinkle-free skin. Bay leaves are used to get rid of head lice, through boiling about 50 g of bay leaves in 500 ml of water until only 100 ml of water left, filter it and apply it to the hair roots. Leave it for 3 to 4 hours and then wash it off, this will remove head lice well and effectively.

One of the benefits of bay leaf is that it is a good remedy to help heal wounds, and is used by herbalists to treat snakebites and insect stings and relieve cuts and bruises, because bay leaf has antifungal and antibacterial properties and its ability to treat skin infections. Bay leaf has many uses and in several areas. It is used in cooking, preparing perfumes, and in various cosmetics. 

Green lemon leaves: used in Thai and Malaysian cuisine, used to extract their flavor during preparation and remove them before serving. Lemon leaf offers many benefits to the body. It contains useful secondary metabolites. Drinking lemon leaf extracts may help in healing some diseases. Let us learn about the various benefits of lemon leaf in this article.

Lemon leaves have many potential benefits, such as maintaining the health of the circulatory system. Lemon leaf may help maintain a healthy heart because it contains some beneficial metabolites such as limonene and phenol, which help lower cholesterol levels. It also contains flavonoids, which help to strengthen blood vessels, which maintains the health of the heart and blood vessels.

One of the potential benefits of lemon leaf is that it helps fight various types of cancers such as breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer, because it contains limonene that can hinder the growth of cancer cells. Lemon leaf has antiseptic properties, so it can be used to treat acne, as it helps in healing, purifying and softening the skin. Lemon has antispasmodic properties, so it helps relieve symptoms of asthma, colic, nausea and vomiting.

The flavonoids present in lemon leaves help to delay the aging process, so applying lemon leaf extracts to the skin helps in giving the skin a smooth appearance and delays the appearance of wrinkles. Lemon leaf enhances the body’s immunity through several factors. It is rich in vitamin C, which enhances the body’s immunity and also contains anti-inflammatory properties, especially when the body is greased with the oil produced by lemon leaves.

One of the benefits of lemon leaves is that it may help relieve insomnia, stress, heart palpitations, and reduce the effects of migraine headaches. Green lemon leaves have a great effect in moisturizing the skin, reducing the appearance of scars and marks on the skin, relieving of sore throat. 

They also help in diuresis,  purifying the blood, liver and kidneys. It helps get rid of bad breath, soothing the skin from itching, eczema and burning feeling, as well as being used as an insect repellent.

Curry: is used around the world, especially in Indian and Sri Lankan cuisines, it is usually used in powder form with a great yellowish color. It is used in preparing meat, fish, rice and vegetable dishes. 

Curry is basic in various dishes originating in the Indian subcontinent that use a mixture of spices or herbs, usually including ground turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, and fresh or dried chilies. In southern India where the word originated, curry leaves, taken from the curry tree, are also a staple. 

Turmeric is known as the main spice in curries and has a warm, bitter taste and is often used to flavor or color curry powders, mustard, butter and cheese. Curry is generally prepared in a sauce. In some indigenous and traditional cuisines, the selection of seasonings for each dish is a matter of national or regional cultural traditions, religious practice, or familial preferences. These dishes are given specific names that refer to their ingredients, seasonings, and cooking methods. 

Curry spices are used whole and ground, cooked or raw and can be added at different times during the cooking process to get different results. The main spices found in most curry powders in the Indian subcontinent are coriander, cumin and turmeric. A wide range of additional seasonings can be included depending on the geographic region and foods included (fish, lentils, red or white meat, rice and vegetables). 

Curry powder, a commercially prepared mixture of spices, is largely Western-made, dating back to the 18th century. It is generally believed that such mixtures were first prepared by Indian merchants to sell to members of the British colonial government and army returning to Britain.

Curry may be either dry or wet. The dry curry is cooked with a little liquid which is allowed to evaporate and the other ingredients are left covered with the spice mixture. Wet curries contain large amounts of gravy-based sauce or gravy, coconut cream, coconut milk, dairy cream, yogurt, mashed legumes, fried crushed onions or mashed tomatoes.

Curry powder, also known as Masala, is a mixture of several spices that was developed in the era of British India, as a way to bring the taste of Indian cuisine closer. Most of the available curry flour is based mainly on turmeric, which gives the sauce a yellow color. Other ingredients are coriander, cumin, fenugreek, mustard, black pepper, and salt.

Nutmeg: is the kernel of the fruit of the nutmeg tree, which grows only in tropical regions. The fruit of the nutmeg tree is inedible, unlike its kernels, and are usually encapsulated in the hull of the nut tree, which is one of the most important types of nutmeg. Evergreen is found in the panda islands of the Moluccas (Spice Islands) in Indonesia.

Nutmeg is usually used in the form of powder, and the nutmeg is used to produce many other commercial products such as essential oils and others. Nutmeg has multiple nutritional uses, as it is used as a spice or spice alone or in different types of spice mixtures such as curry mixture, it gives a distinctive sweet and savory taste to dishes. 

Nutmeg is known as one of the stimulant and expelling stomach winds, and nutmeg oil is used in the manufacture of ointments that treat rheumatism and respiratory problems, as well as to treat dry skin and its disorders and to treat some sexual problems. It is also used in the manufacture of some baked goods, pies, sweets, and sweet food sauces, and in preparing dishes of vegetables and in seasoning meat and poultry prepared for grilling. 

However, care should be taken not to use nutmeg in large quantities in food, as it contains substances that may cause hallucinations and blurring the eyes.

Lavender: an aromatic plant with a bitter taste, it is usually used in the preparation of sweets, and is included in some other recipes, such as seasoning meat. The lavender herb has many uses, as it is used as a flavoring substance in foods and beverages, and lavender leaves and flowers are frequently used with salads, spices, fruit desserts, and jellies in the regions where they grow. 

Moreover, lavender is used as a fragrant ingredient to add an aroma Beautiful for soaps, cosmetics, perfumes, dried roses, and in flower and garden arrangements. Lavender herb can be prepared for drinking, as it is considered a calming beverage, as it can help relieve anxiety and enhance the ability to sleep.

To prepare a lavender tea, you need to soak ready-made lavender tea bags in hot water, or prepared from the same herb, by pouring one cup of boiling water pour half a teaspoon of lavender buds, and leave it to steep for a few minutes. You can prepare a more condensed of lavender tea by adding 1 or 2 teaspoons of whole lavender herb in 2 cups of boiling water, and it is allowed to drink this tea one to 3 times daily.

Petals Herbs

Chamomile: It is an annual herb called wormwood, chamomile or earth apple, and it has a beautiful and fragrant smell, and provides the body with many benefits, most notably the following: Treatment of skin infections, nail infections, ulcers and wounds that affect the mouth. Get rid of the inflammation of the airways, whether related to the larynx, nose or trachea. Get rid of body toxins, intestinal infections, and stones that affect the liver. Treating eye problems such as puffiness and conjunctivitis. Reducing nervous disorders such as anxiety and tension. In addition to treating cramps, back pain and lowering the temperature.

Roselle: The shrub has beautiful red flowers and is grown for decoration or production, and the part used is the sepals that surround the flower, and after drying it is either dark red or light. These dry, red leaves are boiled and their sour-tasting infusion is drunk hot after adding sugar to it or after cooling and sweetening it as a refreshment rich in vitamin C.

Roselle is drenched without boiling to lower high blood pressure, increase the speed of blood circulation, help in strengthening the heartbeat and kill microbes, which makes it useful in treating microbial infection because it is acidic, tonic and aids digestion, but warns against using it with low blood pressure.

Roselle is used as a color pigment in the chemical and cosmetic industries and in the food industries as a natural and healthy colorant, and it is also a general tonic. It strengthens the heartbeat and kills microbes, which makes it useful in treating fevers, microbial infections and cholera epidemics, as it is acidic in nature, and its properties are moisturizing and tonic for digestion. 

Seeds Herbs

Anise: is one of the most medicinal herbs used in Arab countries. The ancient Egyptians cultivated it extensively. To use it for medicinal and culinary purposes, it also spread in Greece and the Romans, and now it has reached Mexico, India and Europe in addition to the countries of Asia Minor. 

It is rich in a substance called choline, which is found in the liver and enables it to carry out its important functions. Treatment of flatulence and stomach and expelling gases resulting from it. Improving the ability of the digestive system to digest fatty and fatty substances. Treating many diseases and problems related to the digestive system, such as throat and bronchial infections, in addition to asthma. 

Anise helps in getting rid of abdominal pain caused by menstruation and menstruation. Giving milk after childbirth, getting rid of the problems of coughing, phlegm, and hoarseness of the voice. Regulating sleep hours and getting rid of insomnia; To get a restful sleep. Eliminate many insects such as lice and mites. In addition to giving it a flavor for food, it is added to cooking and desserts.

Black seed: or Nigella Sativa is an annual herbaceous plant native to Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania) and Western Asia (Turkey, Iran and Iraq).

Herbaceous perennial plant, abundantly branching, leaves lobed and segmented into filamentous parts. Flowers are delicate, usually pale blue and white in color with five to ten petals. The fruit is a large and inflated capsule consisting of three to seven capsules containing three-dimensional white seeds that quickly turn black when exposed to air. 

The seeds have been used since ancient times in many foods and in the manufacture of bread. Nigella sativa oil is used in many medicines that are used in the treatment of cough, cough and asthma.

It is used as an analgesic for colic, expelling gas, diuretic, menstrual, salivary, and many skin diseases. A paste of seeds heal wounds unequivocal, scorpion bites and eczema. The seeds are antiseptic and anti-intestinal worms, especially in children, useful in asthma and tonic for the immune system. 

Nigella sativa is useful in diseases related to prostate and colon, tonic for nerves, and for the treatment of diabetes. The part used from this herb is its black seeds, which are collected when they are ripe. The seeds contain 40% of the fixed oil.

Black seed oil contains many essential fatty acids. It contains Nigellone, a natural antioxidant, as well as glutathione. Black cumin seeds contain the amino acid arginine.

The black bean was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, and ancient Greek doctors reported that the black seed are taken to treat headaches, nasal catarrh, toothache and infectious worms, and are also taken in large quantities as a diuretic and to induce menstruation. 

Flaxseed: or linseed An annual plant of oil crops. The original homeland of flax extends from the eastern Mediterranean to India and it is believed that the beginning of its use took place in the Fertile Crescent.

Flaxseed is an annual or perennial plant and belongs to the flax family, and the parts used in the flax plant are the oil and seeds. The flax plant reaches a height of about a meter and has slender stems and leaves. Its flowers are blue in color, and the seeds are brown. Flax is grown in the eastern Mediterranean to India and is also grown in Europe.

Flaxseeds are an important source of estrogen that stimulates female characteristics in the body, and no one cannot benefit from flax seeds, even as a precaution, as the richness of flax seeds in omega3 and omega6 is considered a treasure for all those who want to reduce their weight. As these two components work on reducing weight due to the ability to dissolve fats in the body as well as dissolving internal fats and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, which reduces the chances of developing diseases of the arteries and heart. 

It is very useful for patients with blood pressure, diabetes, people with cardiovascular diseases, and for patients with cancerous tumors. Flaxseed contains a high percentage of manganese, a mineral essential for bone and blood health, and flaxseed contains more than 100% of the daily recommended amount of manganese, and can be used to improve the quality and health of blood and bones and combat osteoporosis and anemia.

The consumption of flaxseed is beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes, as the husks reduce the amount of glucose and fats in the blood, which reduces the risk of diabetes problems and the risk of high levels of fats. It is also one of the important nutrients that prevent hair loss, improve the freshness of the skin, and reduce the signs of aging. quickly and become useless.

Flaxseed side effects may include its effect on the hormonal activity of women from ground flaxseed, as it may affect the date and duration of the menstrual cycle, as well as pregnancy.

An increase in flaxseed doses may lead to shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and can sometimes cause paralysis and some strokes. It leads to abdominal pain and an increase in bowel movements and their number, and leads to severe diarrhea. For people who have high triglycerides in the blood, they should avoid flaxseed and not eat it completely, because it has a clear effect on the level of triglycerides.

Patients with hypothyroidism should not use flaxseed at all, and there is research confirming that they should stay away from it. Flaxseed leads to the emergence of allergies in some people and symptoms appear, such as frequent sneezing, severe itching in the feet and palms together, red skin rashes and other symptoms.

Chia seeds: a small, flat oval seeds are mottled brown, grey, black and white in color. The seeds are hydrophilic, absorbing up to 12 times their weight in liquid when soaked; Develops a mucous coating that gives Chia creams and drinks their distinct gel-like feel.

In the 21st century, chia is grown and consumed commercially in its native Mexico and Guatemala, as well as Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Australia. New, patented varieties of chia have been developed in Kentucky and grown in the northern latitudes of the United States.

Chia seeds yield varies depending on the cultivation method, and growing conditions by geographic area. Genotype has a greater effect on yield than on protein content, oil content, fatty acid composition, or phenolic compounds, while high temperature reduces oil content and degree of saturation, and raises protein content.

Chia seeds can be sprinkled or ground on top of other foods. Chia seeds can also be mixed into smoothies, breakfast cereals, energy bars, granola bars, yogurt, tortillas, and bread. They can be soaked in water and consumed directly or mixed with any kind of juice or milk. Chia seeds can also be ground into a gelatin-like substance or eaten raw. 

Unlike flaxseeds, chia seeds are fully digestible and do not need to be ground. The human body absorbs the same nutrients from chia seeds regardless of whether the seeds are dry or not and regardless of whether they are whole or ground.

Mustard: there are various types of mustard, the most common are: white mustard, brown or Indian mustard and black mustard which releases a toxic fragrance that can cause blisters on the skin. Mustard has a very strong flavor, depending on the methods of preparation and the ingredients that go into it and adds flavor to many dishes.

Mustard seeds are sorted, washed and dried, then mixed in certain proportions, and sometimes the seeds are ground before soaking for 24 hours in apple cider vinegar or sour grape juice. The taste of mustard if it is strong or moderate is classified according to the amount of filtering of the paste. The paste then is ready in 48 hours, and here the spicy mustard flavor develops naturally, as it loses its bitterness. Adding color, flour, or spices will reduce or increase its strong flavor. 

Mustard was known for its properties in treating scurvy, as it was used in baths or on bandages. The leaves of the white mustard plant are also eaten in salads, and it is still used as buried fodder. The edible oil extracted from the seeds of mustard do not get easily spoiled, they are a fuel of several industries in Asia. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it as a commodity for trade.

Garden Cress: contains many nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, please see the table to the left to identify some of these substances and their concentration. It is also rich in many important vitamins for the body, such as vitamin C and A. 

Cress are of not insignificant benefit in treating some health problems. Cress can be used to relieve cough, treat constipation, strengthen the immune system, and prevent fluid retention in the body. Cress fights coughing, vitamin C deficiency, constipation, water retention, and it boost the immune system.


Spices are made from all parts of plants such as seeds, fruits, leaves, bark, and roots. Spices are used in fields other than cooking, as in preserving food, in some religious rituals, in cosmetics, and perfumery. Turmeric is also used as a preservative and clove is used in medicine as an anesthetic.

Spices must be distinguished from some herbs that are also used to flavor food, such as basil, for example, while these herbs usually consist of parts of the plant as well, they are usually fresh, while the spices are usually in the form of a dry powder. 

The best way to get the health benefits of spices and herbs is to eat them fresh. Where fresh herbs contain greater amounts of antioxidants compared to ones, if fresh herbs are desired to be added to food, it is preferable to add them after full cooking or when serving; in order to preserve their healthy properties. Adding  spices to dishes and vegetarian options can increase the appetite of food.

Spices for Cooking 

Cinnamon: There are four different types of cinnamon, which are the bark of the tree bark, and it is used in the preparation of sweets, with tea, some types of soup, and some pastries.  As a hot drink, it is added to tea. Cinnamon is added to sweets and pastries to give it a distinctive taste, as in apple pie. Cinnamon is added to chewing gum as a flavour which gives the mouth a pleasant smell and breath.

There are two types of cinnamon: regular cinnamon and Indonesian cinnamon. Among the most famous desserts to which cinnamon is added are cinnamon rolls, biscuit layers and cinnamon. It is also used as a spice in cooking in India and the Middle East.

Cardamom: It is called the king of spices. It is used in Indian and Arab cuisine. It is used in preparing many dishes such as pancakes, meat and poultry. It is also used in preparing some drinks such as Arabic tea and coffee. 

Cardamom is considered one of the oldest plant products that was used as a remedy for many diseases, in many regions of the world. Folk recipes recommend cardamom for disorders of a number of organs and systems of the body.

It improves appetite and relieves gas and heartburn caused by eating garlic or onions. It is useful in cleaning the mouth from microbes to eliminate oral infections and prevent the formation of unpleasant odor in it, in addition to the fact that extracting its oils is a thousand symptoms of the respiratory system in expelling phlegm and soothing bouts of dry cough, and many refer to its capabilities in resisting microbes.

It is advised to eat some cardamom or its oil to reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and to add a good smell for the breath and mouth without harming the fetus. There are many benefits of cardamom, such as treating digestive disorders, enhancing appetite, relieving the pain caused by labour, and treating heartburn and acidity.

When mixing cardamom seeds with cloves, ginger and coriander, a wonderful mixture is formed to treat indigestion cases, as it strengthens the digestive system, keeps the stomach in a permanent health condition, improves its functions, and helps it improve the process of secretion of enzymes and intestinal juices on a regular and natural basis, and protects it from infection.

When adding cardamom to tea, it gives it strength to treat headaches caused by indigestion. The strong aroma of cardamom has an effective ability to treat bad breath when some seeds are chewed for a short period. It is used in the treatment of urinary and reproductive disorders when mixed with a teaspoon of banana leaf and taken 3 times daily.

It treats kidney inflammation because it removes toxic substances from it and also rids it of the accumulated calcium and urea salts that exceed the body’s need. Cardamom is effective in treating cases of burning and hard urine and in treating depression when boiled and added to tea. It is used to treat impotence and weak ejaculation of sperm. It gives effective results when mixed with milk and bee honey.

When mixed with cinnamon, it treats cases of inflammation of the pharynx, throat, tonsils or the fleshy part of the end of the tongue and roughness of the voice when taken in the non-infectious stage of influenza.

It prevents hiccups by making a mixture made by boiling a quantity of its ground seeds with a cup of water and containing five leaves of mint and drinking this mixture to get rid of hiccups. It is known about cardamom that many countries use it for many purposes, especially in cooking, as it gives some foods such as curry, cake, bread and coffee a delicious flavor.

The essential oils in cardamom are used for pharmaceutical purposes to make some medicines. Cardamom oils are added to perfume ingredients to give them their distinct aroma when preparing them. Cardamom is characterized by its tremendous ability to cleanse the body of toxins because it contains detoxifying ingredients. It helps in treating cases of muscle spasms, coughing, and general weakness in the body.

If you have a sore throat, you should eat a small amount of this enormous spice. Cardamom oils are added to perfume ingredients to give them a distinctive aroma when preparing them. Cardamom is characterized by its tremendous ability to cleanse the body of toxins because it contains detoxifying ingredients. It improves the activity of blood circulation and its access to the lungs.

Cardamom helps get rid of bad breath. Useful for those who suffer from various types of respiratory allergies. People who suffer from nausea and excessive stress should use cardamom and they will get great results. Cardamom treats mouth ulcers and bacterial infection in the urethra.

Cardamom oil is used to protect the body from bacteria and rot, as it contains anti-inflammatory properties, and its components are considered safe for use. It is used as a mouthwash by adding a few drops of oils extracted from it to the water, as it protects the mouth from tooth decay and germs. It can be added to drinking water to kill germs. It is added to foods to provide them with a distinctive flavor and protect them from spoilage.

Cardamom has a great ability to give the body warmth and raise its temperature to an appropriate degree that helps it in the process of regular sweating. The amount of cardamom required for the body depends on the physiological state of the person and the diseases that must be treated or cured.

Cumin: It is used in all kitchens of the world, and is used in preparing cereal dishes such as beans and chickpeas, and with vegetables and fish. is a spice and appetizer, that is used in preparing of some types of bread and pies, and in preparing soup and curry.

To prepare a soup, cook a quantity of cumin with a little roasted flour in water, then filter through a sieve and serve hot. Cumin is also added to some pies and desserts.

Ginger: a root plant that has a pungent taste and pungent smell. It can be used fresh, dried, or in the form of oil. It is used in American, Arab and Asian cuisine. It is used in preparing many dishes such as sweets, with tea and Arabic coffee, and seasoning some meat and chicken dishes. 

Ginger is one of the herbs for slimming is ginger, which is one of the healthy foods that are effective in losing weight. It is high in fiber and thus facilitates bowel movement, and helps lower cholesterol levels. It helps prevent stomach ulcers by promoting mucus secretion, improves and helps digestion, as it contains enzymes that act as catalysts for proteins to secrete digestive enzymes and increase the pH of the stomach.

Ginger is used to prevent nausea, especially morning sickness, when pregnant. It allows and helps the blood vessels to expand, thus helping to improve blood circulation, and this can greatly enhance the metabolism. It has been found that people who eat ginger can lose up to 20% more fat than people who do not eat it. Although ginger is one of the effective herbs for weight loss, overeating has may cause some side effects, as it may cause nausea, allergy, gastrointestinal disorders.

Turmeric: a root plant that is dried and ground. It is used in Indian and Arab cuisine. It is used in the preparation of some spice mixtures such as masala. It is usually used to give food a yellow color. It can be a substitute for saffron in some recipes, and it is used in preparing rice and vegetable dishes. 

Clove: is used as a kind of spice in the preparation of many foods, whether in its whole form or after grinding. It is also used as a soothing drink or added to tea. The whole form of the clove is usually used in cooking meat and making syrup, while the ground clove is used in baking, perfumery, and some medicinal purposes.

Black Pepper: or paprika is one of the types of spices used in Mexican, Spanish and Asian cuisine, including what is hot, sweet or smoked. It is used in preparing stews, seasoning meat and vegetables, and some sandwiches.

Black pepper is native to southern India, and is widely cultivated there and elsewhere in the tropics. Dried pepper powder has been used since ancient times both for its flavor and as a traditional medicine. 

Black pepper is the most widely traded spice in the world. It is one of the most common spices added to European cuisine and beyond. The spiciness of black pepper is due to the chemical piperine, and it should not be confused with capsaicin, which gives pepper its spicy flavour. Regular use of black pepper has great benefits in promoting heart health, as it contains piperine, which helps protect against infections and regulate blood pressure. 

Black pepper also helps keep arteries clean by removing excess cholesterol from the walls and vessels in the heart, which contributes to It protects against atherosclerosis, which leads to heart attacks and strokes. It is considered a natural remedy. It has high-quality anti-inflammatory properties. Black pepper is a natural expectorant that helps break up mucus and phlegm deposits in the respiratory tract due to colds.

Black pepper is a high-quality aphrodisiac. Putting a little black pepper on a glass of milk has an effective role in increasing the ability to withstand the effort exerted during sexual intercourse, as it works on the synthesis of nitric oxide in the perforation of the layer of blood vessels. Nitric oxide mainly affects the Sex drive, especially when an erection increases sex drive in men.

Black pepper contains antibacterial and antibacterial properties, and it prevents the spread of bacteria in the mouth, thus helping to prevent tooth decay, and using it directly on the affected teeth reduces the pain and annoying gum diseases.

Paprika: a type of spice prepared by grinding the dried fruits of Annuum peppers, such as green peppers or hot peppers. In some countries of Europe, the word paprika is used for green peppers. The spice is used in many kitchens to add color and flavor to food. Paprika can range from sweet to hot. Flavors may also vary from town to town.

Paprika is a type of spice made from ground and dried peppers, either of the bell pepper or hot pepper, or a mixture of both. This spice is used in many cuisines to add color and flavor to dishes, but it is usually associated with Hungary, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Morocco, as well as Spain and Portugal, the last two countries having the introduction of Capsicum annual to the old world from the Americas. 

The use of this plant expanded very rapidly from Iberia to parts of Africa and Asia and recently reached the heart of Europe through the Balkans, which was under Ottoman rule, and this explains the Slavic origin of this modern English term. 

In Spain, paprika has been known as sweet pepper since the early 16th century, when it had become a typical ingredient in the cuisines of the western region of Spain. Although Spain has been in the heart of Europe since the beginning of the Ottoman conquest, it has not spread in Hungary until a hundred years from now.

Nowadays, paprika varies between sweet and hot, and the flavors vary from one country to another, but all types of cultivated plants produce sweet fruits. Sweet paprika is mostly found in the fruit shell, where no more than half contains seeds, while hot paprika contains some seeds, placenta, hemp, and peduncles. In many European languages ​​other than English, the word paprika refers to the pepper itself.

Garam Masala: is an essential blend of ground spices common in India and other South Asian cuisines. It is used alone or with other spices. The content of Garam Masala varies regionally, with a wide variety across India. 

Some common ingredients are black and white peppercorns, garlic cloves, bay leaf, long pepper, black cumin, cumin seed and cinnamon; Black, brown and green cardamom, nutmeg, anise and coriander seeds. Various combinations of these and other spices are used in regional variations of Garam Masala and none is more authentic than the other.

Some recipes call for mixing the spices with the herbs, while others call for grinding the spices with water, vinegar or other liquids such as coconut milk to make a paste. In some other recipes, coconut, onion or garlic may be added. Flavors may be carefully mixed to achieve a balanced effect, or one flavor may be overpowered in some cases for special dishes where this is desired. Diamonds are usually cooked only before use to release their aromas and flavours.

The Garam Masala can be obtained as a commercially prepared powdered mixture of spices. Many commercial blends may include cheaper spices that may contain dried red hot peppers, dried garlic, ginger powder, sesame, mustard seeds, turmeric, coriander, bay leaves, star anise and fennel. 

Although the ingredients of the Garam Masala can be purchased ready-made ground, as with all ground spices, they do not keep well and quickly lose their aroma. Healthy spices, which keep fresh longer, can be ground as needed using a mortar and pestle or an electric coffee grinder. 

When commercial Garam Masala is used in dishes it is usually added at the end of cooking so that it retains its full aroma. Intact Garam Masala is added early to the cooking fat, whether it is oil or ghee, for more pungent flavour. For a deeper flavour, many Pakistani and Indian chefs do not use commercial ground garam masala and insist on making their own garam masala from healthy spices and herbs.

The order in which seasonings are added to food can be very precise in some dishes. For example, in the case of sheep meat cooked with cream, butter and spices, coriander, ginger and pepper are ground separately. 

Also in the chicken curry the work steps are precise. First, fry the chicken and remove from the pan. Add the onion, garlic and fresh ginger to the skillet and cook slowly for 8–10 minutes. Then add cumin powder, turmeric and coriander, add cayenne pepper and fennel with water and fry for a minute or so. Next, add the tomato with coriander, yoghurt and salt. Return the chicken to the pan and add more water. Finally sprinkle some Garam Masala, cover the bowl tightly and leave the mixture to simmer for another 25 minutes before serving.

Wasabi: the roots are used to make spices as they have a very strong flavour. Its flavor is closer to hot mustard than to capsaicin in hot peppers, as it produces fumes that stimulate the nasal passages more than the tongue. Wasabi grows along streams in mountain valleys in Japan.

Wasabi is sold either in the form of roots that must be grated well before use, or in the form of a ready-to-use paste. Once the paste is prepared, it must be kept covered until it is served to the consumer in order to protect the flavor from evaporating. For this reason, sushi chefs usually put wasabi on the table with fish and rice.

Fresh wasabi leaves can be eaten as they have some of the spicy flavor found in wasabi roots. The burning sensation it can produce is short-lived compared to the effects of hot peppers, especially when water is used to remove the flavor of the spice.

Inhaling wasabi vapor has the effect of ammonia, and this property has been exploited by researchers in an attempt to create a smoke alarm for the deaf. In a prototype test, a deaf person was awakened within 10 seconds by spraying wasabi vapor into his bedroom. Wasabi is also often served with sushi or sashimi, along with soy sauce. They may be mixed to form a single dipping sauce. 

Chili Pepper: is used extensively in many cuisines as a seasoning to add heat to dishes. The substances that give chili peppers their potency when ingested or applied topically are capsaicin and related compounds. Chili peppers originated in Mexico. After the Columbian exchange, spreading to Europe and Asia in the 16th century, many varieties of chili spread throughout the world, and are used in both food and traditional medicine.

There are several types of chili pepper and they are all grown in North America and Europe are believed to be derived from Capsicum annuals, and have white, yellow, red, or purple to black fruits. It is used as a type of spice, although it is also considered a vegetable. 

Chili pepper functions as a digestive and tonic for digestive juices with an effect on blood fats and tonic for blood vessels. It is a carminative, diaphoretic, useful in asthma, cold, bronchitis, tonic, anti-tumor, regenerator of immune system cells in blood, spleen and lymph tissue, stimulant to secrete antibody compounds that improve the immune system. Chili pepper is rich in Vitamin C and cold-fighting antioxidants.

Chili peppers can be eaten as they are, grilled or roasted. To roast the pepper, put it on a grill, then stir until all sides are black, then take it and put it in a bowl, cover and leave it for about 10 minutes, then remove the black charred layer on it, then the pepper is ready to be chopped and added to food or eaten directly.

To roast it, preheat the oven to a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius, then put the peppercorns on a tray and grease it with olive oil, then put it in the oven, and leave for around 25 minutes until the peppers are tender and a charred layer appears on all sides, then they are taken out of the oven and left to cool, then The peel is removed and it is ready.

Herbal Supplements

Natural herbal supplements are food supplements that contain one or more types of natural herbs, and are sold in many forms; Such as tablets, capsules, tea, extracts, powders, or in the form of a fresh or dried plant, and it is worth noting that eating herbs in their natural form is better than taking nutritional supplements that contain them, unless the doctors’ recommendations are otherwise. 

It should be noted that the absence or decrease of governmental oversight, in addition to the lack of regulation related to nutritional supplements; It makes the contents of these supplements not guaranteed, as they can contain unhealthy additives, or contain a smaller amount than what is written on them, and some supplements can conflict with some medications or cause harmful effects, so it is advised to consult a doctor before taking any of these supplements. 

It is also advised not to exceed the recommended dose, and pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using herbal supplements unless advised by the doctor. As for children, they should consult the doctor before using any alternative health methods, and ask him about their effectiveness or the risks that they can cause to the child.

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